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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use WorkingCopyOwner
org.eclipse.jdt.core The Java model is the set of classes that model the objects associated with creating, editing, and building a Java program. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom The Java DOM/AST is the set of classes that model the source code of a Java program as a structured document. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.eval Provides support for the evaluation of code snippets in a scrapbook or inside the debugger. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring.descriptors Application programming interface to access Java refactorings provided by JDT. Provides support for searching the workspace Java elements that match a particular description. 

Uses of WorkingCopyOwner in org.eclipse.jdt.core

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core that return WorkingCopyOwner
  WorkingCopyOwner ICompilationUnit. getOwner ()
          Returns the working copy owner of this working copy.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core with parameters of type WorkingCopyOwner
  ICompilationUnit IClassFile. becomeWorkingCopy ( IProblemRequestor problemRequestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Use ITypeRoot.getWorkingCopy(WorkingCopyOwner, IProgressMonitor) instead. Note that if this deprecated method is used, problems will be reported to the given problem requestor as well as the problem requestor returned by the working copy owner (if not null).
 void IType. codeComplete (char[] snippet, int insertion, int position, char[][] localVariableTypeNames, char[][] localVariableNames, int[] localVariableModifiers, boolean isStatic, CompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Do code completion inside a code snippet in the context of the current type.
 void IType. codeComplete (char[] snippet, int insertion, int position, char[][] localVariableTypeNames, char[][] localVariableNames, int[] localVariableModifiers, boolean isStatic, CompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Do code completion inside a code snippet in the context of the current type.
 void IType. codeComplete (char[] snippet, int insertion, int position, char[][] localVariableTypeNames, char[][] localVariableNames, int[] localVariableModifiers, boolean isStatic, ICompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Deprecated. Use IType.codeComplete(char[],int,int,char[][],char[][],int[],boolean,CompletionRequestor,WorkingCopyOwner) instead.
 void ICodeAssist. codeComplete (int offset, CompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Performs code completion at the given offset position in this compilation unit, reporting results to the given completion requestor.
 void ICodeAssist. codeComplete (int offset, CompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Performs code completion at the given offset position in this compilation unit, reporting results to the given completion requestor.
 void ICodeAssist. codeComplete (int offset, ICompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Deprecated. Use ICodeAssist.codeComplete(int, CompletionRequestor, WorkingCopyOwner) instead.
  IJavaElement[] ICodeAssist. codeSelect (int offset, int length, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Returns the Java elements corresponding to the given selected text in this compilation unit.
static  IJavaElement JavaCore. create ( String handleIdentifier, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Returns the Java model element corresponding to the given handle identifier generated by IJavaElement.getHandleIdentifier(), or null if unable to create the associated element.
  IJavaElement IJavaProject. findElement ( IPath path, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Returns the IJavaElement corresponding to the given classpath-relative path, or null if no such IJavaElement is found.
  IJavaElement IJavaProject. findElement ( String bindingKey, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Finds the Java element corresponding to the given binding key if any, else returns null.
  IType IJavaProject. findType ( String packageName, String typeQualifiedName, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Returns the first type found following this project's classpath with the given package name and type qualified name or null if none is found.
  IType IJavaProject. findType ( String packageName, String typeQualifiedName, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Same functionality as IJavaProject.findType(String, String, WorkingCopyOwner) but also look for secondary types if given name does not match a compilation unit name.
  IType IJavaProject. findType ( String fullyQualifiedName, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Returns the first type found following this project's classpath with the given fully qualified name or null if none is found.
  IType IJavaProject. findType ( String fullyQualifiedName, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Same functionality as IJavaProject.findType(String, WorkingCopyOwner) but also look for secondary types if given name does not match a compilation unit name.
  ICompilationUnit ICompilationUnit. findWorkingCopy ( WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Finds the working copy for this compilation unit, given a WorkingCopyOwner.
  ICompilationUnit[] IPackageFragment. getCompilationUnits ( WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Returns all of the compilation units in this package fragment that are in working copy mode and that have the given owner.
static  ICompilationUnit[] JavaCore. getWorkingCopies ( WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Returns the working copies that have the given owner.
  ICompilationUnit ICompilationUnit. getWorkingCopy ( WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProblemRequestor problemRequestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Use ITypeRoot.getWorkingCopy(WorkingCopyOwner, IProgressMonitor) instead. Note that if this deprecated method is used, problems will be reported on the passed problem requester as well as on the problem requestor returned by the working copy owner (if not null).
  ICompilationUnit ITypeRoot. getWorkingCopy ( WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a shared working copy on this compilation unit or class file using the given working copy owner to create the buffer.
  ITypeHierarchy IType. newSupertypeHierarchy ( WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type and all of its supertypes, considering types in the working copies with the given owner.
  ITypeHierarchy IType. newTypeHierarchy ( IJavaProject project, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type, all of its supertypes, and all its subtypes in the context of the given project, considering types in the working copies with the given owner.
static  ITypeHierarchy JavaCore. newTypeHierarchy ( IRegion region, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates and returns a type hierarchy for all types in the given region, considering subtypes within that region and considering types in the working copies with the given owner.
  ITypeHierarchy IJavaProject. newTypeHierarchy ( IRegion region, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates and returns a type hierarchy for all types in the given region, considering subtypes within that region and considering types in the working copies with the given owner.
  ITypeHierarchy IJavaProject. newTypeHierarchy ( IType type, IRegion region, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates and returns a type hierarchy for the given type considering subtypes in the specified region and considering types in the working copies with the given owner.
  ITypeHierarchy IType. newTypeHierarchy ( WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type, all of its supertypes, and all its subtypes in the workspace, considering types in the working copies with the given owner.
  CompilationUnit ICompilationUnit. reconcile (int astLevel, boolean forceProblemDetection, boolean enableStatementsRecovery, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Reconciles the contents of this working copy, sends out a Java delta notification indicating the nature of the change of the working copy since the last time it was either reconciled or made consistent ( IOpenable.makeConsistent(IProgressMonitor)), and returns a compilation unit AST if requested.
  CompilationUnit ICompilationUnit. reconcile (int astLevel, boolean forceProblemDetection, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Reconciles the contents of this working copy, sends out a Java delta notification indicating the nature of the change of the working copy since the last time it was either reconciled or made consistent ( IOpenable.makeConsistent(IProgressMonitor)), and returns a compilation unit AST if requested.
  CompilationUnit ICompilationUnit. reconcile (int astLevel, int reconcileFlags, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Reconciles the contents of this working copy, sends out a Java delta notification indicating the nature of the change of the working copy since the last time it was either reconciled or made consistent ( IOpenable.makeConsistent(IProgressMonitor)), and returns a compilation unit AST if requested.
  String[][] IType. resolveType ( String typeName, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Resolves the given type name within the context of this type (depending on the type hierarchy and its imports) and using the given owner's working copies, considering types in the working copies with the given owner.
static void WorkingCopyOwner. setPrimaryBufferProvider ( WorkingCopyOwner primaryBufferProvider)
          Sets the buffer provider of the primary working copy owner.

Uses of WorkingCopyOwner in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom with parameters of type WorkingCopyOwner
 void ASTParser. setWorkingCopyOwner ( WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Sets the working copy owner using when resolving bindings, where null means the primary owner.

Uses of WorkingCopyOwner in org.eclipse.jdt.core.eval

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.eval with parameters of type WorkingCopyOwner
 void IEvaluationContext. codeComplete ( String codeSnippet, int position, CompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Performs a code completion at the given position in the given code snippet, reporting results to the given completion requestor.
 void IEvaluationContext. codeComplete ( String codeSnippet, int position, CompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Performs a code completion at the given position in the given code snippet, reporting results to the given completion requestor.
 void IEvaluationContext. codeComplete ( String codeSnippet, int position, ICompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Deprecated. Use IEvaluationContext.codeComplete(String,int,CompletionRequestor,WorkingCopyOwner) instead.
  IJavaElement[] IEvaluationContext. codeSelect ( String codeSnippet, int offset, int length, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Resolves and returns a collection of Java elements corresponding to the source code at the given positions in the given code snippet.

Uses of WorkingCopyOwner in org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring.descriptors

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring.descriptors with parameters of type WorkingCopyOwner
protected static  IJavaElement JavaRefactoringDescriptor. handleToElement ( WorkingCopyOwner owner, String project, String handle, boolean check)
          Converts an input handle back to the corresponding java element.

Uses of WorkingCopyOwner in

Methods in with parameters of type WorkingCopyOwner
static  IJavaSearchScope SearchEngine. createHierarchyScope ( IType type, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Returns a Java search scope limited to the hierarchy of the given type.

Constructors in with parameters of type WorkingCopyOwner
SearchEngine ( WorkingCopyOwner workingCopyOwner)
          Creates a new search engine with the given working copy owner.

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire