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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Package org.eclipse.core.runtime.model

Provides core support for the modeling plug-ins and the plug-in registry.


Class Summary
ConfigurationElementModel Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.
ConfigurationPropertyModel Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.
ExtensionModel Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.
ExtensionPointModel Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.
Factory Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.
LibraryModel Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.
PluginDescriptorModel Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.
PluginFragmentModel Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.
PluginModel Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.
PluginModelObject Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.
PluginPrerequisiteModel Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.
PluginRegistryModel Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.
URLModel Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the runtime was refactored and all non-essential elements removed.

Package org.eclipse.core.runtime.model Description

Provides core support for the modeling plug-ins and the plug-in registry.

Package Specification

This package specifies the runtime API related to modeling plug-ins and the plug-in registry. The types provided here are typically data containers and have very little behaviour other than setters and getters. They are primarily intended for clients writing tools which manipulate/change registry entries as part of their normal work.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire