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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class AbstractInformationControl

  extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
IInformationControl, IInformationControlExtension, IInformationControlExtension3, IInformationControlExtension4, IInformationControlExtension5
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractInformationControl
extends Object
implements IInformationControl, IInformationControlExtension, IInformationControlExtension3, IInformationControlExtension4, IInformationControlExtension5

An abstract information control that can show content inside a shell. The information control can be created in two styles:

  • non-resizable tooltip with optional status
  • resizable tooltip with optional tool bar
Additionally it can present either a status line containing a status text or a toolbar containing toolbar buttons.

Subclasses must either override IInformationControl.setInformation(String) or implement IInformationControlExtension2. They should also extend computeTrim() if they create a content area with additional trim (e.g. scrollbars) and override getInformationPresenterControlCreator().


Constructor Summary
AbstractInformationControl ( Shell parentShell, boolean isResizable)
          Creates an abstract information control with the given shell as parent.
AbstractInformationControl ( Shell parentShell, String statusFieldText)
          Creates an abstract information control with the given shell as parent.
AbstractInformationControl ( Shell parentShell, ToolBarManager toolBarManager)
          Creates an abstract information control with the given shell as parent.
Method Summary
 void addDisposeListener ( DisposeListener listener)
          Adds the given listener to the list of dispose listeners.
 void addFocusListener ( FocusListener listener)
          Adds the given listener to the list of focus listeners.
  Point computeSizeConstraints (int widthInChars, int heightInChars)
          Computes the size constraints based on the dialog font.
  Point computeSizeHint ()
          Computes and returns a proposal for the size of this information control depending on the information to present.
  Rectangle computeTrim ()
          Computes the trim (status text and tool bar are considered as trim).
 boolean containsControl ( Control control)
          Tests whether the given control is this information control or a child of this information control.
protected  void create ()
          Creates the content of this information control.
protected abstract  void createContent ( Composite parent)
          Creates the content of the popup window.
 void dispose ()
          Disposes this information control.
  Rectangle getBounds ()
          Returns a rectangle describing the receiver's size and location relative to its parent (or its display if its parent is null).
  IInformationControlCreator getInformationPresenterControlCreator ()
          Returns the rich information control creator for this information control.
protected   Shell getShell ()
          The shell of the popup window.
protected   Point getSizeConstraints ()
          Returns the size constraints.
protected   ToolBarManager getToolBarManager ()
          The toolbar manager used to manage the toolbar, or null if no toolbar is shown.
 boolean isFocusControl ()
          Returns whether this information control (or one of its children) has the focus.
 boolean isResizable ()
          Returns whether the information control is resizable.
 boolean isVisible ()
 void removeDisposeListener ( DisposeListener listener)
          Removes the given listeners from the list of dispose listeners.
 void removeFocusListener ( FocusListener listener)
          Removes the given listeners from the list of focus listeners.
 boolean restoresLocation ()
          Tells whether this control allows to restore the previously used location.
 boolean restoresSize ()
          Tells whether this control allows to restore the previously used size.
 void setBackgroundColor ( Color background)
          Sets the background color of this information control.
 void setFocus ()
          This default implementation sets the focus on the popup shell.
 void setForegroundColor ( Color foreground)
          Sets the foreground color of this information control.
 void setInformation ( String information)
          Sets the information to be presented by this information control.
 void setLocation ( Point location)
          Sets the location of this information control.
 void setSize (int width, int height)
          Sets the size of this information control.
 void setSizeConstraints (int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
          Sets the information control's size constraints.
 void setStatusText ( String statusFieldText)
          Sets the text of the status field.
 void setVisible (boolean visible)
          Controls the visibility of this information control.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.text. IInformationControlExtension

Constructor Detail


public AbstractInformationControl(
Shell parentShell,
String statusFieldText)
Creates an abstract information control with the given shell as parent. The control will not be resizable and optionally show a status line with the given status field text.

Important: Subclasses are required to call create() at the end of their constructor.

parentShell - the parent of this control's shell
statusFieldText - the text to be used in the status field or null to hide the status field


public AbstractInformationControl(
Shell parentShell,
ToolBarManager toolBarManager)
Creates an abstract information control with the given shell as parent. The control will be resizable and optionally show a tool bar managed by the given tool bar manager.

Important: Subclasses are required to call create() at the end of their constructor.

parentShell - the parent of this control's shell
toolBarManager - the manager or null if toolbar is not desired


public AbstractInformationControl(
Shell parentShell,
                                  boolean isResizable)
Creates an abstract information control with the given shell as parent.

Important: Subclasses are required to call create() at the end of their constructor.

parentShell - the parent of this control's shell
isResizable - true if the control should be resizable
Method Detail


protected final 
Shell getShell()
The shell of the popup window.

the shell used for the popup window


protected final 
ToolBarManager getToolBarManager()
The toolbar manager used to manage the toolbar, or null if no toolbar is shown.

the tool bar manager or null


protected final void create()
Creates the content of this information control. Subclasses must call this method at the end of their constructor(s).


protected abstract void createContent(
Composite parent)
Creates the content of the popup window.

Implementors will usually take over Control.getBackground() and Control.getForeground() from parent.

Implementors are expected to consider isResizable(): If true, they should show scrollbars if their content may exceed the size of the information control. If false, they should never show scrollbars.

The given parent comes with a FillLayout. Subclasses may set a different layout.

parent - the container of the content


public void setInformation(
String information)
Sets the information to be presented by this information control.

The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses must either override this method or implement IInformationControlExtension2.

Specified by:
setInformation in interface IInformationControl
information - the information to be presented
See Also:


public boolean isResizable()
Returns whether the information control is resizable.

true if the information control is resizable, false if it is not resizable.


public void setVisible(boolean visible)
Description copied from interface: IInformationControl
Controls the visibility of this information control.

Note: The information control must not grab focus when made visible.

Specified by:
setVisible in interface IInformationControl
visible - true if the control should be visible


public void dispose()
Description copied from interface: IInformationControl
Disposes this information control.

Specified by:
dispose in interface IInformationControl


public void setSize(int width,
                    int height)
Description copied from interface: IInformationControl
Sets the size of this information control.

Specified by:
setSize in interface IInformationControl
width - the width of the control
height - the height of the control


public void setLocation(
Point location)
Description copied from interface: IInformationControl
Sets the location of this information control.

Specified by:
setLocation in interface IInformationControl
location - the location


public void setSizeConstraints(int maxWidth,
                               int maxHeight)
Description copied from interface: IInformationControl
Sets the information control's size constraints. A constraint value of SWT.DEFAULT indicates no constraint. This method must be called before IInformationControl.computeSizeHint() is called.

Note: An information control which implements IInformationControlExtension3 may ignore this method or use it as hint for its very first appearance.

Specified by:
setSizeConstraints in interface IInformationControl
maxWidth - the maximal width of the control to present the information, or SWT.DEFAULT for not constraint
maxHeight - the maximal height of the control to present the information, or SWT.DEFAULT for not constraint


protected final 
Point getSizeConstraints()
Returns the size constraints.

the size constraints or null if not set
See Also:
setSizeConstraints(int, int)


Point computeSizeHint()
Description copied from interface: IInformationControl
Computes and returns a proposal for the size of this information control depending on the information to present. The method tries to honor known size constraints but might return a size that exceeds them.

Specified by:
computeSizeHint in interface IInformationControl
the computed size hint


Rectangle computeTrim()
Computes the trim (status text and tool bar are considered as trim). Subclasses can extend this method to add additional trim (e.g. scroll bars for resizable information controls).

Specified by:
computeTrim in interface IInformationControlExtension3
The receiver's trim. x and y denote the upper left corner of the trimming relative to this control's location i.e. this will most likely be negative values. width and height represent the border sizes (the sum of the horizontal and vertical trimmings, respectively).
See Also:


Rectangle getBounds()
Description copied from interface: IInformationControlExtension3
Returns a rectangle describing the receiver's size and location relative to its parent (or its display if its parent is null).

Note: If the receiver is already disposed then this methods must return the last valid location and size.

Specified by:
getBounds in interface IInformationControlExtension3
the receiver's bounding rectangle


public boolean restoresLocation()
Tells whether this control allows to restore the previously used location.

Note: This is not a static property - it can change during the lifetime of this control.

The default implementation always returns false.

Specified by:
restoresLocation in interface IInformationControlExtension3
true if restoring location is supported
See Also:


public boolean restoresSize()
Tells whether this control allows to restore the previously used size.

Note: This is not a static property - it can change during the lifetime of this control.

The default implementation always returns false.

Specified by:
restoresSize in interface IInformationControlExtension3
true if restoring size is supported
See Also:


public void addDisposeListener(
DisposeListener listener)
Description copied from interface: IInformationControl
Adds the given listener to the list of dispose listeners. If the listener is already registered it is not registered again.

Specified by:
addDisposeListener in interface IInformationControl
listener - the listener to be added


public void removeDisposeListener(
DisposeListener listener)
Description copied from interface: IInformationControl
Removes the given listeners from the list of dispose listeners. If the listener is not registered this call has no effect.

Specified by:
removeDisposeListener in interface IInformationControl
listener - the listener to be removed


public void setForegroundColor(
Color foreground)
Description copied from interface: IInformationControl
Sets the foreground color of this information control.

Specified by:
setForegroundColor in interface IInformationControl
foreground - the foreground color of this information control


public void setBackgroundColor(
Color background)
Description copied from interface: IInformationControl
Sets the background color of this information control.

Specified by:
setBackgroundColor in interface IInformationControl
background - the background color of this information control


public boolean isFocusControl()
Returns whether this information control (or one of its children) has the focus. The suggested implementation is like this (fShell is this information control's shell):
return fShell.getDisplay().getActiveShell() == fShell
This method is not intended to be overridden by subclasses.

Specified by:
isFocusControl in interface IInformationControl
true when the information control has the focus, otherwise false


public void setFocus()
This default implementation sets the focus on the popup shell. Subclasses can override or extend.

Specified by:
setFocus in interface IInformationControl
See Also:


public void addFocusListener(
FocusListener listener)
Adds the given listener to the list of focus listeners. If the listener is already registered it is not registered again.

The suggested implementation is to install listeners for SWT.Activate and SWT.Deactivate on the shell and forward events to the focus listeners. Clients are encouraged to subclass AbstractInformationControl, which does this for free.

This method is not intended to be overridden by subclasses.

Specified by:
addFocusListener in interface IInformationControl
listener - the listener to be added


public void removeFocusListener(
FocusListener listener)
Removes the given listeners from the list of focus listeners. If the listener is not registered this call has no affect. This method is not intended to be overridden by subclasses.

Specified by:
removeFocusListener in interface IInformationControl
listener - the listener to be removed


public void setStatusText(
String statusFieldText)
Sets the text of the status field.

The default implementation currently only updates the status field when the popup shell is not visible. The status field can currently only be shown if the information control has been created with a non-null status field text.

Specified by:
setStatusText in interface IInformationControlExtension4
statusFieldText - the text to be used in the optional status field or null if the status field should be hidden
See Also:


public boolean containsControl(
Control control)
Description copied from interface: IInformationControlExtension5
Tests whether the given control is this information control or a child of this information control.

Specified by:
containsControl in interface IInformationControlExtension5
control - the control to test
true iff the given control is this information control or a child of this information control


public boolean isVisible()
Specified by:
isVisible in interface IInformationControlExtension5
true iff the information control is currently visible


IInformationControlCreator getInformationPresenterControlCreator()
Returns the rich information control creator for this information control.

The returned information control creator is used to create an enriched version of this information control, e.g. when the mouse is moved into this control and it needs to be enriched or when it needs to be made sticky for other reasons.

The returned information control creator must create information controls that implement IInformationControlExtension3 and IInformationControlExtension2, and whose IInformationControlExtension2.setInput(Object) accepts all inputs that are also supported by this information control.

Note that automatic enriching of this information control works only if it also implements IInformationControlExtension3.

This method may be called frequently, so implementors should ensure it returns quickly, e.g. by caching the returned creator.

This default implementation returns null. Subclasses may override.

Specified by:
getInformationPresenterControlCreator in interface IInformationControlExtension5
the information presenter control creator or null to disable enriching


Point computeSizeConstraints(int widthInChars,
                                    int heightInChars)
Computes the size constraints based on the dialog font. Subclasses can override or extend.

Specified by:
computeSizeConstraints in interface IInformationControlExtension5
widthInChars - the width constraint in number of characters
heightInChars - the height constraint in number of characters
a point with width and height in pixels, or null to use the subject control's font to calculate the size
See Also:
IInformationControlExtension5.computeSizeConstraints(int, int)

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire