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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5
Class TextMergeViewer

  extended by 

      extended by 

          extended by
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
IFlushable, IPropertyChangeNotifier, IAdaptable, IInputProvider, IInputSelectionProvider, ISelectionProvider

public class TextMergeViewer
extends ContentMergeViewer
implements IAdaptable

A text merge viewer uses the RangeDifferencer to perform a textual, line-by-line comparison of two (or three) input documents. It is based on the ContentMergeViewer and uses TextViewers to implement the ancestor, left, and right content areas.

In the three-way compare case ranges of differing lines are highlighted and framed with different colors to show whether the difference is an incoming, outgoing, or conflicting change. The TextMergeViewer supports the notion of a current "differing range" and provides toolbar buttons to navigate from one range to the next (or previous).

If there is a current "differing range" and the underlying document is editable the TextMergeViewer enables actions in context menu and toolbar to copy a range from one side to the other side, thereby performing a merge operation.

In addition to a line-by-line comparison the TextMergeViewer uses a token based compare on differing lines. The token compare is activated when navigating into a range of differing lines. At first the lines are selected as a block. When navigating into this block the token compare shows for every line the differing token by selecting them.

The TextMergeViewer's default token compare works on characters separated by whitespace. If a different strategy is needed (for example, Java tokens in a Java-aware merge viewer), clients can create their own token comparators by implementing the ITokenComparator interface and overriding the TextMergeViewer.createTokenComparator factory method).

Access to the TextMergeViewer's model is by means of an IMergeViewerContentProvider. Its getX Content methods must return either an IDocument, an IDocumentRange, or an IStreamContentAccessor. In the IDocumentRange case the TextMergeViewer works on a subrange of a document. In the IStreamContentAccessor case a document is created internally and initialized from the stream.

A TextMergeViewer can be used as is. However clients may subclass to customize the behavior. For example a MergeTextViewer for Java would override the configureTextViewer method to configure the TextViewer for Java source code, the createTokenComparator method to create a Java specific tokenizer.

In 3.5 a new API has been introduced to let clients provide their own source viewers implementation with an option to configure them basing on a corresponding editor input.

See Also:
RangeDifferencer, TextViewer, ITokenComparator, IDocumentRange, IStreamContentAccessor

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. Viewer
Constructor Summary
TextMergeViewer ( Composite parent, CompareConfiguration configuration)
          Creates a text merge viewer under the given parent control.
TextMergeViewer ( Composite parent, int style, CompareConfiguration configuration)
          Creates a text merge viewer under the given parent control.
Method Summary
protected  void configureTextViewer ( TextViewer textViewer)
          Configures the passed text viewer.
protected  void copy (boolean leftToRight)
          Copies the content of one side to the other side.
protected   Control createCenterControl ( Composite parent)
          Create the control that divides the left and right sides of the merge viewer.
protected  void createControls ( Composite composite)
          Creates the SWT controls for the ancestor, left, and right content areas of this compare viewer.
protected   SourceViewer createSourceViewer ( Composite parent, int textOrientation)
          Creates a new source viewer.
protected   ITokenComparator createTokenComparator ( String line)
          Creates an ITokenComparator which is used to show the intra line differences.
protected  void createToolItems ( ToolBarManager tbm)
          Contributes items to the given ToolBarManager.
protected  boolean doSave ( Object newInput, Object oldInput)
          Overridden to prevent save confirmation if new input is sub document of current input.
protected  int findInsertionPosition (char type, ICompareInput input)
protected  void flushContent ( Object oldInput, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Flush the modified content back to input elements via the content provider.
  Object getAdapter ( Class adapter)
          Returns an object which is an instance of the given class associated with this object.
protected  int getCenterWidth ()
          Return the desired width of the center control.
protected  byte[] getContents (boolean left)
          Returns the contents of the underlying document as an array of bytes using the current workbench encoding.
protected   IDocumentPartitioner getDocumentPartitioner ()
          Returns a document partitioner which is suitable for the underlying content type.
protected   String getDocumentPartitioning ()
          Return the partitioning to which the partitioner returned from getDocumentPartitioner() is to be associated.
protected   IEditorInput getEditorInput ( ISourceViewer sourceViewer)
          Returns an editor input for the given source viewer.
protected  void handleCompareInputChange ()
          Handle a change to the given input reported from an ICompareInputChangeListener.
protected  void handleDispose ( DisposeEvent event)
          Called on the viewer disposal.
protected  void handlePropertyChangeEvent ( PropertyChangeEvent event)
          Callback that is invoked when a property in the compare configuration ( ContentMergeViewer.getCompareConfiguration() changes.
protected  void handleResizeAncestor (int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Lays out the ancestor area of the compare viewer.
protected  void handleResizeLeftRight (int x, int y, int width1, int centerWidth, int width2, int height)
          Lays out the left and right areas of the compare viewer.
protected  boolean handleSetFocus ()
          Override to give focus to the pane that previously had focus or to a suitable default pane.
 void invalidateTextPresentation ()
          Invalidates the current presentation by invalidating the three text viewers.
protected  boolean isEditorBacked ( ITextViewer textViewer)
          Tells whether the given text viewer is backed by an editor.
protected  void setActionsActivated ( SourceViewer sourceViewer, boolean state)
          Activates or deactivates actions of the given source viewer.
 void setBackgroundColor ( RGB background)
          Sets the viewer's background color to the given RGB value.
protected  void setEditable ( ISourceViewer sourceViewer, boolean state)
          Sets the editable state of the given source viewer.
 void setForegroundColor ( RGB foreground)
          Sets the viewer's foreground color to the given RGB value.
protected  void setupDocument ( IDocument document)
          Setup the given document for use with this viewer.
protected  void updateContent ( Object ancestor, Object left, Object right)
          Initializes the controls of the three content areas with the given input objects.
protected  void updateHeader ()
          Updates the headers of the three areas by querying the content provider for a name and image for the three sides of the input object.
protected  void updateToolItems ()
          Updates the enabled state of the toolbar items.
Methods inherited from class ContentMergeViewer
addPropertyChangeListener, buildControl, flush, getCenterControl, getCompareConfiguration, getControl, getResourceBundle, getSelection, getTitle, getToolBarManager, inputChanged, isAncestorVisible, isLeftDirty, isRightDirty, isThreeWay, refresh, removePropertyChangeListener, save, setConfirmSave, setContentProvider, setLeftDirty, setRightDirty, setSelection
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. ContentViewer
getContentProvider, getInput, getLabelProvider, handleLabelProviderChanged, hookControl, labelProviderChanged, setInput, setLabelProvider
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. Viewer
addHelpListener, addSelectionChangedListener, fireHelpRequested, fireSelectionChanged, getData, handleHelpRequest, removeHelpListener, removeSelectionChangedListener, scrollDown, scrollUp, setData, setSelection
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TextMergeViewer(
Composite parent,
CompareConfiguration configuration)
Creates a text merge viewer under the given parent control.

parent - the parent control
configuration - the configuration object


public TextMergeViewer(
Composite parent,
                       int style,
CompareConfiguration configuration)
Creates a text merge viewer under the given parent control.

parent - the parent control
style - SWT style bits for top level composite of this viewer
configuration - the configuration object
Method Detail


public void setBackgroundColor(
RGB background)
Sets the viewer's background color to the given RGB value. If the value is null the system's default background color is used.

background - the background color or null to use the system's default background color


public void setForegroundColor(
RGB foreground)
Sets the viewer's foreground color to the given RGB value. If the value is null the system's default foreground color is used.

foreground - the foreground color or null to use the system's default foreground color


public void invalidateTextPresentation()
Invalidates the current presentation by invalidating the three text viewers.



protected void configureTextViewer(
TextViewer textViewer)
Configures the passed text viewer. This method is called after the three text viewers have been created for the content areas. The TextMergeViewer implementation of this method will configure the viewer with a SourceViewerConfiguration. Subclasses may reimplement to provide a specific configuration for the text viewer.

textViewer - the text viewer to configure


ITokenComparator createTokenComparator(
String line)
Creates an ITokenComparator which is used to show the intra line differences. The TextMergeViewer implementation of this method returns a tokenizer that breaks a line into words separated by whitespace. Subclasses may reimplement to provide a specific tokenizer.

line - the line for which to create the ITokenComparator
a ITokenComparator which is used for a second level token compare.


protected void setupDocument(
IDocument document)
Setup the given document for use with this viewer. By default, the partitioner returned from getDocumentPartitioner() is registered as the default partitioner for the document. Subclasses that return a partitioner must also override getDocumentPartitioning() if they wish to be able to use shared documents (i.e. file buffers).

document - the document to be set up


IDocumentPartitioner getDocumentPartitioner()
Returns a document partitioner which is suitable for the underlying content type. This method is only called if the input provided by the content provider is a IStreamContentAccessor and an internal document must be obtained. This document is initialized with the partitioner returned from this method.

The TextMergeViewer implementation of this method returns null. Subclasses may reimplement to create a partitioner for a specific content type. Subclasses that do return a partitioner should also return a partitioning from getDocumentPartitioning() in order to make use of shared documents (e.g. file buffers).

a document partitioner, or null


String getDocumentPartitioning()
Return the partitioning to which the partitioner returned from getDocumentPartitioner() is to be associated. Return null only if partitioning is not needed or if the subclass overrode setupDocument(IDocument) directly. By default, null is returned which means that shared documents that return a partitioner from getDocumentPartitioner() will not be able to use shared documents.

a partitioning
See Also:


protected void handleDispose(
DisposeEvent event)
Called on the viewer disposal. Unregisters from the compare configuration. Clients may extend if they have to do additional cleanup.

handleDispose in class ContentMergeViewer
event -
See Also:


protected void createControls(
Composite composite)
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Creates the SWT controls for the ancestor, left, and right content areas of this compare viewer. Implementations typically hold onto the controls so that they can be initialized with the input objects in method updateContent.

Specified by:
createControls in class ContentMergeViewer
composite - the container for the three areas


protected boolean handleSetFocus()
Override to give focus to the pane that previously had focus or to a suitable default pane.

handleSetFocus in class ContentMergeViewer
whether particular widget was given focus
See Also:


protected final 
Control createCenterControl(
Composite parent)
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Create the control that divides the left and right sides of the merge viewer.

createCenterControl in class ContentMergeViewer
parent - the parent composite
the center control


protected final int getCenterWidth()
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Return the desired width of the center control. This width is used to calculate the values used to layout the ancestor, left and right sides.

getCenterWidth in class ContentMergeViewer
the desired width of the center control
See Also:
ContentMergeViewer.handleResizeLeftRight(int, int, int, int, int, int), ContentMergeViewer.handleResizeAncestor(int, int, int, int)


SourceViewer createSourceViewer(
Composite parent,
                                          int textOrientation)
Creates a new source viewer. This method is called when creating and initializing the content areas of the merge viewer (see createControls(Composite)). It is called three times for each text part of the comparison: ancestor, left, right. Clients may implement to provide their own type of source viewers. The viewer is not expected to be configured with a source viewer configuration.

parent - the parent of the viewer's control
textOrientation - style constant bit for text orientation
Default implementation returns an instance of SourceViewer.


protected boolean isEditorBacked(
ITextViewer textViewer)
Tells whether the given text viewer is backed by an editor.

textViewer - the text viewer to check
true if the viewer is backed by an editor


IEditorInput getEditorInput(
ISourceViewer sourceViewer)
Returns an editor input for the given source viewer. The method returns null when no input is available, for example when the input for the merge viewer has not been set yet.

sourceViewer - the source viewer to get input for
input for the given viewer or null when no input is available


protected void setActionsActivated(
SourceViewer sourceViewer,
                                   boolean state)
Activates or deactivates actions of the given source viewer.

The default implementation does nothing, but clients should override to properly react to viewers switching.

sourceViewer - the source viewer
state - true if activated


protected boolean doSave(
Object newInput,
Object oldInput)
Overridden to prevent save confirmation if new input is sub document of current input.

doSave in class ContentMergeViewer
newInput - the new input of this viewer, or null if there is no new input
oldInput - the old input element, or null if there was previously no input
true if saving was successful, or if the user didn't want to save (by pressing 'NO' in the confirmation dialog).


protected void updateContent(
Object ancestor,
Object left,
Object right)
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Initializes the controls of the three content areas with the given input objects.

Specified by:
updateContent in class ContentMergeViewer
ancestor - the input for the ancestor area
left - the input for the left area
right - the input for the right area


protected void setEditable(
ISourceViewer sourceViewer,
                           boolean state)
Sets the editable state of the given source viewer.

sourceViewer - the source viewer
state - the state


protected int findInsertionPosition(char type,
ICompareInput input)


protected byte[] getContents(boolean left)
Returns the contents of the underlying document as an array of bytes using the current workbench encoding.

Specified by:
getContents in class ContentMergeViewer
left - if true the contents of the left side is returned; otherwise the right side
the contents of the left or right document or null


protected final void handleResizeAncestor(int x,
                                          int y,
                                          int width,
                                          int height)
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Lays out the ancestor area of the compare viewer. It is called whenever the viewer is resized or when the sashes between the areas are moved to adjust the size of the areas.

Specified by:
handleResizeAncestor in class ContentMergeViewer
x - the horizontal position of the ancestor area within its container
y - the vertical position of the ancestor area within its container
width - the width of the ancestor area
height - the height of the ancestor area


protected final void handleResizeLeftRight(int x,
                                           int y,
                                           int width1,
                                           int centerWidth,
                                           int width2,
                                           int height)
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Lays out the left and right areas of the compare viewer. It is called whenever the viewer is resized or when the sashes between the areas are moved to adjust the size of the areas.

Specified by:
handleResizeLeftRight in class ContentMergeViewer
x - the horizontal position of the left area within its container
y - the vertical position of the left and right area within its container
width1 - the width of the left area
centerWidth - the width of the gap between the left and right areas
width2 - the width of the right area
height - the height of the left and right areas


protected void updateHeader()
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Updates the headers of the three areas by querying the content provider for a name and image for the three sides of the input object.

This method is called whenever the header must be updated.

Subclasses may extend this method, although this is generally not required.

updateHeader in class ContentMergeViewer


protected void createToolItems(
ToolBarManager tbm)
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Contributes items to the given ToolBarManager. It is called when this viewer is installed in its container and if the container has a ToolBarManager. The ContentMergeViewer implementation of this method does nothing. Subclasses may reimplement.

createToolItems in class ContentMergeViewer
tbm - the toolbar manager to contribute to


protected void handlePropertyChangeEvent(
PropertyChangeEvent event)
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Callback that is invoked when a property in the compare configuration ( ContentMergeViewer.getCompareConfiguration() changes.

handlePropertyChangeEvent in class ContentMergeViewer
event - the property change event


protected void updateToolItems()
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Updates the enabled state of the toolbar items.

This method is called whenever the state of the items needs updating.

Subclasses may extend this method, although this is generally not required.

updateToolItems in class ContentMergeViewer


protected void copy(boolean leftToRight)
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Copies the content of one side to the other side. Called from the (internal) actions for copying the sides of the viewer's input object.

Specified by:
copy in class ContentMergeViewer
leftToRight - if true, the left side is copied to the right side; if false, the right side is copied to the left side


protected void flushContent(
Object oldInput,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Flush the modified content back to input elements via the content provider. The provided input may be the current input of the viewer or it may be the previous input (i.e. this method may be called to flush modified content during an input change).

flushContent in class ContentMergeViewer
oldInput - the compare input
monitor - a progress monitor or null if the method was call from a place where a progress monitor was not available.


Object getAdapter(
Class adapter)
Description copied from interface: IAdaptable
Returns an object which is an instance of the given class associated with this object. Returns null if no such object can be found.

Specified by:
getAdapter in interface IAdaptable
adapter - the adapter class to look up
a object castable to the given class, or null if this object does not have an adapter for the given class


protected void handleCompareInputChange()
Description copied from class: ContentMergeViewer
Handle a change to the given input reported from an ICompareInputChangeListener. This class registers a listener with its input and reports any change events through this method. By default, this method prompts for any unsaved changes and then refreshes the viewer. Subclasses may override.

handleCompareInputChange in class ContentMergeViewer

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire