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Release 3.0

Class SystemNewConnectionAction

  extended by 

      extended by 

          extended by 

              extended by 

                  extended by 

                      extended by 

                          extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
IAction, ISelectionChangedListener, ISystemAction, ISystemDialogAction, ISystemWizardAction

public class SystemNewConnectionAction
extends SystemBaseWizardAction

The action that displays the New Connection wizard

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.rse.ui.actions. SystemBaseDialogAction
cancelled, dlgHelpId, needsProgressMonitor, needsProgressMonitorSet, processAll, value
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.rse.ui.actions. SystemBaseAction
allowOnMultipleSelection, arrowCursor, helpId, selectionSensitive, shell, sSelection, traceSelections, traceTarget, viewer, waitCursor
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.action. IAction
Constructor Summary
SystemNewConnectionAction ( Shell shell, boolean fromPopupMenu, boolean wantIcon, ISelectionProvider sp)
          Constructor for SystemNewConnectionAction when you don't want the icon.
SystemNewConnectionAction ( Shell shell, boolean fromPopupMenu, ISelectionProvider sp)
SystemNewConnectionAction ( Shell shell, String label, String tooltip, boolean fromPopupMenu, boolean wantIcon, ISelectionProvider sp)
          Constructor for SystemNewConnectionAction when you possibly don't want the icon, and want to supply your own label.
Method Summary
protected   IWizard createWizard ()
          The default processing for the run method calls createDialog, which in turn calls this method to return an instance of our wizard.
protected   WizardDialog doCreateWizardDialog ( Shell shell, IWizard wizard)
          Creates the dialog instance.
protected   Object getDialogValue ( Dialog dlg)
          By default, we try to get the wizard's value by calling getOutputObject()
protected  void postProcessWizard ( IWizard wizard)
          Typically, the wizard's performFinish method does the work required by a successful finish of the wizard.
 void restrictSystemTypes ( IRSESystemType[] systemTypes)
          Call this to restrict the system types that the user is allowed to choose
 boolean updateSelection ( IStructuredSelection selection)
          First opportunity to decide if the action should be enabled or not based on the current selection.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.rse.ui.actions. SystemBaseWizardAction
createDialog, getWizardPageTitle, setMinimumPageSize, setWizardImage, setWizardPageTitle, setWizardTitle, wasCancelled
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.rse.ui.actions. SystemBaseDialogAction
getDialogHelpContextId, getNeedsProgressMonitor, getProcessAllSelections, getValue, run, setDialogHelp, setNeedsProgressMonitor, setProcessAllSelections, setValue, wasNeedsProgressMonitorSet
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.rse.ui.actions. SystemBaseAction
allowOnMultipleSelection, checkObjectType, getContextMenuGroup, getCurrentTreeView, getFirstSelection, getHelpContextId, getNextSelection, getRemoteAdapter, getSelection, getSelectionProvider, getShell, getShell, getSystemConnection, getViewAdapter, getViewer, isDummy, isEnabled, isSelectionSensitive, issueTraceMessage, selectionChanged, setAvailableOffline, setBusyCursor, setContextMenuGroup, setDisplayCursor, setDisplayCursor, setHelp, setHost, setInputs, setSelection, setSelectionProvider, setSelectionSensitive, setShell, setTracing, setTracing, setViewer
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.action. Action
convertAccelerator, convertAccelerator, findKeyCode, findKeyString, findModifier, findModifierString, getAccelerator, getActionDefinitionId, getDescription, getDisabledImageDescriptor, getHelpListener, getHoverImageDescriptor, getId, getImageDescriptor, getMenuCreator, getStyle, getText, getToolTipText, isChecked, isHandled, notifyResult, removeAcceleratorText, removeMnemonics, runWithEvent, setAccelerator, setActionDefinitionId, setChecked, setDescription, setDisabledImageDescriptor, setEnabled, setHelpListener, setHoverImageDescriptor, setId, setImageDescriptor, setMenuCreator, setText, setToolTipText
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.action. AbstractAction
addPropertyChangeListener, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, removePropertyChangeListener
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.core.commands.common. EventManager
addListenerObject, clearListeners, getListeners, isListenerAttached, removeListenerObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.ui.actions. ISystemDialogAction
getValue, setProcessAllSelections, setValue
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.ui.actions. ISystemAction
allowOnMultipleSelection, getContextMenuGroup, getHelpContextId, getSelection, getShell, getViewer, isDummy, isSelectionSensitive, setContextMenuGroup, setHelp, setInputs, setSelection, setSelectionSensitive, setShell, setViewer
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.action. IAction
addPropertyChangeListener, getAccelerator, getActionDefinitionId, getDescription, getDisabledImageDescriptor, getHelpListener, getHoverImageDescriptor, getId, getImageDescriptor, getMenuCreator, getStyle, getText, getToolTipText, isChecked, isEnabled, isHandled, removePropertyChangeListener, run, runWithEvent, setAccelerator, setActionDefinitionId, setChecked, setDescription, setDisabledImageDescriptor, setEnabled, setHelpListener, setHoverImageDescriptor, setId, setImageDescriptor, setMenuCreator, setText, setToolTipText
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers. ISelectionChangedListener

Constructor Detail


public SystemNewConnectionAction(
Shell shell,
                                 boolean fromPopupMenu,
ISelectionProvider sp)

shell - The parent shell to host the new wizard
fromPopupMenu - true if being launched from the Remote System Explorer view directly, false if being launched from a dialog
sp - The selection provider that will supply the selection via getSelection, if fromPopupMenu is false


public SystemNewConnectionAction(
Shell shell,
                                 boolean fromPopupMenu,
                                 boolean wantIcon,
ISelectionProvider sp)
Constructor for SystemNewConnectionAction when you don't want the icon.

shell - The parent shell to host the new wizard
fromPopupMenu - true if being launched from the Remote System Explorer view directly, false if being launched from a dialog
wantIcon - true if you want the icon to show beside the action, false if not
sp - The selection provider that will supply the selection via getSelection, if fromPopupMenu is false


public SystemNewConnectionAction(
Shell shell,
String label,
String tooltip,
                                 boolean fromPopupMenu,
                                 boolean wantIcon,
ISelectionProvider sp)
Constructor for SystemNewConnectionAction when you possibly don't want the icon, and want to supply your own label. This is the "full" flavoured constructor!

shell - The parent shell to host the new wizard
label - The label for the action
tooltip - the tooltip for the action
fromPopupMenu - true if being launched from the Remote System Explorer view directly, false if being launched from a dialog
wantIcon - true if you want the icon to show beside the action, false if not
sp - The selection provider that will supply the selection via getSelection, if fromPopupMenu is false
Method Detail


IWizard createWizard()
The default processing for the run method calls createDialog, which in turn calls this method to return an instance of our wizard.

Our default implementation is to return RSEMainNewConnectionWizard.

Specified by:
createWizard in class SystemBaseWizardAction


WizardDialog doCreateWizardDialog(
Shell shell,
IWizard wizard)
Description copied from class: SystemBaseWizardAction
Creates the dialog instance. Called from createDialog(...). Gives overrides the chance to plug-in their own specialized wizard dialog implementations.

doCreateWizardDialog in class SystemBaseWizardAction
shell - The shell to create the dialog in. Must be not null.
wizard - The wizard to create the wizard dialog for. Must be not null.
The wizard dialog instance. Must be never null.


public void restrictSystemTypes(
IRSESystemType[] systemTypes)
Call this to restrict the system types that the user is allowed to choose


protected void postProcessWizard(
IWizard wizard)
Description copied from class: SystemBaseWizardAction
Typically, the wizard's performFinish method does the work required by a successful finish of the wizard. However, often we also want to be able to extract user-entered data from the wizard, by calling getters in this action. To enable this, override this method to populate your output instance variables from the completed wizard, which is passed as a parameter. This is only called after successful completion of the wizard.

postProcessWizard in class SystemBaseWizardAction


Object getDialogValue(
Dialog dlg)
Description copied from class: SystemBaseWizardAction
By default, we try to get the wizard's value by calling getOutputObject()

getDialogValue in class SystemBaseWizardAction
dlg - The dialog object, after it has returned from open.


public boolean updateSelection(
IStructuredSelection selection)
Description copied from class: SystemBaseAction
First opportunity to decide if the action should be enabled or not based on the current selection. Called by default implementation of selectionChanged, which converts the ISelection to an IStructuredSelection, which is all we support. The return result is used to enable or disable this action.

The default implementation of this method:

  • Returns false if calling checkObjectType on any object in the selection list returns false.
  • Returns true otherwise.
If desired, override this method for a different algorithm to decide enablement.

updateSelection in class SystemBaseAction

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire