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Eclipse GEF

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Handle
org.eclipse.gef All interfaces, base types, and the plugin class are here. 
org.eclipse.gef.handles This package provide several common handle implementations.   

Uses of Handle in org.eclipse.gef

Methods in org.eclipse.gef that return Handle
  Handle GraphicalViewer. findHandleAt ( Point p)
          Returns the Handle at the specified Point.

Uses of Handle in org.eclipse.gef.handles

Classes in org.eclipse.gef.handles that implement Handle
 class AbstractHandle
          Base implementation for handles.
 class BendpointCreationHandle
          A BendpointHandle that is used to create a new bendpoint.
 class BendpointHandle
          A handle for bendpoints on a connection.
 class BendpointMoveHandle
          A BendpointHandle that is used to move an existing bendpoint.
 class ConnectionEndHandle
          Deprecated. use ConnectionEndpointHandle
 class ConnectionEndpointHandle
          A handle used at the start or end of the Connection.
 class ConnectionHandle
          The base implementation for handles used with editparts whose figure is a Connection.
 class ConnectionStartHandle
          Deprecated. use ConnectionEndpointHandle
 class MoveHandle
          A Handle used for moving GraphicalEditParts.
 class NonResizableHandle
          Deprecated. this handle type is no longer used
 class ResizeHandle
          A Handle used to resize a GraphicalEditPart.
 class SquareHandle
          A small square handle approximately 7x7 pixels in size, that is either black or white.

Methods in org.eclipse.gef.handles that return Handle
static  Handle ResizableHandleKit. moveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner)
          Returns a new MoveHandle with the given owner.
static  Handle ResizableHandleKit. moveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner, DragTracker tracker, Cursor cursor)
          Returns a new MoveHandle with the given owner and DragTracker.
static  Handle NonResizableHandleKit. moveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner)
          Returns a new MoveHandle with the given owner.
static  Handle NonResizableHandleKit. moveHandle ( GraphicalEditPart owner, DragTracker tracker, Cursor cursor)
          Returns a new MoveHandle with the given owner.

Uses of Handle in

Methods in that return Handle
  Handle GraphicalViewerImpl. findHandleAt ( Point p)

Eclipse GEF

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire