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Eclipse RAP Development Guide
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Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform
Release 1.2


Interface Summary
ControlListener Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the events that are generated by moving and resizing controls.
DisposeListener Classes which implement this interface provide a method that deals with the event that is generated when a widget is disposed.
ExpandListener Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the expanding and collapsing of ExpandItems.
FocusListener Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the events that are generated as controls gain and lose focus.
KeyListener Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the events that are generated as keys are pressed on the system keyboard.
MenuListener Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the hiding and showing of menus.
ModifyListener Classes which implement this interface provide a method that deals with the events that are generated when text is modified.
MouseListener Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the events that are generated as mouse buttons are pressed.
SelectionListener Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the events that are generated when selection occurs in a control.
ShellListener Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with changes in state of Shells.
TraverseListener Classes which implement this interface provide a method that deals with the events that are generated when a traverse event occurs in a control.
TreeListener Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the expanding and collapsing of tree branches.
VerifyListener Classes which implement this interface provide a method that deals with the events that are generated when text is modified.

Class Summary
ControlAdapter This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the ControlListener interface.
ControlEvent Instances of this class are sent as a result of controls being moved or resized.
DisposeEvent Instances of this class are sent as a result of widgets being disposed.
ExpandAdapter This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the ExpandListener interface.
ExpandEvent Instances of this class are sent as a result of expand item being expanded and collapsed.
FocusAdapter This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the FocusListener interface.
FocusEvent Instances of this class are sent as a result of widgets gaining and losing focus.
KeyAdapter This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the KeyListener interface.
KeyEvent Instances of this class are sent as a result of keys being pressed and released on the keyboard.
MenuAdapter This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the MenuListener interface.
MenuEvent Instances of this class are sent as a result of menus being shown and hidden.
ModifyEvent Instances of this class are sent as a result of text being modified.
MouseAdapter This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the MouseListener interface.
MouseEvent Instances of this class are sent whenever mouse related actions occur.
SelectionAdapter This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the SelectionListener interface.
SelectionEvent Instances of this class are sent as a result of widgets being selected.
ShellAdapter This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the ShellListener interface.
ShellEvent Instances of this class are sent as a result of operations being performed on shells.
TraverseEvent Instances of this class are sent as a result of widget traversal actions.
TreeAdapter This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the TreeListener interface.
TreeEvent Instances of this class are sent as a result of trees being expanded and collapsed.
TypedEvent This is the super class for all typed event classes provided by RWT.
VerifyEvent Instances of this class are sent as a result of text being modified.

Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform
Release 1.2

Copyright (c) Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH and others 2002, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire