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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IQuickAssistAssistant

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IQuickAssistAssistant

An IQuickAssistAssistant provides support for quick fixes and quick assists. The quick assist assistant is a ISourceViewer add-on. Its purpose is to propose, display, and insert quick assists and quick fixes available at the current source viewer's quick assist invocation context.

The quick assist assistant can be configured with a IQuickAssistProcessor which provides the possible quick assist and quick fix completions.

In order to provide backward compatibility for clients of IQuickAssistAssistant, extension interfaces are used to provide a means of evolution. The following extension interfaces exist:
  • IQuickAssistAssistantExtension since version 3.4 introducing the following function:
    • allows to get a handler for the given command identifier
    • allows to enable support for colored labels in the proposal popup
  • The interface can be implemented by clients. By default, clients use QuickAssistAssistant as the standard implementer of this interface.

    See Also:
    ISourceViewer, IQuickAssistProcessor, IQuickAssistAssistantExtension

    Method Summary
     void addCompletionListener ( ICompletionListener listener)
              Adds a completion listener that will be informed before proposals are computed.
     boolean canAssist ( IQuickAssistInvocationContext invocationContext)
              Tells whether this assistant has assists for the given invocation context.
     boolean canFix ( Annotation annotation)
              Tells whether this assistant has a fix for the given annotation.
      IQuickAssistProcessor getQuickAssistProcessor ()
              Returns the quick assist processor to be used for the given content type.
     void install ( ISourceViewer sourceViewer)
              Installs quick assist support on the given source viewer.
     void removeCompletionListener ( ICompletionListener listener)
              Removes a completion listener.
     void setInformationControlCreator ( IInformationControlCreator creator)
              Sets the information control creator for the additional information control.
     void setProposalSelectorBackground ( Color background)
              Sets the proposal selector's background color.
     void setProposalSelectorForeground ( Color foreground)
              Sets the proposal's foreground color.
     void setQuickAssistProcessor ( IQuickAssistProcessor processor)
              Registers a given quick assist processor for a particular content type.
     void setStatusLineVisible (boolean show)
              Enables displaying a status line below the proposal popup.
     void setStatusMessage ( String message)
              Sets the caption message displayed at the bottom of the completion proposal popup.
      String showPossibleQuickAssists ()
              Shows all possible quick fixes and quick assists at the viewer's cursor position.
     void uninstall ()
              Uninstalls quick assist support from the source viewer it has previously be installed on.

    Method Detail


    void install(
    ISourceViewer sourceViewer)
    Installs quick assist support on the given source viewer.

    Note: This quick assist assistant will only be able to query the invocation context if sourceViewer also implements ISourceViewerExtension3.

    sourceViewer - the source viewer on which quick assist will work


    void setInformationControlCreator(
    IInformationControlCreator creator)
    Sets the information control creator for the additional information control.

    creator - the information control creator for the additional information control


    void uninstall()
    Uninstalls quick assist support from the source viewer it has previously be installed on.


    String showPossibleQuickAssists()
    Shows all possible quick fixes and quick assists at the viewer's cursor position.

    an optional error message if no proposals can be computed


    void setQuickAssistProcessor(
    IQuickAssistProcessor processor)
    Registers a given quick assist processor for a particular content type. If there is already a processor registered, the new processor is registered instead of the old one.

    processor - the quick assist processor to register, or null to remove an existing one


    IQuickAssistProcessor getQuickAssistProcessor()
    Returns the quick assist processor to be used for the given content type.

    the quick assist processor or null if none exists


    boolean canFix(
    Annotation annotation)
    Tells whether this assistant has a fix for the given annotation.

    Note: This test must be fast and optimistic i.e. it is OK to return true even though there might be no quick fix.

    annotation - the annotation
    true if the assistant has a fix for the given annotation


    boolean canAssist(
    IQuickAssistInvocationContext invocationContext)
    Tells whether this assistant has assists for the given invocation context.

    invocationContext - the invocation context
    true if the assistant has a fix for the given annotation


    void setProposalSelectorBackground(
    Color background)
    Sets the proposal selector's background color.

    Note: As of 3.4, you should only call this method if you want to override the JFacePreferences.CONTENT_ASSIST_BACKGROUND_COLOR.

    background - the background color


    void setProposalSelectorForeground(
    Color foreground)
    Sets the proposal's foreground color.

    Note: As of 3.4, you should only call this method if you want to override the JFacePreferences.CONTENT_ASSIST_FOREGROUND_COLOR.

    foreground - the foreground color


    void addCompletionListener(
    ICompletionListener listener)
    Adds a completion listener that will be informed before proposals are computed.

    listener - the listener


    void removeCompletionListener(
    ICompletionListener listener)
    Removes a completion listener.

    listener - the listener to remove


    void setStatusLineVisible(boolean show)
    Enables displaying a status line below the proposal popup. The default is not to show the status line. The contents of the status line may be set via setStatusMessage(String).

    show - true to show a message line, false to not show one.


    void setStatusMessage(
    String message)
    Sets the caption message displayed at the bottom of the completion proposal popup.

    message - the message

    Eclipse Platform
    Release 3.5

    Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

    Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire