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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use Expression
org.eclipse.core.expressions Application programming interfaces for the expression language. 
org.eclipse.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.activities Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.contexts Provides support for integrating contexts into the Eclipse workbench. 
org.eclipse.ui.handlers Provides support for integrating handlers into the Eclipse workbench. 
org.eclipse.ui.menus Provides the public API and default implementation for contributing menu and toolbars to the menu service. Classes for service support. 

Uses of Expression in org.eclipse.core.expressions

Fields in org.eclipse.core.expressions declared as Expression
static  Expression Expression. FALSE
          The expression corresponding to EvaluationResult.FALSE.
static  Expression Expression. TRUE
          The expression corresponding to EvaluationResult.TRUE.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.expressions that return Expression
  Expression ElementHandler. create ( ExpressionConverter converter, Element element)
          Creates the corresponding expression for the given DOM element.
abstract   Expression ElementHandler. create ( ExpressionConverter converter, IConfigurationElement config)
          Creates the corresponding expression for the given configuration element.
  Expression ExpressionConverter. perform ( Element root)
          Converts the tree of DOM elements represented by the given root element and returns a corresponding expression tree.
  Expression ExpressionConverter. perform ( IConfigurationElement root)
          Converts the tree of configuration elements represented by the given root element and returns a corresponding expression tree.

Uses of Expression in org.eclipse.ui

Subclasses of Expression in org.eclipse.ui
 class ActiveShellExpression
           An expression that checks the active shell variable.
 class LegacyHandlerSubmissionExpression
           An expression encapsulating all of the information from legacy handler submissions.

Uses of Expression in org.eclipse.ui.activities

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.activities that return Expression
  Expression IActivity. getExpression ()
          Return an expression used to enable and disable this activity.

Uses of Expression in org.eclipse.ui.contexts

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.contexts with parameters of type Expression
  IContextActivation IContextService. activateContext ( String contextId, Expression expression)
           Activates the given context within the context of this service.
  IContextActivation IContextService. activateContext ( String contextId, Expression expression, boolean global)
           Activates the given context within the context of this service.
  IContextActivation IContextService. activateContext ( String contextId, Expression expression, int sourcePriorities)
          Deprecated. Use IContextService.activateContext(String, Expression) instead.

Uses of Expression in org.eclipse.ui.handlers

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.handlers with parameters of type Expression
  IHandlerActivation IHandlerService. activateHandler ( String commandId, IHandler handler, Expression expression)
           Activates the given handler within the context of this service.
  IHandlerActivation IHandlerService. activateHandler ( String commandId, IHandler handler, Expression expression, boolean global)
           Activates the given handler within the context of this service.
  IHandlerActivation IHandlerService. activateHandler ( String commandId, IHandler handler, Expression expression, int sourcePriorities)
          Deprecated. Use IHandlerService.activateHandler(String, IHandler, Expression) instead.

Uses of Expression in org.eclipse.ui.menus

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.menus with parameters of type Expression
 void IContributionRoot. addContributionItem ( IContributionItem item, Expression visibleWhen)
          Adds a given contribution item with provided visibility expression and kill-switch filtering as a direct child of this container.
 void IContributionRoot. registerVisibilityForChild ( IContributionItem item, Expression visibleWhen)
          Registers visibilty for arbitrary IContributionItem instances that are NOT direct children of this container.

Uses of Expression in

Methods in with parameters of type Expression
  IEvaluationReference IEvaluationService. addEvaluationListener ( Expression expression, IPropertyChangeListener listener, String property)
          Add a listener that can be notified when the workbench application context causes the expression evaluation value to change.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire