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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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A Control is a widget that you can create and place anywhere you want in your widget parent/child tree. The SWTAPI reference and examples contains detailed information about the different kinds of controls and their usage. The org.eclipse.swt.widgets package defines the core set of widgets in SWT. The following table summarizes the concrete types of controls provided in this package.

Browser Control containing a native HTML renderer.
Button Selectable control that issues notification when pressed and/or released.
Canvas Composite control that provides a surface for drawing arbitrary graphics. Often used to implement custom controls.
Caret An i-beam that is typically used as the insertion point for text.
Combo Selectable control that allows the user to choose a string from a list of strings, or optionally type a new value into an editable text field.
Composite Control that is capable of containing other widgets.
CoolBar Composite control that allows users to dynamically reposition the cool items contained in the bar.
CoolItem Selectable user interface object that represents a dynamically positionable area of a cool bar.
DateTime Selectable user interface object that allows the user to enter and modify date or time values.
ExpandBar Composite control that groups pages that can be shown or hidden by the user with labeled headers.
ExpandItem Selectable user interface object corresponding to a header for a page in an ExpandBar.
Group Composite control that groups other widgets and surrounds them with an etched border and/or label.
Label Non-selectable control that displays a string or an image.
Link Selectable control that displays a text with links.
List Selectable control that allows the user to choose a string or strings from a list of strings.
Menu User interface object that contains menu items.
MenuItem Selectable user interface object that represents an item in a menu.
ProgressBar Non-selectable control that displays progress to the user, typically in the form of a bar graph.
Sash Selectable control that allows the user to drag a rubber banded outline of the sash within the parent window. Used to allow users to resize child widgets by repositioning their dividing line.
Scale Selectable control that represents a range of numeric values.
ScrollBar Selectable control that represents a range of positive numeric values. Used in a Composite that has V_SCROLL and/or H_SCROLL styles.
Shell Window that is managed by the OS window manager. Shells can be parented by a Display (top level shells) or by another shell (secondary shells).
Slider Selectable control that represents a range of numeric values. A slider is distinguished from a scale by providing a draggable thumb that can adjust the current value along the range.
Spinner Selectable control that allows the user to enter and modify numeric values.
TabFolder Composite control that groups pages that can be selected by the user using labeled tabs.
TabItem Selectable user interface object corresponding to a tab for a page in a tab folder.
Table Selectable control that displays a list of table items that can be selected by the user. Items are presented in rows that display multiple columns representing different aspects of the items.
TableColumn Selectable user interface object that represents a column in a table.
TableItem Selectable user interface object that represents an item in a table.
Text Editable control that allows the user to type text into it.
ToolBar Composite control that supports the layout of selectable tool bar items.
ToolItem Selectable user interface object that represents an item in a tool bar.
Tree Selectable control that displays a hierarchical list of tree items that can be selected by the user.
TreeColumn Selectable user interface object that represents a column in a tree.
TreeItem Selectable user interface object that represents a hierarchy of tree items in a tree.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire