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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class CheckboxTreeViewer

  extended by 

      extended by 

          extended by 

              extended by 

                  extended by 

                      extended by 

                          extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
ICheckable, IInputProvider, IInputSelectionProvider, IPostSelectionProvider, ISelectionProvider
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class CheckboxTreeViewer
extends TreeViewer
implements ICheckable

A concrete tree-structured viewer based on an SWT Tree control with checkboxes on each node.

This class supports setting an ICheckStateProvider to set the checkbox states. To see standard SWT behavior, view SWT Snippet274.

This class is not intended to be subclassed outside the viewer framework. It is designed to be instantiated with a pre-existing SWT tree control and configured with a domain-specific content provider, label provider, element filter (optional), and element sorter (optional).

This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. StructuredViewer
StructuredViewer.ColorAndFontCollector, StructuredViewer.ColorAndFontCollectorWithProviders
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. AbstractTreeViewer
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. Viewer
Constructor Summary
CheckboxTreeViewer ( Composite parent)
          Creates a tree viewer on a newly-created tree control under the given parent.
CheckboxTreeViewer ( Composite parent, int style)
          Creates a tree viewer on a newly-created tree control under the given parent.
CheckboxTreeViewer ( Tree tree)
          Creates a tree viewer on the given tree control.
Method Summary
 void addCheckStateListener ( ICheckStateListener listener)
          Adds a listener for changes to the checked state of elements in this viewer.
protected  void doUpdateItem ( Item item, Object element)
          Copies the attributes of the given element into the given SWT item.
protected  void fireCheckStateChanged ( CheckStateChangedEvent event)
          Notifies any check state listeners that the check state of an element has changed.
 boolean getChecked ( Object element)
          Returns the checked state of the given element.
  Object[] getCheckedElements ()
          Returns a list of checked elements in this viewer's tree, including currently hidden ones that are marked as checked but are under a collapsed ancestor.
 boolean getGrayed ( Object element)
          Returns the grayed state of the given element.
  Object[] getGrayedElements ()
          Returns a list of grayed elements in this viewer's tree, including currently hidden ones that are marked as grayed but are under a collapsed ancestor.
protected  void handleDoubleSelect ( SelectionEvent event)
          Handles a double-click select event from the widget.
protected  void handleSelect ( SelectionEvent event)
          Handles a select event from the widget.
protected  void preservingSelection ( Runnable updateCode)
          Attempts to preserves the current selection across a run of the given code.
 void removeCheckStateListener ( ICheckStateListener listener)
          Removes the given check state listener from this viewer.
 void setAllChecked (boolean state)
          Deprecated. as this method only checks or unchecks visible items is is recommended that setSubtreeChecked(Object, boolean) is used instead.
 boolean setChecked ( Object element, boolean state)
          Sets the checked state for the given element in this viewer.
 void setCheckedElements ( Object[] elements)
          Sets which elements are checked in this viewer's tree.
 void setCheckStateProvider ( ICheckStateProvider checkStateProvider)
          Sets the ICheckStateProvider for this CheckboxTreeViewer.
 boolean setGrayChecked ( Object element, boolean state)
          Check and gray the selection rather than calling both setGrayed and setChecked as an optimization.
 boolean setGrayed ( Object element, boolean state)
          Sets the grayed state for the given element in this viewer.
 void setGrayedElements ( Object[] elements)
          Sets which elements are grayed in this viewer's tree.
 boolean setParentsGrayed ( Object element, boolean state)
          Sets the grayed state for the given element and its parents in this viewer.
 boolean setSubtreeChecked ( Object element, boolean state)
          Sets the checked state for the given element and its visible children in this viewer.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. TreeViewer
addTreeListener, assertContentProviderType, createChildren, createViewerEditor, disassociate, doGetColumnCount, editElement, getChild, getChildren, getColumnViewerOwner, getControl, getExpanded, getItemAt, getItemCount, getItemCount, getItems, getLabelProvider, getParentElement, getParentItem, getRawChildren, getSelection, getTree, getViewerRowFromItem, handleTreeCollapse, handleTreeExpand, hookControl, internalAdd, internalInitializeTree, internalRefreshStruct, isExpandable, mapElement, newItem, remove, removeAll, replace, setChildCount, setContentProvider, setExpanded, setHasChildren, setSelection, setSelection, showItem, updatePlus
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. AbstractTreeViewer
add, add, addSelectionListener, addTreeListener, associate, buildLabel, collapseAll, collapseToLevel, createTreeItem, doFindInputItem, doFindItem, doUpdateItem, expandAll, expandToLevel, expandToLevel, fireTreeCollapsed, fireTreeExpanded, getAutoExpandLevel, getChildren, getExpandedElements, getExpandedState, getExpandedTreePaths, getFilteredChildren, getNextItem, getPreviousItem, getSelection, getSelectionFromWidget, getSortedChildren, getTreePathFromItem, getVisibleExpandedElements, indexForElement, inputChanged, insert, internalCollapseToLevel, internalExpand, internalExpandToLevel, internalFindItems, internalGetWidgetToSelect, internalIsInputOrEmptyPath, internalRefresh, internalRefresh, internalRefresh, internalRemove, internalRemove, isSameSelection, labelProviderChanged, remove, remove, remove, removeTreeListener, reveal, scrollDown, scrollUp, setAutoExpandLevel, setExpandedElements, setExpandedState, setExpandedTreePaths, setSelectionToWidget, setSelectionToWidget, updateChildren
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. ColumnViewer
applyEditorValue, cancelEditing, checkBusy, getCell, getCellEditors, getCellModifier, getColumnProperties, getColumnViewerEditor, getItem, getLabelProvider, getViewerRow, hookEditingSupport, isBusy, isCellEditorActive, refresh, refresh, setBusy, setCellEditors, setCellModifier, setColumnProperties, setColumnViewerEditor, setLabelProvider, triggerEditorActivationEvent, update
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. StructuredViewer
addDoubleClickListener, addDragSupport, addDropSupport, addFilter, addOpenListener, addPostSelectionChangedListener, assertElementsNotNull, equals, filter, findItem, findItems, fireDoubleClick, fireOpen, firePostSelectionChanged, getColorAndFontCollector, getComparator, getComparer, getFilters, getRoot, getSorter, handleDispose, handleInvalidSelection, handleLabelProviderChanged, handleOpen, handlePostSelect, hasFilters, internalUpdate, needsRefilter, refresh, refresh, refreshItem, removeDoubleClickListener, removeFilter, removeOpenListener, removePostSelectionChangedListener, resetFilters, setComparator, setComparer, setFilters, setInput, setSorter, setUseHashlookup, testFindItem, testFindItems, unmapAllElements, unmapElement, unmapElement, update, updateItem, updateSelection, usingElementMap
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. ContentViewer
getContentProvider, getInput
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. Viewer
addHelpListener, addSelectionChangedListener, fireHelpRequested, fireSelectionChanged, getData, handleHelpRequest, removeHelpListener, removeSelectionChangedListener, setData, setSelection
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers. ISelectionProvider
addSelectionChangedListener, removeSelectionChangedListener, setSelection

Constructor Detail


public CheckboxTreeViewer(
Composite parent)
Creates a tree viewer on a newly-created tree control under the given parent. The tree control is created using the SWT style bits: CHECK and BORDER. The viewer has no input, no content provider, a default label provider, no sorter, and no filters.

parent - the parent control


public CheckboxTreeViewer(
Composite parent,
                          int style)
Creates a tree viewer on a newly-created tree control under the given parent. The tree control is created using the given SWT style bits, plus the CHECK style bit. The viewer has no input, no content provider, a default label provider, no sorter, and no filters.

parent - the parent control
style - the SWT style bits


public CheckboxTreeViewer(
Tree tree)
Creates a tree viewer on the given tree control. The SWT.CHECK style bit must be set on the given tree control. The viewer has no input, no content provider, a default label provider, no sorter, and no filters.

tree - the tree control
Method Detail


public void addCheckStateListener(
ICheckStateListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ICheckable
Adds a listener for changes to the checked state of elements in this viewer. Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.

Specified by:
addCheckStateListener in interface ICheckable
listener - a check state listener


public void setCheckStateProvider(
ICheckStateProvider checkStateProvider)
Sets the ICheckStateProvider for this CheckboxTreeViewer. The check state provider will supply the logic for deciding whether the check box associated with each item should be checked, grayed or unchecked.

checkStateProvider - The provider.


protected void doUpdateItem(
Item item,
Object element)
Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
Copies the attributes of the given element into the given SWT item.

doUpdateItem in class AbstractTreeViewer
item - the SWT item
element - the element


protected void fireCheckStateChanged(
CheckStateChangedEvent event)
Notifies any check state listeners that the check state of an element has changed. Only listeners registered at the time this method is called are notified.

event - a check state changed event
See Also:


public boolean getChecked(
Object element)
Description copied from interface: ICheckable
Returns the checked state of the given element.

Specified by:
getChecked in interface ICheckable
element - the element
true if the element is checked, and false if not checked


Object[] getCheckedElements()
Returns a list of checked elements in this viewer's tree, including currently hidden ones that are marked as checked but are under a collapsed ancestor.

This method is typically used when preserving the interesting state of a viewer; setCheckedElements is used during the restore.

the array of checked elements
See Also:


public boolean getGrayed(
Object element)
Returns the grayed state of the given element.

element - the element
true if the element is grayed, and false if not grayed


Object[] getGrayedElements()
Returns a list of grayed elements in this viewer's tree, including currently hidden ones that are marked as grayed but are under a collapsed ancestor.

This method is typically used when preserving the interesting state of a viewer; setGrayedElements is used during the restore.

the array of grayed elements
See Also:


protected void handleDoubleSelect(
SelectionEvent event)
Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
Handles a double-click select event from the widget.

This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call this method.

handleDoubleSelect in class AbstractTreeViewer
event - the SWT selection event


protected void handleSelect(
SelectionEvent event)
Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
Handles a select event from the widget.

This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call this method.

handleSelect in class StructuredViewer
event - the SWT selection event


protected void preservingSelection(
Runnable updateCode)
Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
Attempts to preserves the current selection across a run of the given code. This method should not preserve the selection if {link #getPreserveSelection()} returns false.

The default implementation of this method:

  • discovers the old selection (via getSelection)
  • runs the given runnable
  • attempts to restore the old selection (using setSelectionToWidget
  • rediscovers the resulting selection (via getSelection)
  • calls handleInvalidSelection if the resulting selection is different from the old selection

preservingSelection in class StructuredViewer
updateCode - the code to run see #getPreserveSelection()


public void removeCheckStateListener(
ICheckStateListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ICheckable
Removes the given check state listener from this viewer. Has no effect if an identical listener is not registered.

Specified by:
removeCheckStateListener in interface ICheckable
listener - a check state listener


public boolean setChecked(
Object element,
                          boolean state)
Description copied from interface: ICheckable
Sets the checked state for the given element in this viewer. Does not fire events to check state listeners.

Specified by:
setChecked in interface ICheckable
element - the element
state - true if the item should be checked, and false if it should be unchecked
true if the checked state could be set, and false otherwise


public void setCheckedElements(
Object[] elements)
Sets which elements are checked in this viewer's tree. The given list contains the elements that are to be checked; all other elements are to be unchecked. Does not fire events to check state listeners.

This method is typically used when restoring the interesting state of a viewer captured by an earlier call to getCheckedElements.

elements - the array of checked elements
See Also:


public boolean setGrayed(
Object element,
                         boolean state)
Sets the grayed state for the given element in this viewer.

element - the element
state - true if the item should be grayed, and false if it should be ungrayed
true if the gray state could be set, and false otherwise


public boolean setGrayChecked(
Object element,
                              boolean state)
Check and gray the selection rather than calling both setGrayed and setChecked as an optimization. Does not fire events to check state listeners.

element - the item being checked
state - a boolean indicating selection or deselection
boolean indicating success or failure.


public void setGrayedElements(
Object[] elements)
Sets which elements are grayed in this viewer's tree. The given list contains the elements that are to be grayed; all other elements are to be ungrayed.

This method is typically used when restoring the interesting state of a viewer captured by an earlier call to getGrayedElements.

elements - the array of grayed elements
See Also:


public boolean setParentsGrayed(
Object element,
                                boolean state)
Sets the grayed state for the given element and its parents in this viewer.

element - the element
state - true if the item should be grayed, and false if it should be ungrayed
true if the element is visible and the gray state could be set, and false otherwise
See Also:
setGrayed(java.lang.Object, boolean)


public boolean setSubtreeChecked(
Object element,
                                 boolean state)
Sets the checked state for the given element and its visible children in this viewer. Assumes that the element has been expanded before. To enforce that the item is expanded, call expandToLevel for the element. Does not fire events to check state listeners.

element - the element
state - true if the item should be checked, and false if it should be unchecked
true if the checked state could be set, and false otherwise


public void setAllChecked(boolean state)
Deprecated. as this method only checks or unchecks visible items is is recommended that setSubtreeChecked(Object, boolean) is used instead.

Sets to the given value the checked state for all elements in this viewer. Does not fire events to check state listeners. Assumes that the element has been expanded before. To enforce that the item is expanded, call expandToLevel for the element.

state - true if the element should be checked, and false if it should be unchecked
See Also:
setSubtreeChecked(Object, boolean)

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

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