Interface TransactionalEditingDomain
All Superinterfaces:
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All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface TransactionalEditingDomain
- extends
An extension of the
EditingDomain API that applies transactional
semantics to reading and writing the contents of an EMF
ResourceSet .
Editing domains can be created in one of two ways: dynamically, using a
TransactionalEditingDomain.Factory or statically by registration on the
org.eclipse.emf.transaction.editingDomains extension point. The
latter mechanism is the preferred way to define editing domains that can be
shared with other applications. To create a new editing domain in code,
simply invoke the static factory instance:
TransactionalEditingDomain domain = TransactionalEditingDomain.Factory.INSTANCE
ResourceSet rset = domain.getResourceSet();
// or, create our own resource set and initialize the domain with it
rset = new MyResourceSetImpl();
domain = TransactionalEditingDomain.Factory.INSTANCE.createEditingDomain(rset);
To share a named editing domain with other applications, the editing domain
registry can be used to obtain domains by ID, creating them if necessary.
Editing domain IDs are configured on an extension point providing the factory
implementation that the registry uses to initialize them:
<!-- In the plugin.xml -->
<extension point="org.eclipse.emf.transaction.editingDomains">
// in code, access the registered editing domain by:
TransactionalEditingDomain myDomain = TransactionalEditingDomain.Registry.INSTANCE.getEditingDomain(
See the
package documentation for further
details of editing domain usage.
As of the EMF Transaction 1.2 release, editing domains may optionally be
Adaptable to a variety of optional extension interfaces or "facets."
It is recommended to implement the Adaptable interface and support
adaptation to these interfaces to benefit from the services that they offer.
As of the EMF Transaction 1.3 release, resource-set listeners may optionally
implement a
private interface to be
notified when they are
added to or
removed from an
editing domain.
Also since the 1.3 release, the new optional
TransactionalEditingDomain.Lifecycle interface provides
notifications, from editing domains that support this protocol, of
transaction and editing-domain
lifecycle changes.
See Also:
TransactionalCommandStack ,
Transaction ,
ResourceSetListener ,
ResourceSetListener.Internal ,
TransactionalEditingDomain.Lifecycle ,
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.
String getID()
- Obtains my unique ID. This is the ID under which I am registered in
TransactionalEditingDomain.Registry (if I am registered).
- my unique identifier
See Also:
void setID(
String id)
- Sets my unique ID. If I am currently registered in the
TransactionalEditingDomain.Registry ,
then I am re-registered under this new ID. However, if I am registered
statically on the org.eclipse.emf.transaction.editingDomains
extension point, then my ID cannot be changed.
id - my new unique identifier
- if I am a statically registered domain -
See Also:
getID() ,
TransactionalEditingDomain.Registry.add(String, TransactionalEditingDomain)
void addResourceSetListener(
ResourceSetListener l)
- Adds a resource set listener to me, to receive notifications of changes
to the resource set when transactions commit. This method has no effect
if the specified listeners is already attached to me.
l - a new resource set listener
- if the listener declares both that it
wants only pre-commit events and that it wants only post-commit
events (a logical contradiction) -
See Also:
ResourceSetListener.isPrecommitOnly() ,
void removeResourceSetListener(
ResourceSetListener l)
- Removes a resource set listener from me. This method has no effect if
the listener is not currently attached to me.
l - a resource set listener to remove
Object runExclusive(
Runnable read)
- Runs an operation that requires exclusive access to my resource set,
for reading. The specified runnable is executed in a read-only
transaction. If the runnable implements the
interface, then its result is returned after it completes. Moreover,
(and this is a very good reason to implement this extension interface),
if the transaction rolls back on commit, then the RunnableWithResult
is provided with the error status indicating this condition. Even read-only
transactions can roll back when, for example, another thread concurrently
modifies the model (in violation of the transaction protocol), and it is
important to know when corrupted data may have been read.
Note that this method will block the current thread until
exclusive access to the resource set can be obtained. However, it is
safe to call this method on the Eclipse UI thread because special
precaution is taken to ensure that liveness is maintained (using
mechanisms built into the Job Manager).
Note: Since the 1.2 release, the
TransactionUtil.runExclusive(TransactionalEditingDomain, RunnableWithResult)
utility provides type-safe execution of runnables returning results and
should be preferred over this API.
read - a read-only operation to execute
- the result of the read operation if it is a
RunnableWithResult and the transaction did not roll back;
null , otherwise
- if the current thread is interrupted while
waiting for access to the resource set -
See Also:
TransactionUtil#runExclusive(RunnableWithResult) ,
void yield()
- Temporarily yields access to another read-only transaction. The
TransactionalEditingDomain supports any number of pseudo-concurrent
read-only transactions. Transactions that are expected to be
long-running should yield frequently, as a task running in a progress
monitor is expected to check for cancellation frequently. However, there
is a higher cost (in time) associated with yielding, so it should not
be overdone.
Only read-only transactions may yield, and only the transaction that
is currently active in the editing domain may yield. The yielding
transaction may be nested, but not within a read/write transaction
at any depth.
Upon yielding, some other read-only transaction that is attempting to
start or to return from a yield will take control of the editing domain.
Control is never yielded to a read/write transaction (not even to a
read-only transaction nested in a read/write) because this would
introduce dirty reads (transactions reading uncommitted changes).
If there are no other read-only transactions to receive the transfer of
control, then the call returns immediately. Otherwise, control is
transferred in FIFO fashion to waiting transactions.
RunnableWithResult<?> createPrivilegedRunnable(
Runnable runnable)
- Wraps the specified
runnable to give it access to the currently
active transaction. This is useful for two or more cooperating threads
to share a transaction (read-only or read-write), executing code in
the a runnable on one thread in the context of another
thread's transaction.
For example, in an Eclipse UI application, this might be used when a
long-running task in a modal context thread needs to synchronously
execute some operation on the UI thread, which operation needs to read
or write the editing domain. e.g.,
Runnable uiBoundAction = // ...
Runnable privileged = domain.createPrivilegedRunnable(uiBoundAction);
Note that it is critically important that this mechanism only
be used to share a transaction with another thread synchronously.
Or, more generally, during the execution of the privileged runnable, the
thread that originally owned the transaction no longer does, and may not
access the editing domain. Upon completion of the privileged runnable,
the transaction is returned to its original owner.
Also, the resulting runnable may only be executed while the currently
active transaction remains active. Any attempt to execute the runnable
after this transaction has committed or while a nested transaction is
active will result in an
Note: Since the 1.2 release, the
TransactionUtil.createPrivilegedRunnable(TransactionalEditingDomain, RunnableWithResult)
utility provides type-safe privileged access for runnables returning
results and should be preferred over this API.
Type Parameters:
T - the result type of the
RunnableWithResult if such
is the read argument -
runnable - a runnable to execute in the context of the active
transaction, on any thread
- the privileged runnable. If the wrapped
is a
RunnableWithResult , then the privileged runnable will
inherit its result when it completes
- on an attempt by a thread that does not
own the active transaction to create a privileged runnable. This
prevents "theft" of transactions by malicious code. Note also
that this implies an exception if there is no active transaction at
the time of this call -
See Also:
TransactionUtil.createPrivilegedRunnable(TransactionalEditingDomain, RunnableWithResult)
void dispose()
- Disposes of this editing domain and any resources that it has allocated.
Editing domains must be disposed when they are no longer in use, but
only by the client that created them (in case of sharing of editing
Note that editing domains registered on the extension point may
not be disposed.