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Eclipse GMF Guide
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Generation Framework

Package org.eclipse.gmf.tooldef

Interface Summary
AbstractTool A representation of the model object ' Abstract Tool '
BundleImage A representation of the model object ' Bundle Image '
ContextMenu A representation of the model object ' Context Menu '
ContributionItem A representation of the model object ' Contribution Item '
CreationTool A representation of the model object ' Creation Tool '
DefaultImage A representation of the model object ' Default Image '
GenericStyleSelector A representation of the model object ' Generic Style Selector '
GenericTool A representation of the model object ' Generic Tool '
GMFToolFactory The Factory for the model.
GMFToolPackage The Package for the model.
Image A representation of the model object ' Image '
ItemBase A representation of the model object ' Item Base '
ItemRef A representation of the model object ' Item Ref '
MainMenu A representation of the model object ' Main Menu '
Menu A representation of the model object ' Menu '
MenuAction A representation of the model object ' Menu Action '
Palette A representation of the model object ' Palette '
PaletteSeparator A representation of the model object ' Palette Separator '
PopupMenu A representation of the model object ' Popup Menu '
PredefinedItem A representation of the model object ' Predefined Item '
PredefinedMenu A representation of the model object ' Predefined Menu '
Separator A representation of the model object ' Separator '
StandardTool A representation of the model object ' Standard Tool '
StyleSelector A representation of the model object ' Style Selector '
Toolbar A representation of the model object ' Toolbar '
ToolContainer A representation of the model object ' Tool Container '
ToolGroup A representation of the model object ' Tool Group '
ToolRegistry A representation of the model object ' Tool Registry '

Enum Summary
ActionKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Action Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
AppearanceStyle A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Appearance Style ', and utility methods for working with them
StandardToolKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Standard Tool Kind ', and utility methods for working with them

Generation Framework

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) IBM Corp., Borland Software Corp., and others 2005,2006. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire