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Release 3.0

Class SystemHostCombo

  extended by 

      extended by 

          extended by 

              extended by 

                  extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, ISelectionProvider, ISystemResourceChangeListener, ISystemShellProvider, ISystemCombo, DisposeListener, Drawable, org.eclipse.swt.internal.SWTEventListener

public class SystemHostCombo
extends Composite
implements ISelectionProvider, ISystemCombo, ISystemResourceChangeListener, ISystemShellProvider, DisposeListener

This re-usable widget is for selecting a connection from the master list of connections. The list is subsettable by one or more system types. There is also the option of including a "New" button to the right of the connection dropdown, for the purpose of creating a new connection.

Without the New button, the composite is layed as follows:

   Connection: ______________________v  

With the New button, the composite is layed as follows:

   Connection: ______________v  New...

There are numerous ways to subset the connection list:

  • By system type, either by a single type or an array of types. Only connections of these types are listed.
  • By subsystem factory. Only connections with subsystems owned by the given subsystem factory are listed.
  • By subsystem factory category. Only connections which contain subsystems owned by subsystem factories which are defined in their xml extension point as being of the given category are listed. For a list of pre-defined categories, see ISubSystemConfigurationCategories.

Field Summary
protected   Combo connectionCombo
protected   Label connectionLabel
protected  boolean listeningForConnectionEvents
protected   Button newButton
protected  boolean showLabel
protected  boolean showNewButton
protected  boolean showQualifiedNames
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets. Composite
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets. Widget
Constructor Summary
SystemHostCombo ( Composite parent, int style, IHost defaultConnection, boolean showNewButton, String ssConfigCategory)
          Constructor for SystemConnectionCombo when there is a subsystem factory category to restrict the list to.
SystemHostCombo ( Composite parent, int style, IHost defaultConnection, boolean showNewButton, String ssConfigCategory, boolean showLabel)
          Constructor for SystemConnectionCombo when there is a subsystem factory category to restrict the list to.
SystemHostCombo ( Composite parent, int style, IHost defaultConnection, String ssConfigId, boolean showNewButton)
          Constructor for SystemConnectionCombo when there is a subsystem factory id to restrict the list to.
SystemHostCombo ( Composite parent, int style, IRSESystemType[] systemTypes, IHost defaultConnection, boolean showNewButton)
          Constructor for SystemConnectionCombo when there is an array of system types to restrict the connection list to.
SystemHostCombo ( Composite parent, int style, IRSESystemType systemType, IHost defaultConnection, boolean showNewButton)
          Constructor for SystemConnectionCombo when there is only a single system type to restrict the connection list to.
SystemHostCombo ( Composite parent, int style, ISubSystemConfiguration ssConfig, IHost defaultConnection, boolean showNewButton)
          Constructor for SystemConnectionCombo when there is a subsystem factory to restrict the list to.
Method Summary
 void addModifyListener ( ModifyListener listener)
          Register a listener interested in entry field modify events
 void addNewButtonSelectionListener ( SelectionListener listener)
          Register a listener interested in when the new button is selected
protected  void addOurButtonSelectionListener ()
protected  void addOurConnectionSelectionListener ()
 void addSelectionChangedListener ( ISelectionChangedListener listener)
          Register a listener interested in an item is selected in the combo box
 void addSelectionListener ( SelectionListener listener)
          Register a listener interested in an item is selected in the combo box
 void clearSelection ()
 void clearTextSelection ()
          Clear the entered/selected contents of the combo box.
static  Combo createCombo ( Composite parent, boolean readonly)
          Creates a new combobox instance and sets the default layout data.
protected   Combo createConnectionCombo ( Composite parent)
          Creates a new read-only connection combobox instance and sets the default layout data, with tooltip text.
protected static  Button createPushButton ( Composite group, String label)
protected static  Button createPushButton ( Composite group, String label, String tooltip)
  Combo getCombo ()
          Return the combo box widget
  IHost[] getConnections ()
 int getGridColumns ()
          Return the number of grid data columns within this composite.
  IHost getHost ()
          Get the user selected SystemConnection object.
  String[] getItems ()
          Get the items in the combo field
  Button getNewButton ()
          Return the New... button widget
protected   SystemNewConnectionAction getNewConnectionAction ( Shell shell, ISelectionProvider selectionProvider)
          Overridable method.
  Label getPromptLabel ()
          Get the prompt Label widget
  ISelection getSelection ()
 int getSelectionIndex ()
          Get the index number of the currently selected item.
  String getText ()
          Return the text in the connection combo entry field.
protected  void init ( Composite parent, boolean showNewButton)
protected  void init ( Composite parent, boolean showNewButton, boolean showLabel)
 void listenToConnectionEvents (boolean start)
          Have the SystemConnectionCombo listen to add/delete/rename events on connections and automatically update it's list of connections
protected  boolean populateConnectionCombo ( Combo combo, IHost defaultConnection, String ssConfigCategory)
          Populates a read-only connection combobox instance with system connections which have subsystems owned by a subsystem factory of the given subsystem factory category.
protected  void populateConnectionCombo ( Combo combo, IRSESystemType[] systemTypes, IHost defaultConnection)
          Populates a read-only connection combobox instance with system connections for the given array of system types.
protected  boolean populateConnectionCombo ( Combo combo, IRSESystemType systemType, IHost defaultConnection, boolean preSelectIfNoMatch)
          Populates a read-only connection combobox instance with system connections for the given system type.
protected  boolean populateConnectionCombo ( Combo combo, IRSESystemType systemType, IHost defaultConnection, boolean preSelectIfNoMatch, boolean appendToCombo)
          Populates a read-only connection combobox instance with system connections for the given system type.
protected  boolean populateConnectionCombo ( Combo combo, ISubSystemConfiguration ssConfig, IHost defaultConnection)
          Populates a read-only connection combobox instance with system connections which have subsystems owned by the given subsystem factory.
protected  boolean populateConnectionCombo ( Combo combo, String ssConfigId, IHost defaultConnection)
          Populates a read-only connection combobox instance with system connections which have subsystems owned by a subsystem factory of the given subsystem factory id.
protected   Composite prepareComposite (int numColumns)
          Prepares this composite control and sets the default layout data.
 void refreshConnections ()
          Refresh the list of connections
 void removeModifyListener ( ModifyListener listener)
          Remove a previously set entry field listener.
 void removeNewButtonSelectionListener ( SelectionListener listener)
          Remove a previously set new button selection listener.
 void removeSelectionChangedListener ( ISelectionChangedListener listener)
          Remove a previously set combo box selection listener.
 void removeSelectionListener ( SelectionListener listener)
          Remove a previously set combo box selection listener.
 void select ( IHost connection)
          Select a connection from the dropdown
 void select (int selIdx)
          Select the combo dropdown list entry at the given index.
 void setAutoUpperCase (boolean enable)
          Set auto-uppercase.
protected  void setBusyCursor (boolean setBusy)
          Helper method.
 void setButtonToolTipText ( String tip)
          Same as setNewButtonToolTipText(String)
 void setButtonWidthHint ( Control otherWidget)
          Set button width hint, based on the width of another widget
 void setButtonWidthHint (int widthHint)
          Set button width hint
 void setConnections ( IHost[] input)
protected  void setConnectionToolTipText ()
 void setEnabled (boolean enabled)
          Disable/Enable all the child controls.
 boolean setFocus ()
          Set the focus to the directory combo field
 void setItems ( String[] items)
          Set the items in the combo field
 void setLabel ( String label)
          Set the label to use for the prompt.
 void setNewButtonFocus ()
          Set the focus to the new button
 void setNewButtonToolTipText ( String tip)
          Set the tooltip text for the new button
 void setSelection ( ISelection selection)
 void setSelectionIndex (int selIdx)
          Same as select(int)
 void setToolTipText ( String tip)
          Set the tooltip text for the directory combo field
 void setWidthHint (int widthHint)
          Set the width hint for this whole composite Default is 180.
protected static  String sub ( String msg, String subOld, String subNew)
          Do string variable substitution.
 void systemResourceChanged ( ISystemResourceChangeEvent event)
          This is the method in your class that will be called when a system resource changes.
 void widgetDisposed ( DisposeEvent e)
          We are going away.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets. Composite
changed, checkSubclass, computeSize, getBackgroundMode, getChildren, getClientArea, getLayout, getLayoutDeferred, getTabList, isLayoutDeferred, layout, layout, layout, layout, setBackgroundMode, setLayout, setLayoutDeferred, setTabList
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets. Scrollable
computeTrim, getBorderWidth, getHorizontalBar, getVerticalBar
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets. Control
addControlListener, addDragDetectListener, addFocusListener, addHelpListener, addKeyListener, addMenuDetectListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMoveListener, addMouseTrackListener, addMouseWheelListener, addPaintListener, addTraverseListener, computeSize, dragDetect, dragDetect, forceFocus, getAccessible, getBackground, getBackgroundImage, getBounds, getCursor, getData, getDragDetect, getEnabled, getFont, getForeground, getLayoutData, getLocation, getMenu, getMonitor, getParent, getRegion, getShell, getSize, getToolTipText, getVisible, internal_dispose_GC, internal_new_GC, isEnabled, isFocusControl, isReparentable, isVisible, moveAbove, moveBelow, pack, pack, print, redraw, redraw, removeControlListener, removeDragDetectListener, removeFocusListener, removeHelpListener, removeKeyListener, removeMenuDetectListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMoveListener, removeMouseTrackListener, removeMouseWheelListener, removePaintListener, removeTraverseListener, setBackground, setBackgroundImage, setBounds, setBounds, setCapture, setCursor, setDragDetect, setFont, setForeground, setLayoutData, setLocation, setLocation, setMenu, setParent, setRedraw, setRegion, setSize, setSize, setVisible, toControl, toControl, toDisplay, toDisplay, traverse, update
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets. Widget
addDisposeListener, addListener, checkWidget, dispose, getData, getDisplay, getListeners, getStyle, isDisposed, isListening, notifyListeners, removeDisposeListener, removeListener, removeListener, setData, setData, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.ui.model. ISystemShellProvider

Field Detail


Label connectionLabel


Combo connectionCombo


Button newButton


protected boolean showNewButton


protected boolean showLabel


protected boolean showQualifiedNames


protected boolean listeningForConnectionEvents
Constructor Detail


public SystemHostCombo(
Composite parent,
                       int style,
IRSESystemType systemType,
IHost defaultConnection,
                       boolean showNewButton)
Constructor for SystemConnectionCombo when there is only a single system type to restrict the connection list to.

parent - Parent composite
style - SWT style flags for overall composite widget. Typically just pass SWT.NULL
systemType - the system type to restrict the connection list to. Can be null or * for all.
defaultConnection - the system connection to preselect. Pass null to preselect first connection.
showNewButton - true if a New... button is to be included in this composite


public SystemHostCombo(
Composite parent,
                       int style,
IRSESystemType[] systemTypes,
IHost defaultConnection,
                       boolean showNewButton)
Constructor for SystemConnectionCombo when there is an array of system types to restrict the connection list to.

parent - Parent composite
style - SWT style flags for overall composite widget. Typically just pass SWT.NULL
systemTypes - the system type array to restrict the connection list to.
defaultConnection - the system connection to preselect. Pass null to preselect first connection.
showNewButton - true if a New... button is to be included in this composite


public SystemHostCombo(
Composite parent,
                       int style,
ISubSystemConfiguration ssConfig,
IHost defaultConnection,
                       boolean showNewButton)
Constructor for SystemConnectionCombo when there is a subsystem factory to restrict the list to.

parent - Parent composite
style - SWT style flags for overall composite widget. Typically just pass SWT.NULL
ssConfig - Only connections with subsystems owned by this factory are returned.
defaultConnection - the system connection to preselect. Pass null to preselect first connection.
showNewButton - true if a New... button is to be included in this composite


public SystemHostCombo(
Composite parent,
                       int style,
IHost defaultConnection,
String ssConfigId,
                       boolean showNewButton)
Constructor for SystemConnectionCombo when there is a subsystem factory id to restrict the list to. To avoid collision with the constructor that takes a string for the system type, this one places the subystem factory Id string parameter after the defaultConnection constructor

parent - Parent composite
style - SWT style flags for overall composite widget. Typically just pass SWT.NULL
defaultConnection - the system connection to preselect. Pass null to preselect first connection.
ssConfigId - Only connections with subsystems owned by this configuration are returned.
showNewButton - true if a New... button is to be included in this composite


public SystemHostCombo(
Composite parent,
                       int style,
IHost defaultConnection,
                       boolean showNewButton,
String ssConfigCategory)
Constructor for SystemConnectionCombo when there is a subsystem factory category to restrict the list to. To avoid collision with the constructor that takes a string for the system type, this one places the string parameter at the end.

parent - Parent composite
style - SWT style flags for overall composite widget. Typically just pass SWT.NULL
defaultConnection - the system connection to preselect. Pass null to preselect first connection.
showNewButton - true if a New... button is to be included in this composite
ssConfigCategory - Only connections with subsystems owned by configurations of this category are returned.


public SystemHostCombo(
Composite parent,
                       int style,
IHost defaultConnection,
                       boolean showNewButton,
String ssConfigCategory,
                       boolean showLabel)
Constructor for SystemConnectionCombo when there is a subsystem factory category to restrict the list to. To avoid collision with the constructor that takes a string for the system type, this one places the string parameter at the end.

parent - Parent composite
style - SWT style flags for overall composite widget. Typically just pass SWT.NULL
defaultConnection - the system connection to preselect. Pass null to preselect first connection.
showNewButton - true if a New... button is to be included in this composite
ssConfigCategory - Only connections with subsystems owned by factories of this category are returned.
showLabel - true if a 'Connection' label is to be included in this composite
Method Detail


public void setAutoUpperCase(boolean enable)
Set auto-uppercase. When enabled, all non-quoted values are uppercases when added to the history.

This method is part of ISystemCombo, so we must support it, but it does not apply this combo widget since the contents are read-only. Hence, it does nothing!

Specified by:
setAutoUpperCase in interface ISystemCombo


protected void init(
Composite parent,
                    boolean showNewButton)


protected void init(
Composite parent,
                    boolean showNewButton,
                    boolean showLabel)


SystemNewConnectionAction getNewConnectionAction(
Shell shell,
ISelectionProvider selectionProvider)
Overridable method. Returns action to be called when New... pressed.


IHost getHost()
Get the user selected SystemConnection object. Might be null if the list is empty.


Combo getCombo()
Return the combo box widget

Specified by:
getCombo in interface ISystemCombo


public void setWidthHint(int widthHint)
Set the width hint for this whole composite Default is 180.

Specified by:
setWidthHint in interface ISystemCombo


public void setButtonWidthHint(int widthHint)
Set button width hint


public void setButtonWidthHint(
Control otherWidget)
Set button width hint, based on the width of another widget


public int getGridColumns()
Return the number of grid data columns within this composite. Will vary depending if there is a New button or not.


Button getNewButton()
Return the New... button widget


Label getPromptLabel()
Get the prompt Label widget


public void setItems(
String[] items)
Set the items in the combo field


String[] getItems()
Get the items in the combo field


String getText()
Return the text in the connection combo entry field. This is only of limited value. You should call getSystemConnection() instead.

Specified by:
getText in interface ISystemCombo


public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
Disable/Enable all the child controls.

Specified by:
setEnabled in interface ISystemCombo
setEnabled in class Control


public void setToolTipText(
String tip)
Set the tooltip text for the directory combo field

Specified by:
setToolTipText in interface ISystemCombo
setToolTipText in class Control


public void setNewButtonToolTipText(
String tip)
Set the tooltip text for the new button


public void setButtonToolTipText(
String tip)
Same as setNewButtonToolTipText(String)

Specified by:
setButtonToolTipText in interface ISystemCombo


public void setLabel(
String label)
Set the label to use for the prompt.


public boolean setFocus()
Set the focus to the directory combo field

Specified by:
setFocus in interface ISystemCombo
setFocus in class Composite


public void setNewButtonFocus()
Set the focus to the new button


public void select(int selIdx)
Select the combo dropdown list entry at the given index.

Specified by:
select in interface ISystemCombo


public void setSelectionIndex(int selIdx)
Same as select(int)

Specified by:
setSelectionIndex in interface ISystemCombo


public void select(
IHost connection)
Select a connection from the dropdown


public void clearSelection()

Specified by:
clearSelection in interface ISystemCombo


public void clearTextSelection()
Clear the entered/selected contents of the combo box. Clears only the text selection, not the list selection

Specified by:
clearTextSelection in interface ISystemCombo


public int getSelectionIndex()
Get the index number of the currently selected item.

Specified by:
getSelectionIndex in interface ISystemCombo


public void addSelectionListener(
SelectionListener listener)
Register a listener interested in an item is selected in the combo box

Specified by:
addSelectionListener in interface ISystemCombo
See Also:


public void removeSelectionListener(
SelectionListener listener)
Remove a previously set combo box selection listener.

Specified by:
removeSelectionListener in interface ISystemCombo
See Also:


public void addNewButtonSelectionListener(
SelectionListener listener)
Register a listener interested in when the new button is selected

See Also:


public void removeNewButtonSelectionListener(
SelectionListener listener)
Remove a previously set new button selection listener.

See Also:


public void addModifyListener(
ModifyListener listener)
Register a listener interested in entry field modify events

See Also:


public void removeModifyListener(
ModifyListener listener)
Remove a previously set entry field listener.

See Also:


Composite prepareComposite(int numColumns)
Prepares this composite control and sets the default layout data.

numColumns - Number of columns the new group will contain.


Combo createConnectionCombo(
Composite parent)
Creates a new read-only connection combobox instance and sets the default layout data, with tooltip text. Assign the listener to the passed in implementer of Listener.

This fills the combination with the names of all the active connections of the given system type.

parent - composite to put the button into.


public static 
Combo createCombo(
Composite parent,
                                boolean readonly)
Creates a new combobox instance and sets the default layout data.

Does NOT set the widthHint as that causes problems. Instead the combo will consume what space is available within this composite.

parent - composite to put the button into.


protected boolean populateConnectionCombo(
Combo combo,
IRSESystemType systemType,
IHost defaultConnection,
                                          boolean preSelectIfNoMatch)
Populates a read-only connection combobox instance with system connections for the given system type.

This fills the combination with the names of all the active connections of the given system type.

combo - composite to populate
systemType - the system type to restrict the connection list to. Pass null or * for all system types
defaultConnection - the default system connection to preselect.
preSelectIfNoMatch - true if we should preselect the first item if the given connection is not found
true if given default connection was found and selected


protected boolean populateConnectionCombo(
Combo combo,
IRSESystemType systemType,
IHost defaultConnection,
                                          boolean preSelectIfNoMatch,
                                          boolean appendToCombo)
Populates a read-only connection combobox instance with system connections for the given system type.

This fills the combination with the names of all the active connections of the given system type.

combo - composite to populate
systemType - the system type to restrict the connection list to. Pass null for all system types
defaultConnection - the default system connection to preselect.
preSelectIfNoMatch - true if we should preselect the first item if the given connection is not found
appendToCombo - indicates whether or not to append to combo with population or replace
true if given default connection was found and selected


protected void populateConnectionCombo(
Combo combo,
IRSESystemType[] systemTypes,
IHost defaultConnection)
Populates a read-only connection combobox instance with system connections for the given array of system types.

combo - composite to populate
systemTypes - the system types to restrict the connection list to. Pass null or * for all system types
defaultConnection - the default system connection to preselect.


protected boolean populateConnectionCombo(
Combo combo,
ISubSystemConfiguration ssConfig,
IHost defaultConnection)
Populates a read-only connection combobox instance with system connections which have subsystems owned by the given subsystem factory.

combo - composite to populate
ssConfig - the subsystem factory to restrict the connection list to.
defaultConnection - the default system connection to preselect.
true if given default connection was found and selected


protected boolean populateConnectionCombo(
Combo combo,
String ssConfigId,
IHost defaultConnection)
Populates a read-only connection combobox instance with system connections which have subsystems owned by a subsystem factory of the given subsystem factory id.

combo - composite to populate
defaultConnection - the default system connection to preselect.
ssConfigId - the subsystem factory id to restrict the connection list by.
true if given default connection was found and selected


protected boolean populateConnectionCombo(
Combo combo,
IHost defaultConnection,
String ssConfigCategory)
Populates a read-only connection combobox instance with system connections which have subsystems owned by a subsystem factory of the given subsystem factory category.

combo - composite to populate
defaultConnection - the default system connection to preselect.
ssConfigCategory - the subsystem factory category to restrict the connection list by.
true if given default connection was found and selected


protected static 
String sub(
String msg,
String subOld,
String subNew)
Do string variable substitution. Using you are replacing %1 (say) with a string

msg - message containing substitution variable. Eg "Connect failed with return code &1"
subOld - substitution variable. Eg "%1"
subNew - substitution data. Eg "001"
message with all occurrences of variable substituted with data.


public void refreshConnections()
Refresh the list of connections


public void systemResourceChanged(
ISystemResourceChangeEvent event)
This is the method in your class that will be called when a system resource changes. We want to listen to connection changes.

Specified by:
systemResourceChanged in interface ISystemResourceChangeListener
See Also:


public void listenToConnectionEvents(boolean start)
Have the SystemConnectionCombo listen to add/delete/rename events on connections and automatically update it's list of connections


public void widgetDisposed(
DisposeEvent e)
We are going away. De-Register ourselves as a listener for system resource change events

Specified by:
widgetDisposed in interface DisposeListener


protected void addOurButtonSelectionListener()


protected void addOurConnectionSelectionListener()


protected void setConnectionToolTipText()


protected static 
Button createPushButton(
Composite group,
String label)


protected static 
Button createPushButton(
Composite group,
String label,
String tooltip)


public void addSelectionChangedListener(
ISelectionChangedListener listener)
Register a listener interested in an item is selected in the combo box

Specified by:
addSelectionChangedListener in interface ISelectionProvider
See Also:


public void removeSelectionChangedListener(
ISelectionChangedListener listener)
Remove a previously set combo box selection listener.

Specified by:
removeSelectionChangedListener in interface ISelectionProvider
See Also:


ISelection getSelection()
Specified by:
getSelection in interface ISelectionProvider


public void setSelection(
ISelection selection)
Specified by:
setSelection in interface ISelectionProvider


IHost[] getConnections()


public void setConnections(
IHost[] input)


protected void setBusyCursor(boolean setBusy)
Helper method.
Set the cursor to the wait cursor (true) or restores it to the normal cursor (false).

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire