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Release 3.0

Class SystemBaseAction

  extended by 

      extended by 

          extended by 

              extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
IAction, ISelectionChangedListener, ISystemAction
Direct Known Subclasses:
SystemBaseDialogAction, SystemBaseDummyAction, SystemBaseSubMenuAction, SystemCopyToClipboardAction, SystemPasteFromClipboardAction, SystemRefreshAction, SystemRefreshAllAction, SystemTablePrintAction

public class SystemBaseAction
extends Action
implements ISystemAction

A suggested base class for remote systems related actions.

What this offers beyond the basic Action class:

  • Support for setting label and tooltip and description from a resource bundle and single key prefix, from which each string is derived by appending ".label", ".tooltip" and ".description" to the prefix.
  • Support for setting and retrieving the shell from which the action is launched. Can be set in the parent, or passed as null there and set later via setShell. Retrieve via getShell.
  • Support actions that are selection-dependent, but need not be informed of every selection change. For performance reasons, only track selections if the action is displayed in the toolbar where state change needs to be visible. For popup actions, we only need to be informed of the currently selection at the time the popup is built. Popup menu builders call selectionChanged in this class at popup population time, so you need only subclass this method. However, even that is made easier. The default implementation of this method in this class converts the selection to an IStructuredSelection, and calls an overridable method named updateSelection passing the structured selection. The action is enabled or disabled based on the returned boolean value. Just override updateSelection to enable or disable based on selection. Indeed, the default implementation of the updateSelection method is to return the result of AND-ED result of calling checkObjectType on each item in the selection. So the easiest thing you can do to enable/disable is to override checkObjectType.
  • Support actions that are selection-dependent and need to be informed of every selection change as it happens. To enable this, simply call setSelectionProvider to supply the GUI object such as a viewer which fires the selection changed events we wish to monitor for. For the Remote System Explorer viewer, we would get call setSelectionProvider(SystemViewPlugin.getSystemView());
  • Support for actions that are only to be enabled when a single item is selected. To enable this and save from testing for it yourself, simply call the method allowOnMultipleSelection(false). The default is true, multiple selections are allowed.
  • Support for disabling actions when the corresponding SystemConnection for the selected object is offline. The SystemConnection can be automatically determined for some of the common objects (subsystems, IRemoteFiles), for others you must set the SystemConnection for this offline support.
There are many constructors but they can be broken down into permutations of the following info:
  • Label, tooltip and description. These can be supplied as strings, or via resource bundle and key. This requires four flavors of constructor to except varying of these four pieces of information.
  • Images. There are four flavors of constructors that take an image, and four identical that do not.

To use this dialog, subclass it and override the following methods

  • run(), where you place the code to do the actual work when this action is invoked.
  • updateSelection(IStructuredSelection), for selection sensitive actions. This is your first opporunity to enable/disable the action when the selection changes, by looking at the given selection and returning true or false. The default implementation calls checkObjectType for each selected object.
  • checkObjectType(Object), for selection sensitive actions. This is your second opporunity to enable/disable the action when the selection changes, by looking at each individual selected object, and returning true or false.

    In addition to the methods you must override, you can optionally call various methods to configure this action:

  • setInputs(Shell, Viewer,ISelection) or setShell(Shell) and setViewer(Viewer) and setSelection(ISelection). These methods are called by the RSE viewers for context menu actions, and can be called directly for actions used in other contexts.
  • setSelectionProvider(ISelectionProvider), for those cases when your action monitors for selection changes (pull) versus being told about them (push) via setSelection. This is less efficient, and should only be used for selection-dependent actions in toolbars and pull-down menus, versus popup menus.
  • setHelp(String) to set the ID of the F1 context help for this action.
  • setContextMenuGroup(String) to set the menu group in which to place this action, when used in menus.
  • allowOnMultipleSelection(boolean) to specify if this action is to be enabled or disabled when multiple objects are selected. The default is disabled.
  • setSelectionSensitive(boolean) to specify if this action's enabled state is not sensitive to what is currently selected.

    Further, the code you write can use the properties captured by this action and retrievable by the getter methods supplied by this class.

    See Also:
    ISystemAction, SystemBaseDialogAction, SystemBaseWizardAction

    Field Summary
    protected  boolean allowOnMultipleSelection
    protected   Cursor arrowCursor
    protected   String helpId
    protected  boolean selectionSensitive
    protected   Shell shell
    protected   IStructuredSelection sSelection
    protected  boolean traceSelections
    protected   String traceTarget
    protected   Viewer viewer
    protected   Cursor waitCursor
    Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.action. IAction
    Constructor Summary
    SystemBaseAction ( String text, ImageDescriptor image, Shell shell)
              Constructor for SystemBaseAction when translated label is known.
    SystemBaseAction ( String text, Shell shell)
              Used for actions with no image icon.
    SystemBaseAction ( String text, String tooltip, ImageDescriptor image, Shell parent)
              Constructor for SystemBaseAction when translated label and tooltip are known.
    SystemBaseAction ( String text, String tooltip, Shell shell)
              Used for actions with no image icon.
    SystemBaseAction ( String text, String tooltip, String description, ImageDescriptor image, int style, Shell shell)
              Constructor for SystemBaseAction when translated label and tooltip and description are all known.
    SystemBaseAction ( String text, String tooltip, String description, ImageDescriptor image, Shell shell)
              Constructor for SystemBaseAction when translated label and tooltip and description are all known.
    SystemBaseAction ( String text, String tooltip, String description, Shell shell)
              Used for actions with no image icon.
    Method Summary
     void allowOnMultipleSelection (boolean allow)
              This method is supplied for actions that are to be enable even when more than one item is selected.
     boolean checkObjectType ( Object selectedObject)
              Second and easiest opportunity to decide if the action should be enabled or not based on the current selection.
      String getContextMenuGroup ()
              Get the context menu group this action is to go into, for popup menus.
    protected   ISystemTree getCurrentTreeView ()
              Return the current viewer as an ISystemTree if it is one, or null otherwise
    protected   Object getFirstSelection ()
              Return first item currently selected, as per last call to selectionChanged.
      String getHelpContextId ()
              Retrieve the help id for this action
    protected   Object getNextSelection ()
              Return next item currently selection, as per last call to selectionChanged.
    protected   ISystemRemoteElementAdapter getRemoteAdapter ( Object o)
              Returns the implementation of ISystemRemoteElement for the given object.
      IStructuredSelection getSelection ()
              Return current selection, as per last call to selectionChanged.
      ISelectionProvider getSelectionProvider ()
              Return value of last call to getSelectionProvider.
      Shell getShell ()
              Retrieves the parent shell for this action.
    protected   Shell getShell (boolean doTest)
              Retrieves the parent shell for this action.
      IHost getSystemConnection ()
              Return the system connection which is the parent of whatever is currently selected.
    protected   ISystemViewElementAdapter getViewAdapter ( Object o)
              Returns the implementation of ISystemViewElement for the given object.
      Viewer getViewer ()
              Get the Viewer that called this action.
     boolean isDummy ()
              Return if true if this is a dummy action
     boolean isEnabled ()
              Disables this action if offline mode, otherwise delegates to the super class.
     boolean isSelectionSensitive ()
              Return whether this action is selection-sensitive.
    protected  void issueTraceMessage ( String msg)
              Issue trace message
     void run ()
              This is the method called when the user selects this action.
     void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event)
              This is called when the user selects something in the tree.
     void setAvailableOffline (boolean availableOffline)
              If this is one of those rare actions that is to be made available in offline mode, then call this during or immediately after constructing to state that.
     void setBusyCursor (boolean setBusy)
              Set the cursor to the wait cursor (true) or restores it to the normal cursor (false).
     void setContextMenuGroup ( String group)
              Set the context menu group this action is to go into, for popup menus.
    protected  void setDisplayCursor ( Cursor c)
              Sets the given cursor for all shells currently active for this window's display.
    static void setDisplayCursor ( Shell shell, Cursor c)
              Sets the given cursor for all shells currently active for the given shell's display.
     void setHelp ( String id)
              Set the help id for the action
     void setHost ( IHost connection)
              Set the SystemConnection used by this action for disabling the action in offline mode, or for whatever reason subclasses may need it.
     void setInputs ( Shell shell, Viewer v, ISelection selection)
              An optimization for performance reasons that allows all inputs to be set in one call
     void setSelection ( ISelection selection)
              This is called by the UI calling the action, if that UI is not a selection provider.
     void setSelectionProvider ( ISelectionProvider provider)
              Identify the UI object that will be used to get the selection list from.
     void setSelectionSensitive (boolean sensitive)
              Specify whether this action is selection-sensitive.
     void setShell ( Shell shell)
              Sets the parent shell for this action.
    protected  void setTracing (boolean tracing)
              Turn on tracing for selections, shell and viewer to watch as it is set
    protected  void setTracing ( String tracingClassTarget)
              Turn on tracing for selections, shell and viewer to watch as it is set, scoped to a particular class name (will use indexOf('xxx') to match).
     void setViewer ( Viewer v)
              Set the Viewer that called this action.
     boolean updateSelection ( IStructuredSelection selection)
              First opportunity to decide if the action should be enabled or not based on the current selection.
    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.action. Action
    convertAccelerator, convertAccelerator, findKeyCode, findKeyString, findModifier, findModifierString, getAccelerator, getActionDefinitionId, getDescription, getDisabledImageDescriptor, getHelpListener, getHoverImageDescriptor, getId, getImageDescriptor, getMenuCreator, getStyle, getText, getToolTipText, isChecked, isHandled, notifyResult, removeAcceleratorText, removeMnemonics, runWithEvent, setAccelerator, setActionDefinitionId, setChecked, setDescription, setDisabledImageDescriptor, setEnabled, setHelpListener, setHoverImageDescriptor, setId, setImageDescriptor, setMenuCreator, setText, setToolTipText
    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.action. AbstractAction
    addPropertyChangeListener, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, removePropertyChangeListener
    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.core.commands.common. EventManager
    addListenerObject, clearListeners, getListeners, isListenerAttached, removeListenerObject
    Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.action. IAction
    addPropertyChangeListener, getAccelerator, getActionDefinitionId, getDescription, getDisabledImageDescriptor, getHelpListener, getHoverImageDescriptor, getId, getImageDescriptor, getMenuCreator, getStyle, getText, getToolTipText, isChecked, isHandled, removePropertyChangeListener, runWithEvent, setAccelerator, setActionDefinitionId, setChecked, setDescription, setDisabledImageDescriptor, setEnabled, setHelpListener, setHoverImageDescriptor, setId, setImageDescriptor, setMenuCreator, setText, setToolTipText

    Field Detail


    Shell shell


    protected boolean allowOnMultipleSelection


    IStructuredSelection sSelection


    protected boolean selectionSensitive


    protected boolean traceSelections


    String traceTarget


    Viewer viewer


    String helpId


    Cursor waitCursor


    Cursor arrowCursor
    Constructor Detail


    public SystemBaseAction(
    String text,
    ImageDescriptor image,
    Shell shell)
    Constructor for SystemBaseAction when translated label is known. You must separately call setToolTipText and setDescription to enable these if desired.

    text - string to display in menu or toolbar
    image - icon to display in menu or toolbar. Can be null.
    shell - Shell of parent window. Can be null if you don't know it, but call setShell when you do.


    public SystemBaseAction(
    String text,
    String tooltip,
    ImageDescriptor image,
    Shell parent)
    Constructor for SystemBaseAction when translated label and tooltip are known. You must separately call setDescription to enable this if desired.

    text - string to display in menu or toolbar
    tooltip - string to display when user hovers mouse over action.
    image - icon to display in menu or toolbar. Can be null.
    parent - Shell of parent window. Can be null if you don't know it, but call setShell when you do.


    public SystemBaseAction(
    String text,
    String tooltip,
    String description,
    ImageDescriptor image,
    Shell shell)
    Constructor for SystemBaseAction when translated label and tooltip and description are all known.

    text - string to display in menu or toolbar
    tooltip - string to display when user hovers mouse over action.
    description - string displayed in status bar of some displays. Longer than tooltip.
    image - icon to display in menu or toolbar. Can be null.
    shell - Shell of parent window. Can be null if you don't know it, but call setShell when you do.


    public SystemBaseAction(
    String text,
    String tooltip,
    String description,
    ImageDescriptor image,
                            int style,
    Shell shell)
    Constructor for SystemBaseAction when translated label and tooltip and description are all known.

    text - string to display in menu or toolbar
    tooltip - string to display when user hovers mouse over action.
    description - string displayed in status bar of some displays. Longer than tooltip.
    image - icon to display in menu or toolbar. Can be null.
    shell - Shell of parent window. Can be null if you don't know it, but call setShell when you do.


    public SystemBaseAction(
    String text,
    Shell shell)
    Used for actions with no image icon. Constructor for SystemBaseAction when translated label is known. You must separately call setToolTipText and setDescription to enable these if desired.

    text - string to display in menu or toolbar
    shell - Shell of parent window. Can be null if you don't know it, but call setShell when you do.


    public SystemBaseAction(
    String text,
    String tooltip,
    Shell shell)
    Used for actions with no image icon. Constructor for SystemBaseAction when translated label and tooltip are known. You must separately call setDescription to enable this if desired.

    text - string to display in menu or toolbar
    tooltip - string to display when user hovers mouse over action.
    shell - Shell of parent window. Can be null if you don't know it, but call setShell when you do.


    public SystemBaseAction(
    String text,
    String tooltip,
    String description,
    Shell shell)
    Used for actions with no image icon. Constructor for SystemBaseAction when translated label and tooltip and description are all known.

    text - string to display in menu or toolbar
    tooltip - string to display when user hovers mouse over action.
    description - string displayed in status bar of some displays. Longer than tooltip.
    shell - Shell of parent window. Can be null if you don't know it, but call setShell when you do.
    Method Detail


    public void setBusyCursor(boolean setBusy)
    Set the cursor to the wait cursor (true) or restores it to the normal cursor (false).


    protected void setDisplayCursor(
    Cursor c)
    Sets the given cursor for all shells currently active for this window's display.

    c - the cursor


    public static void setDisplayCursor(
    Shell shell,
    Cursor c)
    Sets the given cursor for all shells currently active for the given shell's display.

    c - the cursor


    protected void setTracing(boolean tracing)
    Turn on tracing for selections, shell and viewer to watch as it is set


    protected void setTracing(
    String tracingClassTarget)
    Turn on tracing for selections, shell and viewer to watch as it is set, scoped to a particular class name (will use indexOf('xxx') to match).


    protected void issueTraceMessage(
    String msg)
    Issue trace message


    ISystemViewElementAdapter getViewAdapter(
    Object o)
    Returns the implementation of ISystemViewElement for the given object. Returns null if the adapter is not defined or the object is not adaptable.


    ISystemRemoteElementAdapter getRemoteAdapter(
    Object o)
    Returns the implementation of ISystemRemoteElement for the given object. Returns null if this object does not adaptable to this.


    public void setInputs(
    Shell shell,
    Viewer v,
    ISelection selection)
    An optimization for performance reasons that allows all inputs to be set in one call

    Specified by:
    setInputs in interface ISystemAction


    public void setShell(
    Shell shell)
    Sets the parent shell for this action. Usually context dependent.

    Specified by:
    setShell in interface ISystemAction


    public void setViewer(
    Viewer v)
    Set the Viewer that called this action. It is good practice for viewers to call this so actions can directly access them if needed.

    Specified by:
    setViewer in interface ISystemAction


    public void selectionChanged(
    SelectionChangedEvent event)
    This is called when the user selects something in the tree. This is your opportunity to disable the action based on the current selection. The default implementation of this method:
    • Disables the action if the selection is not a structured selection. Should never happen.
    • Disables the action if more than one item is selected and allowOnMultipleSelection is false.
    • Converts the selection to a structured selection and calls updateSelection. Uses returned boolean value to setEnabled() this action.

    Specified by:
    selectionChanged in interface ISelectionChangedListener


    public void setSelection(
    ISelection selection)
    This is called by the UI calling the action, if that UI is not a selection provider. That is, this is an alternative to calling selectionChanged when there is no SelectionChangedEvent.

    Specified by:
    setSelection in interface ISystemAction
    See Also:
    selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event)


    public void setSelectionProvider(
    ISelectionProvider provider)
    Identify the UI object that will be used to get the selection list from. Only call this if your action is displayed in a toolbar or non-popup menu, as it will impact performance. It results in your action getting called every time the user changes his selection in the given provider viewer.


    public void setHelp(
    String id)
    Set the help id for the action

    Specified by:
    setHelp in interface ISystemAction


    public void setContextMenuGroup(
    String group)
    Set the context menu group this action is to go into, for popup menus. If not set, someone else will make this decision.

    Specified by:
    setContextMenuGroup in interface ISystemAction


    public void allowOnMultipleSelection(boolean allow)
    This method is supplied for actions that are to be enable even when more than one item is selected. The default is to only enable on single selections.

    Specified by:
    allowOnMultipleSelection in interface ISystemAction


    public void setSelectionSensitive(boolean sensitive)
    Specify whether this action is selection-sensitive. The default is true. This means the enabled state is tested and set when the selection is set.

    Specified by:
    setSelectionSensitive in interface ISystemAction


    public boolean updateSelection(
    IStructuredSelection selection)
    First opportunity to decide if the action should be enabled or not based on the current selection. Called by default implementation of selectionChanged, which converts the ISelection to an IStructuredSelection, which is all we support. The return result is used to enable or disable this action.

    The default implementation of this method:

    • Returns false if calling checkObjectType on any object in the selection list returns false.
    • Returns true otherwise.
    If desired, override this method for a different algorithm to decide enablement.


    public boolean checkObjectType(
    Object selectedObject)
    Second and easiest opportunity to decide if the action should be enabled or not based on the current selection. Called by default implementation of updateSelection, once for each item in the selection. If any call to this returns false, the action is disabled. The default implementation returns true.


    public void run()
    This is the method called when the user selects this action. Child classes need to override this. If you need the parent shell, call getShell. If you need to know the current selection, call getSelection(), or getFirstSelection() followed by getNextSelection() until null is returned.

    Specified by:
    run in interface IAction
    run in class Action
    See Also:


    public boolean isDummy()
    Return if true if this is a dummy action

    Specified by:
    isDummy in interface ISystemAction


    String getHelpContextId()
    Retrieve the help id for this action

    Specified by:
    getHelpContextId in interface ISystemAction


    Shell getShell()
    Retrieves the parent shell for this action. Will be null if setShell has not been called.

    Specified by:
    getShell in interface ISystemAction


    Shell getShell(boolean doTest)
    Retrieves the parent shell for this action. Will be null if setShell has not been called. Method for subclasses that want to call this and not do the test for null.


    Viewer getViewer()
    Get the Viewer that called this action. Not guaranteed to be set, depends if that viewer called setViewer or not. SystemView does.

    Specified by:
    getViewer in interface ISystemAction


    ISystemTree getCurrentTreeView()
    Return the current viewer as an ISystemTree if it is one, or null otherwise


    String getContextMenuGroup()
    Get the context menu group this action is to go into, for popup menus. By default is null, meaning there is no recommendation

    Specified by:
    getContextMenuGroup in interface ISystemAction


    public boolean isSelectionSensitive()
    Return whether this action is selection-sensitive. The default is true. This means the enabled state is tested and set when the selection is set.

    Specified by:
    isSelectionSensitive in interface ISystemAction


    ISelectionProvider getSelectionProvider()
    Return value of last call to getSelectionProvider.


    IStructuredSelection getSelection()
    Return current selection, as per last call to selectionChanged.

    Specified by:
    getSelection in interface ISystemAction


    Object getFirstSelection()
    Return first item currently selected, as per last call to selectionChanged. This is handy for actions where allowOnMultipleSelection is false. This method also starts a new iterator, and after you can call getNextSelection() until it returns null. This is handy for actions where allowOnMultipleSelection is true.

    See Also:


    Object getNextSelection()
    Return next item currently selection, as per last call to selectionChanged. YOU MUST HAVE CALLED GETFIRSTSELECTION() PRIOR TO CALLING THIS. Your code can loop until this returns null.

    See Also:


    public boolean isEnabled()
    Disables this action if offline mode, otherwise delegates to the super class.

    Specified by:
    isEnabled in interface IAction
    isEnabled in class Action
    See Also:


    public void setAvailableOffline(boolean availableOffline)
    If this is one of those rare actions that is to be made available in offline mode, then call this during or immediately after constructing to state that. The default is false.


    public void setHost(
    IHost connection)
    Set the SystemConnection used by this action for disabling the action in offline mode, or for whatever reason subclasses may need it.


    IHost getSystemConnection()
    Return the system connection which is the parent of whatever is currently selected.

    Release 3.0

    Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

      Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire