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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use Job
org.eclipse.core.resources Provides basic support for managing a workspace and its resources. Provides core support for scheduling and interacting with background activity. 
org.eclipse.ui.preferences Classes for using the preferences support in org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences Package Specification This package has the convenience classes provided by the Eclipse workbench for use by clients who wish to use the core preference support added in 3.0. 
org.eclipse.ui.progress Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 

Uses of Job in org.eclipse.core.internal.resources

Subclasses of Job in org.eclipse.core.internal.resources
 class org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.InternalWorkspaceJob
          Batches the activity of a job as a single operation, without obtaining the workspace lock.

Uses of Job in org.eclipse.core.resources

Subclasses of Job in org.eclipse.core.resources
 class WorkspaceJob
          A job that makes an atomic modification to the workspace.

Uses of Job in

Methods in that return Job
  Job IJobManager. currentJob ()
          Returns the job that is currently running in this thread, or null if there is no currently running job.
  Job[] IJobManager. find ( Object family)
          Returns all waiting, executing and sleeping jobs belonging to the given family.
  Job IJobStatus. getJob ()
          Returns the job associated with this status.
  Job IJobChangeEvent. getJob ()
          The job on which this event occurred.

Methods in with parameters of type Job
abstract   IProgressMonitor ProgressProvider. createMonitor ( Job job)
          Provides a new progress monitor instance to be used by the given job.
  IProgressMonitor ProgressProvider. createMonitor ( Job job, IProgressMonitor group, int ticks)
          Returns a progress monitor that can be used by a running job to report progress in the context of a progress group.

Uses of Job in org.eclipse.ui.preferences

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.preferences with parameters of type Job
 void IWorkbenchPreferenceContainer. registerUpdateJob ( Job job)
          Register a job to be run after the container has been closed.

Uses of Job in org.eclipse.ui.progress

Subclasses of Job in org.eclipse.ui.progress
 class UIJob
          The UIJob is a Job that runs within the UI Thread via an asyncExec.
 class WorkbenchJob
          WorkbenchJob is a type of job that implements a done listener and does the shutdown checks before scheduling.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.progress with parameters of type Job
  Image IProgressService. getIconFor ( Job job)
          Get the icon that has been registered for a Job by checking if the job belongs to any of the registered families.
 void IWorkbenchSiteProgressService. schedule ( Job job)
          Jobs scheduled with this method will cause the part's presentation to be changed to indicate that the part is busy and in a transient state until the job completes.
 void IWorkbenchSiteProgressService. schedule ( Job job, long delay)
          Jobs scheduled with this method will cause the part's presentation to be changed to indicate that the part is busy and in a transient state until the job completes.
 void IWorkbenchSiteProgressService. schedule ( Job job, long delay, boolean useHalfBusyCursor)
          Jobs scheduled with this method will cause the part's presentation to be changed to indicate that the part is busy and in a transient state until the job completes.
 void IProgressService. showInDialog ( Shell shell, Job job)
          Open a dialog on job when it starts to run and close it when the job is finished.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire