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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5
Interface ISynchronizationContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
MergeContext, SubscriberMergeContext, SynchronizationContext

public interface ISynchronizationContext

Allows a model provider to build a view of their model that includes synchronization information with a remote location (usually a repository).

The scope of the context is defined when the context is created. The creator of the scope may affect changes on the scope which will result in property change events from the scope and may result in change events from the diff tree. Clients should note that it is possible that a change in the scope will result in new resources with differences being covered by the scope but not result in a change event from the diff tree. This can occur because the set may already have contained a diff for the resource with the understanding that the client would have ignored it. Consequently, clients should listen to both sources in order to guarantee that they update any dependent state appropriately.

The diff tree associated with this context may be updated asynchronously in response to calls to any method of this context (e.g. refresh methods) that may result in changes in the synchronization state of resources. It may also get updated as a result of changes triggered from other sources. Hence, the callback from the diff tree to report changes may occur in the same thread as the method call or asynchronously in a separate thread, regardless of who triggered the refresh. Clients of this method (and any other asynchronous method on this context) may determine if all changes have been collected using IJobManager.find(Object) using this context as the family argument in order to determine if there are any jobs running that are populating the diff tree. Clients may also call IJobManager.join(Object, IProgressMonitor) if they wish to wait until all background handlers related to this context are finished.

See Also:
SynchronizationContext, MergeContext
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients. They should subclass SynchronizationContext or one of its subclasses instead.

Field Summary
static int THREE_WAY
          Synchronization type constant that indicates that context is a three-way synchronization.
static int TWO_WAY
          Synchronization type constant that indicates that context is a two-way synchronization.
Method Summary
 void dispose ()
          Dispose of the synchronization context and the cache of the context.
  ICache getCache ()
          Return the cache associated with this synchronization context.
  IResourceDiffTree getDiffTree ()
          Return a tree that contains IDiff entries for resources that are out-of-sync.
  ISynchronizationScope getScope ()
          Return the input that defined the scope of this synchronization context.
 int getType ()
          Return the synchronization type.
 void refresh ( ResourceMapping[] mappings, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh the portion of the context related to the given resource mappings.
 void refresh ( ResourceTraversal[] traversals, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refresh the context in order to update the diff tree returned by getDiffTree() to include the latest synchronization state for the resources.

Field Detail


static final int TWO_WAY
Synchronization type constant that indicates that context is a two-way synchronization.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int THREE_WAY
Synchronization type constant that indicates that context is a three-way synchronization.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


ISynchronizationScope getScope()
Return the input that defined the scope of this synchronization context. The input determines the set of resources to which the context applies. Changes in the input may result in changes to the sync-info available in the tree of this context.

the input that defined the scope of this synchronization context.


IResourceDiffTree getDiffTree()
Return a tree that contains IDiff entries for resources that are out-of-sync. The tree will contain entries for any out-of-sync resources that are within the scope of this context. The tree may include entries for additional resources, which should be ignored by the client. Clients can test for inclusion using the method ISynchronizationScope.contains(IResource).

The returned IResourceDiffTree will be homogeneous and contain either IResourceDiff or IThreeWayDiff instances. Any IThreeWayDiff contained in the returned tree will contain IResourceDiff instances as the local and remote changes. This interface also has several helper methods for handling entries contained in the returned diff tree.

a tree that contains an entry for any resources that are out-of-sync.
See Also:
IResourceDiffTree.getDiffs(ResourceTraversal[]), IResourceDiffTree.getResource(IDiff)


int getType()
Return the synchronization type. A type of TWO_WAY indicates that the synchronization information associated with the context will also be two-way IDiff instances (i.e. there is only a remote but no base involved in the comparison used to determine the synchronization state of resources. A type of THREE_WAY indicates that the synchronization information will be three-way IThreeWayDiff instances.

the type of synchronization information available in the context
See Also:
IDiff, IThreeWayDiff


ICache getCache()
Return the cache associated with this synchronization context. The cache is maintained for the lifetime of this context and is disposed when the the context is disposed. It can be used by clients to cache model state related to the context so that it can be maintained for the life of the operation to which the context applies.

the cache associated with this synchronization context


void dispose()
Dispose of the synchronization context and the cache of the context. This method should be invoked by clients when the context is no longer needed.


void refresh(
ResourceTraversal[] traversals,
             int flags,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Refresh the context in order to update the diff tree returned by getDiffTree() to include the latest synchronization state for the resources. Any changes will be reported through the change listeners registered with the diff tree of this context.

Changes to the diff tree may be triggered by a call to this method or by a refresh triggered by some other source. Hence, the callback from the diff tree to report changes may occur in the same thread as the refresh or asynchronously in a separate thread, regardless of who triggered the refresh.

traversals - the resource traversals which indicate which resources are to be refreshed
flags - additional refresh behavior. For instance, if RemoteResourceMappingContext.FILE_CONTENTS_REQUIRED is one of the flags, this indicates that the client will be accessing the contents of the files covered by the traversals. NONE should be used when no additional behavior is required
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if the refresh fails. Reasons include:
  • The server could not be contacted for some reason (e.g. the context in which the operation is being called must be short running). The status code will be SERVER_CONTACT_PROHIBITED.
See Also:
getDiffTree(), IDiffTree.addDiffChangeListener(IDiffChangeListener)


void refresh(
ResourceMapping[] mappings,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Refresh the portion of the context related to the given resource mappings. The provided mappings must be within the scope of this context. Refreshing mappings may result in additional resources being added to the scope of this context. If new resources are included in the scope, a property change event will be fired from the scope. If the synchronization state of any of the resources covered by the mapping change, a change event will be fired from the diff tree of this context.

Changes to the diff tree may be triggered by a call to this method or by a refresh triggered by some other source. Hence, the callback from the diff tree to report changes may occur in the same thread as the refresh or asynchronously in a separate thread, regardless of who triggered the refresh.

mappings - the mappings to be refreshed
monitor - a progress monitor
CoreException - if errors occur

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire