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Class TransactionImpl

  extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
InternalTransaction, Transaction
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TransactionImpl
extends Object
implements InternalTransaction

The default transaction implementation.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.transaction. Transaction
Field Summary
          This option, when provided to a transaction that inherits from this implementation class and has children transactions that are using this implementation class, provides an optional block of the normal propagation of change descriptions to the parent transaction by any transaction in the child subtree of this transaction.
          This option blocks the propagation of change descriptions to the parent transaction.
protected   CompositeChangeDescription change
static  Map< Object, Object> DEFAULT_UNDO_REDO_OPTIONS
          The transaction options that should be used when undoing/redoing changes on the command stack.
protected   List< Notification> notifications
          An internal option that identifies the Command that a transaction was created to execute, in the case that it is an EMFCommandTransaction.
          An informative option that tags the transaction as a transaction that is executing trigger commands.
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.transaction. Transaction
Constructor Summary
TransactionImpl ( TransactionalEditingDomain domain, boolean readOnly)
          Initializes me with my editing domain and read-only state.
TransactionImpl ( TransactionalEditingDomain domain, boolean readOnly, Map<?,?> options)
          Initializes me with my editing domain, read-only state, and additional options.
Method Summary
 void abort ( IStatus status)
          Aborts the transaction with a reason given by the specified status.
 void add ( Notification notification)
          Adds the specified notification to the list of notifications received during this transaction.
 void addTriggers ( TriggerCommand triggers)
          Adds a group of triggers that were executed during my commit.
protected  void close ()
          Closes me.
protected static boolean collectsNotifications ( Transaction tx)
          Queries whether the specified transaction collects notifications for broadcast to listeners or for validation.
 void commit ()
          Attempts to commit the transaction.
 void endPrivileged ( PrivilegedRunnable<?> runnable)
          Returns me to my previous owner, upon completion of the specified privileged runnable.
  TransactionChangeDescription getChangeDescription ()
          Obtains the change description summarizing the changes made to the model during the execution of the transaction.
protected static  Map<?,?> getDefaultOptions ( TransactionalEditingDomain domain)
          Obtains the default transaction options, if any, of the specified editing domain.
  TransactionalEditingDomain getEditingDomain ()
          Queries the editing domain in which I am transacting.
protected   InternalTransactionalEditingDomain getInternalDomain ()
          Obtains my owning editing domain as the internal interface.
protected   InternalLifecycle getLifecycle ()
          Obtains the life-cycle adapter, if any, of my editing domain, with which I will notify it of my lifecycle events.
  List< Notification> getNotifications ()
          Obtains the list of notifications that were received during execution of this transaction.
  Map< Object, Object> getOptions ()
          Obtains the special options with which I was created.
  Thread getOwner ()
          Queries the thread that owns me.
  Transaction getParent ()
          My parent transaction, if any.
  InternalTransaction getRoot ()
          Obtains the root transaction (the one that has no parent).
  IStatus getStatus ()
          Obtains the status of the transaction.
  Command getTriggers ()
          Obtains the triggers that were executed during my commit.
protected static boolean hasOption ( Transaction tx, String option)
          Queries whether the specified transaction has a boolean option.
protected  boolean isAborted ()
          Queries whether I have been aborted.
 boolean isActive ()
          Queries whether I am active.
protected static boolean isNotificationEnabled ( Transaction tx)
          Queries whether the specified transaction should send post-commit events, according to its options.
 boolean isReadOnly ()
          Queries whether I am a read-only transaction.
 boolean isRollingBack ()
          Queries whether this transaction or any of its ancestors is in the process of rolling back.
protected static boolean isTriggerEnabled ( Transaction tx)
          Queries whether the specified transaction should invoke pre-commit, listeners, according to its options and read-only state.
protected static boolean isUndoEnabled ( Transaction tx)
          Queries whether the specified transaction should record undo information, according to its options and read-only state.
protected static boolean isUnprotected ( Transaction tx)
          Queries whether the specified transaction is an unprotected write, according to its options and read-only state.
protected static boolean isValidationEnabled ( Transaction tx)
          Queries whether the specified transaction should validate changes, according to its options and read-only state.
 void pause ()
          Pauses me while a child transaction is active, so that I do not collect either notifications or recorded changes during that time.
 void resume ( TransactionChangeDescription nestedChanges)
          Resumes me after completion of a child transaction.
 void rollback ()
          Rolls back the transaction, undoing all of the pending model changes.
 void setParent ( InternalTransaction parent)
          Assigns my parent transaction (the one in which I am nested).
 void setStatus ( IStatus status)
          Sets the status of the transaction.
 void start ()
          Starts me.
 void startPrivileged ( PrivilegedRunnable<?> runnable)
          Transfers ownership of this transaction to the specified privileged runnable.
  String toString ()
protected   IStatus validate ()
          Validates me.
 void yield ()
          Temporarily yields access to another read-only transaction.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final 
This option, when provided to a transaction that inherits from this implementation class and has children transactions that are using this implementation class, provides an optional block of the normal propagation of change descriptions to the parent transaction by any transaction in the child subtree of this transaction. The child exercises its option to negate the propagation of change descriptions by adding the BLOCK_CHANGE_PROPAGATION option to its own options with the value of Boolean.TRUE . This option IS inherited by child transactions.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final 
This option blocks the propagation of change descriptions to the parent transaction. The option has no effect unless the parent transaction has allowed this negation to happen by having the ALLOW_CHANGE_PROPAGATION_BLOCKING option added either directly or through option inheritance. Note that to enable this option it must be added to the options map with the value of Boolean.TRUE . This option is NOT inherited by child transactions.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final 
An informative option that tags the transaction as a transaction that is executing trigger commands.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final 
An internal option that identifies the Command that a transaction was created to execute, in the case that it is an EMFCommandTransaction.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final 
The transaction options that should be used when undoing/redoing changes on the command stack. Undo and redo must not perform triggers because these were implemented as chained commands during the original execution. Moreover, validation is not required during undo/redo because we can only return the model from a valid state to another valid state if the original execution did so. Finally, it is not necessary to record undo information when we are undoing or redoing.

As of the 1.2 release, this map is immutable.


Notification> notifications


protected final 
CompositeChangeDescription change
Constructor Detail


public TransactionImpl(
TransactionalEditingDomain domain,
                       boolean readOnly)
Initializes me with my editing domain and read-only state.

domain - the editing domain in which I operate
readOnly - true if I am read-only; false if I am read/write


public TransactionImpl(
TransactionalEditingDomain domain,
                       boolean readOnly,
Map<?,?> options)
Initializes me with my editing domain, read-only state, and additional options.

domain - the editing domain in which I operate
readOnly - true if I am read-only; false if I am read/write
options - my options, or null for defaults
Method Detail


public void start()
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Starts me. Usually, this will delegate to the editing domain to activate me.

Note that this call should block the current thread until the editing domain grants exclusive access.

Specified by:
start in interface InternalTransaction
InterruptedException - if the current thread is interrupted while waiting for activation


public final 
TransactionalEditingDomain getEditingDomain()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Queries the editing domain in which I am transacting. Note that this is available also before I start and after I close.

Specified by:
getEditingDomain in interface Transaction
my editing domain


InternalLifecycle getLifecycle()
Obtains the life-cycle adapter, if any, of my editing domain, with which I will notify it of my lifecycle events.

my domain's lifecycle adapter, or null if my editing domain does not provide one


public final 
Transaction getParent()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
My parent transaction, if any. The thread that owns an editing domain's active transaction can create nested transactions simply by starting new ones. Nested transactions commit differently from top-level transactions: although they send pre-commit events, they do not send post-commit events, nor are they validated. Validation is performed only by the top-level transaction to validate all changes made in its scope, and only the top-level transaction then can send the post-commit event. Nested transactions can roll back their changes without affecting their parent transactions.

Transactions can nest as follows:

  • read-only transactions can be nested in read-only or read/write transactions
  • read/write transactions can only be nested in read/write transactions

Specified by:
getParent in interface Transaction
my parent transaction


public final void setParent(
InternalTransaction parent)
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Assigns my parent transaction (the one in which I am nested). This must be done by the editing domain immediately upon activating me.

Specified by:
setParent in interface InternalTransaction
parent - my parent transaction


public final 
InternalTransaction getRoot()
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Obtains the root transaction (the one that has no parent). This could be me if I am the root.

Specified by:
getRoot in interface InternalTransaction
the root transaction in a nested transaction structure


public final 
Thread getOwner()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Queries the thread that owns me. Only this thread is allowed to read or write (in the case of read/write transactions) the editing domain's resource set while I am open.

Specified by:
getOwner in interface Transaction
my owning thread


public final boolean isReadOnly()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Queries whether I am a read-only transaction. Even my owning thread is not permitted to make changes to the model if I am read-only.

Specified by:
isReadOnly in interface Transaction
true if I am read-only; false, otherwise


public final 
Object> getOptions()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Obtains the special options with which I was created. The options (map keys) are defined by the Transaction interface.

Specified by:
getOptions in interface Transaction
an unmodifiable view of my options


public boolean isActive()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Queries whether I am active. I am active after I have started and before I have closed (committed or rolled back).

Specified by:
isActive in interface Transaction
whether I am active


IStatus getStatus()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Obtains the status of the transaction. This may provide warning or or error messages from validation (after I have committed/rolled back) or other sources, or it might be OK.

Note that while I am still active, my status is usually OK. It may not be OK if I have been aborted, in which case I will roll back on attempt to commit.

Specified by:
getStatus in interface Transaction
my status, most interesting after I have closed


public void setStatus(
IStatus status)
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Sets the status of the transaction.

Specified by:
setStatus in interface InternalTransaction
status - my status


public void abort(
IStatus status)
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Aborts the transaction with a reason given by the specified status. This is used, for example, when a transaction is corrupted by another thread concurrently writing the model (obviously without an active transaction!). The transaction is expected to rollback when it attempts to commit, and to propagate this status up to the root transaction.

Specified by:
abort in interface InternalTransaction
status - a status object providing the reason. It should be the status attached to the eventual RollbackException, and should be set as my status


protected boolean isAborted()
Queries whether I have been aborted.

true if I have been aborted; false, otherwise
See Also:


public void commit()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Attempts to commit the transaction. The transaction may only commit if it is the currently active transaction in the editing domain. After the transaction has committed, it is no longer active and cannot be started again.

Commit proceeds in three phases: pre-commit events and triggers, validation, and the post-commit events.

Pre-commit notifications are sent to the editing domain's registered ResourceSetListeners to inform them that the transaction is committing. If any listener throws a RollbackException, then the transaction is rolled back and the exception is propagated to the caller. Any trigger commands returned by pre-commit listeners are executed after all listeners are invoked, in a nested transaction. This nested transaction, then, follows the commit protocol to send out pre-commit notifications again. This process continues until no more trigger commands are executed or some listener causes rollback.

After all pre-commit processing completes, the transaction is validated. Validation checks all of the notifications received from the model during the transaction (including any nested transactions, esp. those that executed triggers). If the validation yields an error status (or more severe), then the transaction is rolled back, throwing a RollbackException with the validation status.

The final phase, if validation passes, is to send out the post-commit event to the resource set listeners. This event includes all of the notifications received during the transaction, including triggers. Note that, because these listeners can read the model, they may cause further notifications (by resolving proxies, loading resources, etc.). Listeners are invoked in a nested read-only transaction, so it will also commit and send out a post-commit event if necessary with additional notifications.

Note that even a read-only transaction can roll back. This should only occur, however, if it is corrupted by a concurrent modification by another thread, which means that invalid data could have been read.

Specified by:
commit in interface Transaction
RollbackException - if a listener or validation caused the transaction to roll back instead of committing successfully


public void rollback()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Rolls back the transaction, undoing all of the pending model changes. Once it has rolled back, the transaction is no longer active and cannot be started again. No events are sent when the transaction rolls back; to listeners it appears that nothing ever happened.

Specified by:
rollback in interface Transaction


public void yield()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Temporarily yields access to another read-only transaction. The TransactionalEditingDomain supports any number of pseudo-concurrent read-only transactions. Transactions that are expected to be long-running should yield frequently, as a task running in a progress monitor is expected to check for cancellation frequently. However, there is a higher cost (in time) associated with yielding, so it should not be overdone.

Only read-only transactions may yield, and only the transaction that is currently active in the editing domain may yield. The yielding transaction may be nested, but not within a read/write transaction at any depth.

Upon yielding, some other read-only transaction that is attempting to start or to return from a yield will take control of the editing domain. Control is never yielded to a read/write transaction (not even to a read-only transaction nested in a read/write) because this would introduce dirty reads (transactions reading uncommitted changes). If there are no other read-only transactions to receive the transfer of control, then the call returns immediately. Otherwise, control is transferred in FIFO fashion to waiting transactions.

Specified by:
yield in interface Transaction


TransactionChangeDescription getChangeDescription()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Obtains the change description summarizing the changes made to the model during the execution of the transaction. The change description must not be used until after the transaction has successfully committed. If the transaction rolls back, then it has no change description.

Specified by:
getChangeDescription in interface Transaction
the change description, or null if the transaction rolled back or is still active


InternalTransactionalEditingDomain getInternalDomain()
Obtains my owning editing domain as the internal interface.

the internal view of my editing domain


public void pause()
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Pauses me while a child transaction is active, so that I do not collect either notifications or recorded changes during that time.

Specified by:
pause in interface InternalTransaction


public void resume(
TransactionChangeDescription nestedChanges)
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Resumes me after completion of a child transaction. If the child committed, then I add its change description to my changes.

Specified by:
resume in interface InternalTransaction
nestedChanges - the nested transaction's recorded changes, or null if it rolled back (in which case, I do not add anything to my changes)


public boolean isRollingBack()
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Queries whether this transaction or any of its ancestors is in the process of rolling back.

Specified by:
isRollingBack in interface InternalTransaction
true if I or my parent (if any) am rolling back; false otherwise


protected void close()
Closes me. This is the last step in committing or rolling back, deactivating me in my editing domain. Also, if I have a parent transaction, I resume it.

If a subclass overrides this method, it must ensure that this implementation is also invoked.


public void add(
Notification notification)
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Adds the specified notification to the list of notifications received during this transaction.

Specified by:
add in interface InternalTransaction
notification - the notification to add
See Also:


Notification> getNotifications()
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Obtains the list of notifications that were received during execution of this transaction. These are the notifications that later will be sent to pre-commit listeners, validation, and eventually to post-commit listeners (if I successfully commit).

Specified by:
getNotifications in interface InternalTransaction
my notifications
See Also:


IStatus validate()
Validates me. Should only be called during commit.

the result of validation. If this is an error or worse, then I must roll back


Command getTriggers()
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Obtains the triggers that were executed during my commit.

Specified by:
getTriggers in interface InternalTransaction
my pre-commit trigger commands, or null if I have no triggers (perhaps because the Transaction.OPTION_NO_TRIGGERS was applied). This may be a single Command or a compound of multiple


public void addTriggers(
TriggerCommand triggers)
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Adds a group of triggers that were executed during my commit.

Specified by:
addTriggers in interface InternalTransaction
triggers - the triggers to add


public void startPrivileged(
PrivilegedRunnable<?> runnable)
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Transfers ownership of this transaction to the specified privileged runnable.

Specified by:
startPrivileged in interface InternalTransaction
runnable - the runnable whose thread is to borrow me


public void endPrivileged(
PrivilegedRunnable<?> runnable)
Description copied from interface: InternalTransaction
Returns me to my previous owner, upon completion of the specified privileged runnable.

Specified by:
endPrivileged in interface InternalTransaction
runnable - the runnable whose thread had borrowed me


String toString()
toString in class Object


protected static boolean isUndoEnabled(
Transaction tx)
Queries whether the specified transaction should record undo information, according to its options and read-only state.

tx - a transaction
true if the transaction should record undo information; false, otherwise


protected static boolean isValidationEnabled(
Transaction tx)
Queries whether the specified transaction should validate changes, according to its options and read-only state.

tx - a transaction
true if the transaction should validate changes; false, otherwise


protected static boolean isTriggerEnabled(
Transaction tx)
Queries whether the specified transaction should invoke pre-commit, listeners, according to its options and read-only state.

tx - a transaction
true if the transaction should perform the pre-commit procedures; false, otherwise


protected static boolean isNotificationEnabled(
Transaction tx)
Queries whether the specified transaction should send post-commit events, according to its options.

tx - a transaction
true if the transaction should send post-commit events; false, otherwise


protected static boolean isUnprotected(
Transaction tx)
Queries whether the specified transaction is an unprotected write, according to its options and read-only state.

tx - a transaction
true if the transaction is an unprotected write transaction; false, otherwise


protected static boolean collectsNotifications(
Transaction tx)
Queries whether the specified transaction collects notifications for broadcast to listeners or for validation. This is determined by the transaction's options.

tx - a transaction
true any of notification, triggers, and validation are enabled; false, otherwise
See Also:
isNotificationEnabled(Transaction), isTriggerEnabled(Transaction), isValidationEnabled(Transaction)


protected static boolean hasOption(
Transaction tx,
String option)
Queries whether the specified transaction has a boolean option.

tx - a transaction
option - the boolean-valued option to query
true if the transaction has the option; false if it does not


protected static 
Map<?,?> getDefaultOptions(
TransactionalEditingDomain domain)
Obtains the default transaction options, if any, of the specified editing domain.

domain - an editing domain
its default transaction options, or an empty map if none are defined

Copyright 2002, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire