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Interface ValidateEditSupport

All Known Implementing Classes:
ValidateEditSupport.Default, WorkspaceValidateEditSupport

public interface ValidateEditSupport

Interface for the Transaction.OPTION_VALIDATE_EDIT transaction option to check, when a transaction commits, that all of the resources that it has modified are actually editable or (by some means supplied by the platform) can be made to be editable. The root-level transaction should assign this to the TransactionChangeRecorder when it starts and remove it when it closes.

Clients may implement this interface or extend the default implementation.

See Also:
Transaction.OPTION_VALIDATE_EDIT, Transaction.OPTION_VALIDATE_EDIT_CONTEXT, ValidateEditSupport.Default

Nested Class Summary
static class ValidateEditSupport.Default
           A default implementation of the ValidateEditSupport interface, that uses the editing domain's read-only resource map to determine whether a resource can be edited and depends on notifications of the Resource.isModified() property changing to track which resources need to be validated (note that this implies that the resource is tracking modifications).
Method Summary
 void finalizeForCommit ()
          Notifies me that the transaction has successfully committed and I should clean up.
 void finalizeForRollback ()
          Notifies me that rollback has occurred and I should clean up.
 void handleResourceChange ( Resource resource, Notification notification)
          Processes a notification from a resource that may either indicate that the resource should be added to the validate list (i.e., its persisted state is changed) or it should be removed from the validate list (e.g., because it has been unloaded).
  IStatus validateEdit ( Transaction transaction, Object context)
          Performs validate-edit for a transaction.

Method Detail


IStatus validateEdit(
Transaction transaction,
Object context)
Performs validate-edit for a transaction.

transaction - the root-level transaction that is attempting to commit
context - usually a org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell providing a UI context for interaction with the user to make resources modifiable, or null if no such context is available and the system should attempt to automatically validate
a status indicating OK if validate-edit succeeded, otherwise some reason why it failed and the transaction should roll back


void handleResourceChange(
Resource resource,
Notification notification)
Processes a notification from a resource that may either indicate that the resource should be added to the validate list (i.e., its persisted state is changed) or it should be removed from the validate list (e.g., because it has been unloaded).

resource - a resource to add or remove to/from the validate list
notification - a notification


void finalizeForRollback()
Notifies me that rollback has occurred and I should clean up. This may involving touching, in some way, the resources that I validated.


void finalizeForCommit()
Notifies me that the transaction has successfully committed and I should clean up. This may involve touching, in some way, the resources that I validated.

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All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire