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Class OCLConstraintCondition

  extended by 

      extended by 

          extended by 

              extended by 

Deprecated. Prefer the BooleanOCLCondition class, which supports customization of the OCL parsing environment as well as other metamodels than Ecore

public class OCLConstraintCondition
extends OCLCondition

A specialized OCL condition class that is used to apply boolean-valued OCL expressions to EObjects. These are commonly used to express invariant constraints; they are not typically evaluated but are usually checked for isSatisfied(EObject).

Field Summary
static  OCLConstraintCondition NULL_CONDITION
          Deprecated. A simple condition constant that represents an OCLConstraintCondition that is always satisfied.
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects. EObjectCondition
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions. Condition
Constructor Summary
OCLConstraintCondition ( Query oclQuery, EClass contextEObjectType, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Deprecated. Initializes a constraint condition with a compiled OCL query, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression, and a PruneHandler to consult for pruning the content tree.
OCLConstraintCondition ( Query oclQuery, EClass contextEObjectType, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Deprecated.  Initializes a constraint condition with a compiled OCL query, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression, and a PruneHandler to consult for pruning the content tree.
OCLConstraintCondition ( String oclExpressionString, EClass contextEObjectType)
          Deprecated. Initializes a constraint condition with an OCL expression string, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, and an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression.
OCLConstraintCondition ( String oclExpressionString, EClass contextEObjectType, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter)
          Deprecated. Initializes a constraint condition with an OCL expression string, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, and an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression.
OCLConstraintCondition ( String oclExpressionString, EClass contextEObjectType, IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter, PruneHandler pruneHandler)
          Deprecated. Initializes a constraint condition with an OCL expression string, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression, and a PruneHandler to consult for pruning the content tree.
Method Summary
 boolean isSatisfied ( EObject eObject)
          Deprecated. Computes the boolean value resulting from evaluating the constraint condition on the specified eObject.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.query.ocl.conditions. OCLCondition
evaluate, getContextEObjectType, getEStructuralFeatureValueGetter, getOclQuery, getResultType, isContextFree, setEStructuralFeatureValueGetter
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects. EObjectCondition
AND, EQUIVALENT, getPruneHandler, IMPLIES, isSatisfied, OR, shouldPrune, XOR
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions. Condition
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final 
OCLConstraintCondition NULL_CONDITION
A simple condition constant that represents an OCLConstraintCondition that is always satisfied. Functions as a literal "true".

Constructor Detail


public OCLConstraintCondition(
String oclExpressionString,
EClass contextEObjectType,
IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter)
Initializes a constraint condition with an OCL expression string, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, and an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression. It defaults to using PruneHandler.NEVER to consult for pruning.

NOTE: if contextEObjectType is null, then this becomes a context-free OCL constraint condition.

oclExpressionString - The OCL expression to apply when evaluating this OCLCondition
contextEObjectType - The EClass representing the OCL context classifier. Use null to create a context-free OCLCondition.
eStructuralFeatureValueGetter - The strategy for accessing structural feature values. It serves as a layer of indirection to allow clients to intervene between this condition object and the way it extracts the StructuralFeatures' values so as to allow for manipulation of such values before subjecting them to evaluation by the OCL interpreter.


public OCLConstraintCondition(
String oclExpressionString,
EClass contextEObjectType)
Initializes a constraint condition with an OCL expression string, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, and an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression. It defaults to using PruneHandler.NEVER to consult for pruning.

NOTE: if contextEObjectType is null, then this becomes a context-free OCL constraint condition.

This constructor implicitly uses the default EStructuralFeatureValueGetter to access any EAttributes or EReferences of EObjects.

oclExpressionString - The OCL expression to apply when evaluating this OCLCondition
contextEObjectType - The EClass representing the OCL context classifier. Use null to create a context-free OCLCondition.


public OCLConstraintCondition(
String oclExpressionString,
EClass contextEObjectType,
IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter,
PruneHandler pruneHandler)
Initializes a constraint condition with an OCL expression string, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression, and a PruneHandler to consult for pruning the content tree.

NOTE: if contextEObjectType is null, then this becomes a context-free OCL constraint condition.

oclExpressionString - The OCL expression to apply when evaluating this OCLCondition
contextEObjectType - The EClass representing the OCL context classifier. Use null to create a context-free OCLCondition.
eStructuralFeatureValueGetter - The strategy for accessing structural feature values. It serves as a layer of indirection to allow clients to intervene between this condition object and the way it extracts the StructuralFeatures' values so as to allow for manipulation of such values before subjecting them to evaluation by the OCL interpreter.
pruneHandler - The PruneHandler to consult when pruning


public OCLConstraintCondition(
Query oclQuery,
EClass contextEObjectType,
IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter eStructuralFeatureValueGetter,
PruneHandler pruneHandler)
Initializes a constraint condition with a compiled OCL query, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression, and a PruneHandler to consult for pruning the content tree.

oclQuery - The OCL query to apply when evaluating this OCLCondition
contextEObjectType - The EClass representing the OCL context classifier. Must not be null.
eStructuralFeatureValueGetter - The strategy for accessing structural feature values. It serves as a layer of indirection to allow clients to intervene between this condition object and the way it extracts the StructuralFeatures' values so as to allow for manipulation of such values before subjecting them to evaluation by the OCL interpreter.
pruneHandler - The PruneHandler to consult when pruning


public OCLConstraintCondition(
Query oclQuery,
EClass contextEObjectType,
PruneHandler pruneHandler)

Initializes a constraint condition with a compiled OCL query, an EClass representing the EObject type which the OCL expression uses as a context, an IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter to use to get values of StructuralFeatures referenced by the OCL expression, and a PruneHandler to consult for pruning the content tree.

This constructor implicitly uses the default EStructuralFeatureValueGetter to retrieve the values of an EObject's structural feature values.

oclQuery - The OCL query to apply when evaluating this OCLCondition
contextEObjectType - The EClass representing the OCL context classifier. Must not be null.
pruneHandler - The PruneHandler to consult when pruning
Method Detail


public boolean isSatisfied(
EObject eObject)
Computes the boolean value resulting from evaluating the constraint condition on the specified eObject.

isSatisfied in class OCLCondition
eObject - the EObject to check
boolean true if the argument eObject satisfies this EObjectCondition
See Also:
OCLCondition.getContextEObjectType(), OCLCondition.isContextFree()

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