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Eclipse GEF

Uses of Interface

Packages that use CreationFactory
org.eclipse.gef.palette This package defines and implements the model used by the PaletteViewer
org.eclipse.gef.requests This package contains the common Request types used by the provided tools and edit policies. This package provides several tool implementations. 

Uses of CreationFactory in org.eclipse.gef.dnd

Methods in org.eclipse.gef.dnd that return CreationFactory
protected   CreationFactory TemplateTransferDropTargetListener. getFactory (java.lang.Object template)
          Returns the appropriate Factory object to be used for the specified template.

Uses of CreationFactory in org.eclipse.gef.palette

Fields in org.eclipse.gef.palette declared as CreationFactory
protected   CreationFactory CreationToolEntry. factory
          Deprecated. in 3.1. This field will be removed in future releases. The factory is being provided to the tool via the ToolEntry.setToolProperty(Object, Object) method.

Constructors in org.eclipse.gef.palette with parameters of type CreationFactory
CreationToolEntry (java.lang.String label, java.lang.String shortDesc, CreationFactory factory, ImageDescriptor iconSmall, ImageDescriptor iconLarge)
          Constructor for CreationToolEntry.
ConnectionCreationToolEntry (java.lang.String label, java.lang.String shortDesc, CreationFactory factory, ImageDescriptor iconSmall, ImageDescriptor iconLarge)
          Constructor for ConnectionCreationToolEntry.
CombinedTemplateCreationEntry (java.lang.String label, java.lang.String shortDesc, java.lang.Object template, CreationFactory factory, ImageDescriptor iconSmall, ImageDescriptor iconLarge)
          Constructs an entry with the given creation factory and template.
CombinedTemplateCreationEntry (java.lang.String label, java.lang.String shortDesc, CreationFactory factory, ImageDescriptor iconSmall, ImageDescriptor iconLarge)
          Constructs an entry with the given creation factory.

Uses of CreationFactory in org.eclipse.gef.requests

Classes in org.eclipse.gef.requests that implement CreationFactory
 class SimpleFactory
          A simple CreationFactory that takes a Class in the constructor and creates a new instance of this Class in SimpleFactory.getNewObject().

Methods in org.eclipse.gef.requests that return CreationFactory
protected   CreationFactory CreateRequest. getFactory ()
          Returns the CreationFactory for this request.

Methods in org.eclipse.gef.requests with parameters of type CreationFactory
 void CreateRequest. setFactory ( CreationFactory factory)
          Sets the factory to be used when creating the new object.

Uses of CreationFactory in

Methods in that return CreationFactory
protected   CreationFactory CreationTool. getFactory ()
          Returns the creation factory used to create the new EditParts.
protected   CreationFactory AbstractConnectionCreationTool. getFactory ()
          Returns the creation factory that will be used with the create connection request.

Methods in with parameters of type CreationFactory
 void CreationTool. setFactory ( CreationFactory factory)
          Sets the creation factory used to create the new edit parts.
 void AbstractConnectionCreationTool. setFactory ( CreationFactory factory)
          Sets the creation factory used in the request.

Constructors in with parameters of type CreationFactory
CreationTool ( CreationFactory aFactory)
          Constructs a new CreationTool with the given factory.
ConnectionDragCreationTool ( CreationFactory factory)
          Constructs a new ConnectionDragCreationTool with the given factory.
ConnectionCreationTool ( CreationFactory factory)
          Constructs a new ConnectionCreationTool with the given factory.
AbstractConnectionCreationTool ( CreationFactory factory)
          Constructs a new abstract creation tool with the given creation factory.

Eclipse GEF

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire