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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Interface IJavaElementDelta

public interface IJavaElementDelta

A Java element delta describes changes in Java element between two discrete points in time. Given a delta, clients can access the element that has changed, and any children that have changed.

Deltas have a different status depending on the kind of change they represent. The list below summarizes each status (as returned by getKind()) and its meaning (see individual constants for a more detailled description):

  • ADDED - The element described by the delta has been added.
  • REMOVED - The element described by the delta has been removed.
  • CHANGED - The element described by the delta has been changed in some way. Specification of the type of change is provided by getFlags() which returns the following values:
    • F_ADDED_TO_CLASSPATH - A classpath entry corresponding to the element has been added to the project's classpath. This flag is only valid if the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot.
    • F_ARCHIVE_CONTENT_CHANGED - The contents of an archive has changed in some way. This flag is only valid if the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot which is an archive.
    • F_CHILDREN - A child of the element has changed in some way. This flag is only valid if the element is an IParent.
    • F_CLASSPATH_REORDER - A classpath entry corresponding to the element has changed position in the project's classpath. This flag is only valid if the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot.
    • F_CLOSED - The underlying IProject has been closed. This flag is only valid if the element is an IJavaProject.
    • F_CONTENT - The contents of the element have been altered. This flag is only valid for elements which correspond to files.
    • F_FINE_GRAINED - The delta is a fine-grained delta, that is, an analysis down to the members level was done to determine if there were structural changes to members of the element.
    • F_MODIFIERS - The modifiers on the element have changed in some way. This flag is only valid if the element is an IMember.
    • F_OPENED - The underlying IProject has been opened. This flag is only valid if the element is an IJavaProject.
    • F_REMOVED_FROM_CLASSPATH - A classpath entry corresponding to the element has been removed from the project's classpath. This flag is only valid if the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot.
    • F_SOURCEATTACHED - The source attachment path or the source attachment root path of a classpath entry corresponding to the element was added. This flag is only valid if the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot.
    • F_SOURCEDETACHED - The source attachment path or the source attachment root path of a classpath entry corresponding to the element was removed. This flag is only valid if the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot.
    • F_SUPER_TYPES - One of the supertypes of an IType has changed
    • .

Move operations are indicated by other change flags, layered on top of the change flags described above. If element A is moved to become B, the delta for the change in A will have status REMOVED, with change flag F_MOVED_TO. In this case, getMovedToElement() on delta A will return the handle for B. The delta for B will have status ADDED, with change flag F_MOVED_FROM, and getMovedFromElement() on delta B will return the handle for A. (Note, the handle to A in this case represents an element that no longer exists).

Note that the move change flags only describe the changes to a single element, they do not imply anything about the parent or children of the element.

The F_ADDED_TO_CLASSPATH, F_REMOVED_FROM_CLASSPATH and F_CLASSPATH_REORDER flags are triggered by changes to a project's classpath. They do not mean that the underlying resource was added, removed or changed. For example, if a project P already contains a folder src, then adding a classpath entry with the 'P/src' path to the project's classpath will result in an IJavaElementDelta with the F_ADDED_TO_CLASSPATH flag for the IPackageFragmentRoot P/src. On the contrary, if a resource is physically added, removed or changed and this resource corresponds to a classpath entry of the project, then an IJavaElementDelta with the ADDED, REMOVED, or CHANGED kind will be fired.

Note that when a source attachment path or a source attachment root path is changed, then the flags of the delta contain both F_SOURCEATTACHED and F_SOURCEDETACHED.

No assumptions should be made on whether the java element delta tree is rooted at the IJavaModel level or not.

IJavaElementDelta object are not valid outside the dynamic scope of the notification.

This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.

Field Summary
static int ADDED
          Status constant indicating that the element has been added.
static int CHANGED
          Status constant indicating that the element has been changed, as described by the change flags.
          Change flag indicating that a classpath entry corresponding to the element has been added to the project's classpath.
static int F_ANNOTATIONS
          Change flag indicating that the annotations of the element have changed.
          Change flag indicating that the element's archive content on the classpath has changed.
static int F_AST_AFFECTED
          Change flag indicating that a reconcile operation has affected the compilation unit AST created in a previous reconcile operation.
static int F_CATEGORIES
          Change flag indicating that the categories of the element have changed.
static int F_CHILDREN
          Change flag indicating that there are changes to the children of the element.
          Change flag indicating that the raw classpath (or the output folder) of a project has changed.
          Deprecated. Use F_REORDER instead.
static int F_CLOSED
          Change flag indicating that the underlying IProject has been closed.
static int F_CONTENT
          Change flag indicating that the content of the element has changed.
static int F_FINE_GRAINED
          Change flag indicating that this is a fine-grained delta, that is, an analysis down to the members level was done to determine if there were structural changes to members.
static int F_MODIFIERS
          Change flag indicating that the modifiers of the element have changed.
static int F_MOVED_FROM
          Change flag indicating that the element was moved from another location.
static int F_MOVED_TO
          Change flag indicating that the element was moved to another location.
static int F_OPENED
          Change flag indicating that the underlying IProject has been opened.
          Change flag indicating that the resource of a primary compilation unit has changed.
          Change flag indicating that a compilation unit has become a primary working copy, or that a primary working copy has reverted to a compilation unit.
          Change flag indicating that a classpath entry corresponding to the element has been removed from the project's classpath.
static int F_REORDER
          Change flag indicating that the element has changed position relatively to its siblings.
          Change flag indicating that the resolved classpath of a project has changed.
          Change flag indicating that the source attachment path or the source attachment root path of a classpath entry corresponding to the element was added.
          Change flag indicating that the source attachment path or the source attachment root path of a classpath entry corresponding to the element was removed.
static int F_SUPER_TYPES
          Change flag indicating that one of the supertypes of an IType has changed.
static int REMOVED
          Status constant indicating that the element has been removed.
Method Summary
  IJavaElementDelta[] getAddedChildren ()
          Returns deltas for the children that have been added.
  IJavaElementDelta[] getAffectedChildren ()
          Returns deltas for the affected (added, removed, or changed) children.
  IJavaElementDelta[] getAnnotationDeltas ()
          Returns deltas for affected annotations (added, removed, or changed).
  IJavaElementDelta[] getChangedChildren ()
          Returns deltas for the children which have changed.
  CompilationUnit getCompilationUnitAST ()
          Returns the compilation unit AST created by the last reconcile operation on this delta's element.
  IJavaElement getElement ()
          Returns the element that this delta describes a change to.
 int getFlags ()
          Returns flags that describe how an element has changed.
 int getKind ()
          Returns the kind of this delta - one of ADDED, REMOVED, or CHANGED.
  IJavaElement getMovedFromElement ()
          Returns an element describing this element before it was moved to its current location, or null if the F_MOVED_FROM change flag is not set.
  IJavaElement getMovedToElement ()
          Returns an element describing this element in its new location, or null if the F_MOVED_TO change flag is not set.
  IJavaElementDelta[] getRemovedChildren ()
          Returns deltas for the children which have been removed.
  IResourceDelta[] getResourceDeltas ()
          Returns the collection of resource deltas.

Field Detail


static final int ADDED
Status constant indicating that the element has been added. Note that an added java element delta has no children, as they are all implicitely added.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int REMOVED
Status constant indicating that the element has been removed. Note that a removed java element delta has no children, as they are all implicitely removed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CHANGED
Status constant indicating that the element has been changed, as described by the change flags.

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values


static final int F_CONTENT
Change flag indicating that the content of the element has changed. This flag is only valid for elements which correspond to files.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_MODIFIERS
Change flag indicating that the modifiers of the element have changed. This flag is only valid if the element is an IMember.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_CHILDREN
Change flag indicating that there are changes to the children of the element. This flag is only valid if the element is an IParent.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_MOVED_FROM
Change flag indicating that the element was moved from another location. The location of the old element can be retrieved using getMovedFromElement().

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_MOVED_TO
Change flag indicating that the element was moved to another location. The location of the new element can be retrieved using getMovedToElement().

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_ADDED_TO_CLASSPATH
Change flag indicating that a classpath entry corresponding to the element has been added to the project's classpath. This flag is only valid if the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Change flag indicating that a classpath entry corresponding to the element has been removed from the project's classpath. This flag is only valid if the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_CLASSPATH_REORDER
Deprecated. Use F_REORDER instead.
Change flag indicating that a classpath entry corresponding to the element has changed position in the project's classpath. This flag is only valid if the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_REORDER
Change flag indicating that the element has changed position relatively to its siblings. If the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot, a classpath entry corresponding to the element has changed position in the project's classpath.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_OPENED
Change flag indicating that the underlying IProject has been opened. This flag is only valid if the element is an IJavaProject.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_CLOSED
Change flag indicating that the underlying IProject has been closed. This flag is only valid if the element is an IJavaProject.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_SUPER_TYPES
Change flag indicating that one of the supertypes of an IType has changed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_SOURCEATTACHED
Change flag indicating that the source attachment path or the source attachment root path of a classpath entry corresponding to the element was added. This flag is only valid if the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_SOURCEDETACHED
Change flag indicating that the source attachment path or the source attachment root path of a classpath entry corresponding to the element was removed. This flag is only valid if the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_FINE_GRAINED
Change flag indicating that this is a fine-grained delta, that is, an analysis down to the members level was done to determine if there were structural changes to members.

Clients can use this flag to find out if a compilation unit that have a F_CONTENT change should assume that there are no finer grained changes ( F_FINE_GRAINED is set) or if finer grained changes were not considered ( F_FINE_GRAINED is not set).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Change flag indicating that the element's archive content on the classpath has changed. This flag is only valid if the element is an IPackageFragmentRoot which is an archive.

See Also:
IPackageFragmentRoot.isArchive(), Constant Field Values


static final int F_PRIMARY_WORKING_COPY
Change flag indicating that a compilation unit has become a primary working copy, or that a primary working copy has reverted to a compilation unit. This flag is only valid if the element is an ICompilationUnit.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_CLASSPATH_CHANGED
Change flag indicating that the raw classpath (or the output folder) of a project has changed. This flag is only valid if the element is an IJavaProject. Also see F_RESOLVED_CLASSPATH_CHANGED, which indicates that there is a change to the resolved class path. The resolved classpath can change without the raw classpath changing (e.g. if a container resolves to a different set of classpath entries). And conversely, it is possible to construct a case where the raw classpath can change without the resolved classpath changing.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_PRIMARY_RESOURCE
Change flag indicating that the resource of a primary compilation unit has changed. This flag is only valid if the element is a primary ICompilationUnit.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_AST_AFFECTED
Change flag indicating that a reconcile operation has affected the compilation unit AST created in a previous reconcile operation. Use getCompilationUnitAST() to retrieve the AST (if any is available). This flag is only valid if the element is an ICompilationUnit in working copy mode.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_CATEGORIES
Change flag indicating that the categories of the element have changed. This flag is only valid if the element is an IMember.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Change flag indicating that the resolved classpath of a project has changed. This flag is only valid if the element is an IJavaProject. Also see F_CLASSPATH_CHANGED, which indicates that there is a change to the raw class path. The resolved classpath can change without the raw classpath changing (e.g. if a container resolves to a different set of classpath entries). And conversely, it is possible to construct a case where the raw classpath can change without the resolved classpath changing.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int F_ANNOTATIONS
Change flag indicating that the annotations of the element have changed. Use getAnnotationDeltas() to get the added/removed/changed annotations. This flag is only valid if the element is an IAnnotatable.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


IJavaElementDelta[] getAddedChildren()
Returns deltas for the children that have been added.

deltas for the children that have been added


IJavaElementDelta[] getAffectedChildren()
Returns deltas for the affected (added, removed, or changed) children.

deltas for the affected (added, removed, or changed) children


IJavaElementDelta[] getAnnotationDeltas()
Returns deltas for affected annotations (added, removed, or changed). Returns an empty array if no annotations was affected, or if this delta's element is not an IAnnotatable.

deltas for affected annotations (added, removed, or changed)


CompilationUnit getCompilationUnitAST()
Returns the compilation unit AST created by the last reconcile operation on this delta's element. This returns a non-null value if and only if:

the AST created during the last reconcile operation
See Also:
ICompilationUnit.reconcile(int, boolean, WorkingCopyOwner, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor), F_AST_AFFECTED


IJavaElementDelta[] getChangedChildren()
Returns deltas for the children which have changed.

deltas for the children which have changed


IJavaElement getElement()
Returns the element that this delta describes a change to.

the element that this delta describes a change to


int getFlags()
Returns flags that describe how an element has changed. Such flags should be tested using the & operand. For example:
 if ((delta.getFlags() & IJavaElementDelta.F_CONTENT) != 0) {
        // the delta indicates a content change

flags that describe how an element has changed


int getKind()
Returns the kind of this delta - one of ADDED, REMOVED, or CHANGED.

the kind of this delta


IJavaElement getMovedFromElement()
Returns an element describing this element before it was moved to its current location, or null if the F_MOVED_FROM change flag is not set.

an element describing this element before it was moved to its current location, or null if the F_MOVED_FROM change flag is not set


IJavaElement getMovedToElement()
Returns an element describing this element in its new location, or null if the F_MOVED_TO change flag is not set.

an element describing this element in its new location, or null if the F_MOVED_TO change flag is not set


IJavaElementDelta[] getRemovedChildren()
Returns deltas for the children which have been removed.

deltas for the children which have been removed


IResourceDelta[] getResourceDeltas()
Returns the collection of resource deltas.

Note that resource deltas, like Java element deltas, are generally only valid for the dynamic scope of an event notification. Clients must not hang on to these objects.

the underlying resource deltas, or null if none

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire