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Uses of Interface

Packages that use Transaction
org.eclipse.emf.transaction Definition of the API for a transactional editing domain. 
org.eclipse.emf.transaction.impl Implementation of the transactional editing domain API. 
org.eclipse.emf.transaction.util Utilities used by/with the transactional editing domain API. 
org.eclipse.emf.workspace Definition of the API for a transactional editing domain integrated with the Eclipse Workbench's operation history. 
org.eclipse.emf.workspace.impl Implementation of the workbench editing domain API. 
org.eclipse.emf.workspace.util Utilities used by/with the workbench editing domain API. 

Uses of Transaction in org.eclipse.emf.transaction

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.transaction that return Transaction
  Transaction Transaction. getParent ()
          My parent transaction, if any.
  Transaction TransactionalEditingDomainEvent. getTransaction ()
          Queries the transaction for which the event signals a change, or null if the event pertains to the editing domain, itself.
  Transaction ResourceSetChangeEvent. getTransaction ()
          Obtains the transaction in which resource set changes have occurred.

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.transaction with parameters of type Transaction
ResourceSetChangeEvent ( TransactionalEditingDomain source, Transaction transaction, List< Notification> notifications)
          Initializes me with my source editing domain, command, and notifications.
TransactionalEditingDomainEvent ( TransactionalEditingDomain source, int type, Transaction transaction)
          Initializes me with my source editing domain and a transaction that changed.

Uses of Transaction in org.eclipse.emf.transaction.impl

Subinterfaces of Transaction in org.eclipse.emf.transaction.impl
 interface InternalTransaction
          An internal interface that must be provided by any implementation of the public Transaction interface, in order to function correctly in the transactional editing domain framework.

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.transaction.impl that implement Transaction
 class EMFCommandTransaction
          A transaction implementation use by the command stack to wrap the execution of Commands, to provide them the write access that they need.
 class TransactionImpl
          The default transaction implementation.
 class TriggerCommandTransaction
          A transaction implementation used by the command stack to wrap the execution of TriggerCommands, to provide them the write access that they need.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.transaction.impl that return Transaction
  Transaction TransactionImpl. getParent ()
  Transaction PrivilegedRunnable. getTransaction ()
          Obtains the transaction to which I provide access.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.transaction.impl with parameters of type Transaction
protected static boolean TransactionImpl. collectsNotifications ( Transaction tx)
          Queries whether the specified transaction collects notifications for broadcast to listeners or for validation.
protected  void TransactionalEditingDomainImpl.LifecycleImpl. fireLifecycleEvent (int type, Transaction transaction)
          Fires the specified life-cycle event to my listeners, if any.
protected static  String TransactionalEditingDomainImpl. getDebugID ( Transaction tx)
          Obtains an ID suitable for display in debug/trace messages.
  List< Notification> TransactionValidator. getNotificationsForPostcommit ( Transaction tx)
          Obtains the notifications that I need to broadcast in a post-commit resource-change event for the specified transaction.
  List< Notification> ReadWriteValidatorImpl. getNotificationsForPostcommit ( Transaction tx)
  List< Notification> TransactionValidator. getNotificationsForPrecommit ( Transaction tx)
          Obtains the notifications that I need to broadcast in a pre-commit resource-change event for the specified transaction.
  List< Notification> ReadWriteValidatorImpl. getNotificationsForPrecommit ( Transaction tx)
  List< Notification> TransactionValidator. getNotificationsForValidation ( Transaction tx)
          Obtains the notifications received, in order, during the execution of the (possibly nested) transaction(s) that I am validating.
  List< Notification> ReadWriteValidatorImpl. getNotificationsForValidation ( Transaction tx)
protected static boolean TransactionImpl. hasOption ( Transaction tx, String option)
          Queries whether the specified transaction has a boolean option.
protected static boolean TransactionImpl. isNotificationEnabled ( Transaction tx)
          Queries whether the specified transaction should send post-commit events, according to its options.
protected static boolean TransactionImpl. isTriggerEnabled ( Transaction tx)
          Queries whether the specified transaction should invoke pre-commit, listeners, according to its options and read-only state.
protected static boolean TransactionImpl. isUndoEnabled ( Transaction tx)
          Queries whether the specified transaction should record undo information, according to its options and read-only state.
protected static boolean TransactionImpl. isUnprotected ( Transaction tx)
          Queries whether the specified transaction is an unprotected write, according to its options and read-only state.
protected static boolean TransactionImpl. isValidationEnabled ( Transaction tx)
          Queries whether the specified transaction should validate changes, according to its options and read-only state.
protected  void AbstractTransactionalCommandStack. rollback ( Transaction tx)
          Ensures that the specified transaction is rolled back, first rolling back a nested transaction (if any).
  IStatus TransactionValidator. validate ( Transaction tx)
          Performs the validation step of a commit.
  IStatus ReadWriteValidatorImpl. validate ( Transaction tx)

Uses of Transaction in org.eclipse.emf.transaction.util

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.transaction.util with parameters of type Transaction
protected   IStatus ValidateEditSupport.Default. doValidateEdit ( Transaction transaction, Collection<? extends Resource> resources, Object context)
          Performs the actual edit validation.
  IStatus ValidateEditSupport. validateEdit ( Transaction transaction, Object context)
          Performs validate-edit for a transaction.
  IStatus ValidateEditSupport.Default. validateEdit ( Transaction transaction, Object context)

Uses of Transaction in org.eclipse.emf.workspace

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.workspace with parameters of type Transaction
protected  void EMFCommandOperation. didCommit ( Transaction transaction)
protected  void CompositeEMFOperation. didCommit ( Transaction transaction)
protected  void AbstractEMFOperation. didCommit ( Transaction transaction)
           Hook for subclasses to learn that the specified transaction has been successfully committed and, if necessary, to extract information from it.
protected  void AbstractEMFOperation. didRedo ( Transaction tx)
          Hook for subclasses to learn that the specified transaction has been successfully redone and, if necessary, to extract information from it.
protected  void AbstractEMFOperation. didUndo ( Transaction tx)
          Hook for subclasses to learn that the specified transaction has been successfully undone and, if necessary, to extract information from it.

Uses of Transaction in org.eclipse.emf.workspace.impl

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.workspace.impl that implement Transaction
 class EMFOperationTransaction
          A specialized transaction implementation that knows the EMFCommandOperation that it supports.
 class NonEMFTransaction
          A transaction encapsulating non-EMF changes (as represented by an unoable operation).

Uses of Transaction in org.eclipse.emf.workspace.util

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.workspace.util with parameters of type Transaction
protected   IStatus WorkspaceValidateEditSupport. doValidateEdit ( Transaction transaction, Collection<? extends Resource> resources, Object context)

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