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Release 3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IRSEBaseReferencingObject

Uses of IRSEBaseReferencingObject in org.eclipse.rse.core.filters

Subinterfaces of IRSEBaseReferencingObject in org.eclipse.rse.core.filters
 interface ISystemFilterPoolReference
          Interface implemented by references to filter pools.
 interface ISystemFilterReference
          Represents a shadow or reference to a system filter.
 interface ISystemFilterStringReference
          Represents a reference to a filter string.

Classes in org.eclipse.rse.core.filters that implement IRSEBaseReferencingObject
 class SystemFilterReference
          Represents a shadow or reference to a system filter.

Uses of IRSEBaseReferencingObject in org.eclipse.rse.core.references

Subinterfaces of IRSEBaseReferencingObject in org.eclipse.rse.core.references
 interface IRSEBasePersistableReferencingObject
          Referencing objects are shadows of real objects.
 interface IRSEPersistableReferencingObject
          A simple class that implements IRSEPersistableReferencingObject.
 interface IRSEReferencingObject
          A class to encapsulate the operations required of an object which is merely a reference to another object, something we call a shadow.

Classes in org.eclipse.rse.core.references that implement IRSEBaseReferencingObject
 class SystemReferencingObject
          A class to encapsulate the operations required of an object which is merely a reference to another object, something we call a shadow.

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.core.references that return IRSEBaseReferencingObject
  IRSEBaseReferencingObject[] SystemReferencedObjectHelper. getReferencingObjects ()
  IRSEBaseReferencingObject[] IRSEBaseReferencedObject. getReferencingObjects ()
  IRSEBaseReferencingObject[] SystemReferencedObject. getReferencingObjects ()

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.core.references with parameters of type IRSEBaseReferencingObject
 int SystemReferencedObjectHelper. addReference ( IRSEBaseReferencingObject ref)
 int IRSEBaseReferencedObject. addReference ( IRSEBaseReferencingObject ref)
          Add a reference, increment reference count, return new count
 int SystemReferencedObject. addReference ( IRSEBaseReferencingObject ref)
          Add a reference, increment reference count, return new count
 int SystemReferencedObjectHelper. removeReference ( IRSEBaseReferencingObject ref)
 int IRSEBaseReferencedObject. removeReference ( IRSEBaseReferencingObject ref)
          Remove a reference, decrement reference count, return new count
 int SystemReferencedObject. removeReference ( IRSEBaseReferencingObject ref)
          Remove a reference, decrement reference count, return new count

Constructors in org.eclipse.rse.core.references with parameters of type IRSEBaseReferencingObject
SystemReferencingObjectHelper ( IRSEBaseReferencingObject caller)
          Default constructor.
SystemReferencingObjectHelper ( IRSEBaseReferencingObject caller, IRSEBaseReferencedObject obj)
          Constructor that saves effort of calling setReferencedObject.

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire