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Eclipse GEF and Draw2d Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse GEF

Package org.eclipse.gef.requests

This package contains the common Request types used by the provided tools and edit policies.


Interface Summary
CreationFactory A factory used to create new objects.
DropRequest A request that requires a location in order to drop an item.
TargetRequest A request that involves a target EditPart.

Class Summary
AlignmentRequest A request to align multiple objects.
BendpointRequest A request to alter a bendpoint.
ChangeBoundsRequest A Request to change the bounds of the EditPart(s).
CreateConnectionRequest A Request to create a new Connection.
CreateRequest A Request to create a new object.
DirectEditRequest A request to perform direct editing on the receiver of the Request.
ForwardedRequest A Request to be forwarded to another EditPart.
GroupRequest A Request from multiple EditParts.
LocationRequest A Request that needs to keep track of a location.
ReconnectRequest A Request to reconnect a connection.
SelectionRequest A request to select an edit part.
SimpleFactory A simple CreationFactory that takes a Class in the constructor and creates a new instance of this Class in SimpleFactory.getNewObject().

Package org.eclipse.gef.requests Description

This package contains the common Request types used by the provided tools and edit policies.

Eclipse GEF

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire