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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface INavigatorDnDService

public interface INavigatorDnDService

Provides instances of CommonDragAdapterAssistant and CommonDropAdapterAssistant for the associated INavigatorContentService.

Clients should only take note of this Service they are are using the INavigatorContentService in the context of a viewer which is not or does not extend CommonViewer. Clients should take a look at the initialization of the DND support in the CommonViewer if they wish to support this capability in their own viewers.

See Also:
CommonDragAdapter, CommonDragAdapterAssistant, CommonDropAdapter, CommonDropAdapterAssistant, CommonViewer, INavigatorContentService.getDnDService(), Drag and Drop: Adding Drag and Drop to an SWT Application, Drag and Drop in the Eclipse UI (Custom Transfer Types)
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.

Method Summary
 void bindDragAssistant ( CommonDragAdapterAssistant anAssistant)
          Clients may choose to programmatically bind drag assistants to an instance of the DND Service.
  CommonDropAdapterAssistant[] findCommonDropAdapterAssistants ( Object aDropTarget, IStructuredSelection theDragSelection)
          This method returns an array of CommonDropAdapterAssistant from content extensions that are visible and active for the associated INavigatorContentService.
  CommonDropAdapterAssistant[] findCommonDropAdapterAssistants ( Object aDropTarget, TransferData theTransferType)
          This method returns an array of CommonDropAdapterAssistant from content extensions that are visible and active for the associated INavigatorContentService.
  CommonDragAdapterAssistant[] getCommonDragAssistants ()
          As part of the org.eclipse.ui.navigator.viewer extension point, clients may explicit extend the support Transfer Types of a particular viewer using the dragAssistant element.

Method Detail


CommonDragAdapterAssistant[] getCommonDragAssistants()
As part of the org.eclipse.ui.navigator.viewer extension point, clients may explicit extend the support Transfer Types of a particular viewer using the dragAssistant element. This element defines a class which extends CommonDragAdapterAssistant and can direct the viewer on how to provide different kinds of DND Transfer Types. The array is returned in no particular order.

An array of CommonDragAdapterAssistant or an empty array.


void bindDragAssistant(
CommonDragAdapterAssistant anAssistant)
Clients may choose to programmatically bind drag assistants to an instance of the DND Service. A programmatic binding is not persisted between sessions and is not propagated to other instances of INavigatorContentService with the same id.

anAssistant - The assistant to bind.


CommonDropAdapterAssistant[] findCommonDropAdapterAssistants(
Object aDropTarget,
TransferData theTransferType)
This method returns an array of CommonDropAdapterAssistant from content extensions that are visible and active for the associated INavigatorContentService. The array is sorted by priority, with overrides taken into account.

The array should be processed from the first element to the last, asking each extension to CommonDropAdapterAssistant.validateDrop(Object, int, org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TransferData). The first to successfully validate the drop operation will have the opportunity to handle the drop

aDropTarget - The target element in the viewer of the drop operation.
theTransferType - The transfer type of the current drop operation.
An array of CommonDropAdapterAssistants that are defined by the set of org.eclipse.ui.navigator.navigatorContent/navigatorContent extensions that provide a possibleChildren expression that matches the given drop target.


CommonDropAdapterAssistant[] findCommonDropAdapterAssistants(
Object aDropTarget,
IStructuredSelection theDragSelection)
This method returns an array of CommonDropAdapterAssistant from content extensions that are visible and active for the associated INavigatorContentService.

The array should be processed from the first element to the last, asking each extension to CommonDropAdapterAssistant.validateDrop(Object, int, org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TransferData). The first to successfully validate the drop operation will have the opportunity to handle the drop

aDropTarget - The target element in the viewer of the drop operation.
theDragSelection - The drag selection of the current drop operation.
An array of CommonDropAdapterAssistants that are defined by the set of org.eclipse.ui.navigator.navigatorContent/navigatorContent extensions that provide a possibleChildren expression that matches the given drop target.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire