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Uses of Class

Packages that use PruneHandler
org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects EMF Query Conditions EObjects. 
org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects.structuralfeatures EMF Query Conditions EStructuralFeatures. 
org.eclipse.emf.query.handlers EMF Query Handlers Package Specification This package exposes the basic PruneHandler object that are used to help EObject related Conditions to prune the to-be-visited children tree. 
org.eclipse.emf.query.ocl.conditions Object Constraint Language extensions to the EMF Query Conditions framework. 

Uses of PruneHandler in org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects that return PruneHandler
  PruneHandler EObjectCondition. getPruneHandler ()
          A getter for the PrunHandler

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects with parameters of type PruneHandler
EObjectCondition ( PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          A constructor that takes in a PruneHandler instance to use for pruning.
EObjectConditionAdapter ( Condition condition, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          A constructor that takes in the Condition object to adapt, and the PruneHandler to use.
EObjectInstanceCondition ( EObject eObject, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          A constructor that allows callers to initialize this EObjectInstanceCondition
EObjectTypeRelationCondition ( EClass type, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          A constructor, it initializes the EObjectTypeRelationCondition with the given EClass.
EObjectTypeRelationCondition ( EClass type, TypeRelation typeRelationKind, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          A constructor, it initializes the EObjectTypeRelationCondition with the given EClass, the TypeRelation and the PruneHandler specified.

Uses of PruneHandler in org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects.structuralfeatures

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects.structuralfeatures with parameters of type PruneHandler
EObjectAttributeValueCondition ( PruneHandler pruneHandler, EObjectCondition contextEObjectCondition, EAttribute attribute, Condition valueCondition, ConditionPolicy policy, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, boolean resolve)
          A constructor that initializes this EObjectAttributeValueCondition with the passed values.
EObjectContainmentFeatureCondition ( EReference containmentFeature, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          A simple constructor, it initializes this EObjectContainmentFeatureCondition with the passed arguments.
EObjectReferencerCondition ( EObject referencedEObject, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          * A constructor, initializes this EObjectReferencerCondition with the passed arguments.
EObjectReferenceValueCondition ( PruneHandler pruneHandler, EObjectCondition contextEObjectCondition, EReference reference, EObjectCondition valueCondition, ConditionPolicy policy, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, boolean resolve)
          A constructor that initializes this EObjectReferenceValueCondition with the passed values.
EObjectStructuralFeatureCondition ( PruneHandler pruneHandler, EStructuralFeature feature)
          A constructor, initializes the EObjectStructuralFeatureCondition with basic values.
EObjectStructuralFeatureValueCondition ( PruneHandler pruneHandler, EObjectCondition contextEObjectCondition, EStructuralFeature feature, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, boolean resolve, Condition valueCondition, ConditionPolicy policy)
          The constructor of this EObjectStructuralFeatureValueCondition object, it initializes it with the proper values.

Uses of PruneHandler in org.eclipse.emf.query.handlers

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.query.handlers declared as PruneHandler
static  PruneHandler PruneHandler. ALWAYS
          A simple PruneHandler implementation that will always prune regardless of the nature of the EObjectCondition used or the argument eObject passed.
static  PruneHandler PruneHandler. NEVER
          A simple PruneHandler implementation that will never prune regardless of the nature of the EObjectCondition used or the argument eObject passed.

Uses of PruneHandler in org.eclipse.emf.query.ocl.conditions

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.query.ocl.conditions with parameters of type PruneHandler
AbstractOCLCondition ( Environment<?, C,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, CLS, E> env, Query< C, CLS, E> oclQuery, C contextClassifier, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Initializes a query condition with compiled OCL query, a context classifier representing the type of "self" in the OCL expression, and an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to resolve the context element for safe access to structural features, and a PruneHandler to consult for pruning the content tree.
AbstractOCLCondition ( Environment<?, C,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, CLS, E> env, String oclExpressionString, C contextClassifier, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Initializes a query condition with an OCL expression string, a context classifier representing the type of "self" in the OCL expression, and an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to resolve the context element for safe access to structural features, and a prune-handler to consult for pruning the object tree.
BooleanOCLCondition ( Environment<?, C,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, CLS, E> env, Query< C, CLS, E> oclQuery, C contextClassifier, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Initializes a constraint condition with an OCL expression string, a context classifier representing the type of "self" in the OCL expression, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to resolve the context element for safe access to structural features, and a PruneHandler.NEVER to consult for pruning the content tree.
BooleanOCLCondition ( Environment<?, C,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, CLS, E> env, Query< C, CLS, E> oclQuery, C contextClassifier, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Initializes a constraint condition with an OCL expression string, a context classifier representing the type of "self" in the OCL expression, and a PruneHandler.NEVER to consult for pruning the content tree.
BooleanOCLCondition ( Environment<?, C,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, CLS, E> env, String oclExpressionString, C contextClassifier, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Initializes a constraint condition with an OCL expression string, a context classifier representing the type of "self" in the OCL expression, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to resolve the context element for safe access to structural features, and a PruneHandler.NEVER to consult for pruning the content tree.
OCLCondition ( Query oclQuery, EClass contextEObjectType, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Deprecated. Initializes a query condition with a compiled OCL query, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of EStructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression, and a PruneHandler to consult for pruning the content tree.
OCLCondition ( String oclExpressionString, EClass contextEObjectType, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Deprecated. Initializes a query condition with an OCL expression string, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of EStructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression, and a PruneHandler to consult for pruning the content tree.
OCLConstraintCondition ( Query oclQuery, EClass contextEObjectType, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Deprecated. Initializes a constraint condition with a compiled OCL query, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression, and a PruneHandler to consult for pruning the content tree.
OCLConstraintCondition ( Query oclQuery, EClass contextEObjectType, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Deprecated.  Initializes a constraint condition with a compiled OCL query, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression, and a PruneHandler to consult for pruning the content tree.
OCLConstraintCondition ( String oclExpressionString, EClass contextEObjectType, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Deprecated. Initializes a constraint condition with an OCL expression string, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression, and a PruneHandler to consult for pruning the content tree.

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