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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IDebugModelPresentation

All Superinterfaces:
IBaseLabelProvider, ILabelProvider, ISourcePresentation
All Known Subinterfaces:
IDebugModelPresentationExtension, IInstructionPointerPresentation, IMemoryBlockTablePresentation

public interface IDebugModelPresentation
extends ILabelProvider, ISourcePresentation

A debug model presentation is responsible for providing labels, images, and editors associated with debug elements in a specific debug model. Extensions of type org.eclipse.debug.ui.debugModelPresentations implement this interface. Generally, a debug model implementation will also provide a debug model presentation extension to render and display its elements. A debug model presentation is registered for a specific debug model, and is responsible for the presentation elements defined/implemented by that model.

A debug model presentation extension is defined in plugin.xml. Following is an example definition of a debug model presentation extension.

 <extension point="org.eclipse.debug.ui.debugModelPresentations">
The attributes are specified as follows:
  • id specifies the identifier of the debug model this presentation is responsible for. Corresponds to the model identifier returned from a debug element - see IDebugElement.getModelIndentifier
  • class specifies the fully qualified name of the Java class that implements this interface.
  • detailsViewerConfiguration optionally specifies the fully qualified name of the Java class that is an instance of org.eclipse.jface.text.source.SourceViewerConfiguration. When specified, the source viewer configuration will be used in the "details" area of the variables and expressions view when displaying the details of an element from the debug model associated with this debug model presentation. When unspecified, a default configuration is used.

To allow for an extensible configuration, this interface defines a setAttribute method. The debug UI plug-in defines one presentation attribute:

  • DISPLAY_VARIABLE_TYPE_NAMES - This is a boolean attribute indicating whether variable elements should be rendered with the declared type of a variable. For example, a Java debug model presentation would render an integer as "int x = 3" when true, and "x = 3" when false.

Clients may define new presentation attributes. For example, a client may wish to define a "hexadecimal" property to display numeric values in hexadecimal. Implementations should honor the presentation attributes defined by this interface where possible, but do not need to honor presentation attributes defined by other clients. To access the debug model presentation for a debug view, clients should use IDebugView#getPresentation(String).

Since 3.1, debug model presentations may optionally implement IColorProvider and IFontProvider to override default fonts and colors for debug elements.

Clients may implement this interface.

See Also:
IDebugElement, ILabelProvider, IDebugView

Field Summary
          Variable type names presentation property (value "org.eclipse.debug.ui.displayVariableTypeNames").
Method Summary
 void computeDetail ( IValue value, IValueDetailListener listener)
          Computes a detailed description of the given value, reporting the result to the specified listener.
  Image getImage ( Object element)
          Returns an image for the element, or null if a default image should be used.
  String getText ( Object element)
          Returns a label for the element, or null if a default label should be used.
 void setAttribute ( String attribute, Object value)
          Sets a presentation attribute of this label provider.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers. IBaseLabelProvider
addListener, dispose, isLabelProperty, removeListener
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.debug.ui. ISourcePresentation
getEditorId, getEditorInput

Field Detail


static final 
Variable type names presentation property (value "org.eclipse.debug.ui.displayVariableTypeNames"). When DISPLAY_VARIABLE_TYPE_NAMES is set to true, this label provider should include the reference type of a variable when rendering variables. When set to false, this label provider should not include the reference type of a variable when rendering variables.

See Also:
setAttribute(String, Object), Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void setAttribute(
String attribute,
Object value)
Sets a presentation attribute of this label provider. For example, see the presentation attribute DISPLAY_VARIABLE_TYPE_NAMES defined by this interface.

attribute - the presentation attribute identifier
value - the value of the attribute


Image getImage(
Object element)
Returns an image for the element, or null if a default image should be used.

Specified by:
getImage in interface ILabelProvider
element - the debug model element
an image for the element, or null if a default image should be used
See Also:


String getText(
Object element)
Returns a label for the element, or null if a default label should be used.

Specified by:
getText in interface ILabelProvider
element - the debug model element
a label for the element, or null if a default label should be used
See Also:


void computeDetail(
IValue value,
IValueDetailListener listener)
Computes a detailed description of the given value, reporting the result to the specified listener. This allows a presentation to provide extra details about a selected value in the variable detail portion of the variables view. Since this can be a long-running operation, the details are reported back to the specified listener asynchronously. If null is reported, the value's value string is displayed (IValue.getValueString()).

value - the value for which a detailed description is required
listener - the listener to report the details to asynchronously

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire