Interface IPluginPrerequisite
Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 the plug-in prerequisite representation was changed. Clients of
IPluginPrerequisite are directed to the headers associated with the relevant bundle.
In particular, the Require-Bundle header contains all available information
about the prerequisites of a plug-in. Having retrieved the header, the
helper class can be used to parse the value and discover the individual
prerequisite plug-ins. The various header attributes are defined in
For example,
String header = bundle.getHeaders().get(Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE);
ManifestElement[] elements = ManifestElement.parseHeader(
Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE, header);
if (elements == null)
elements[0].getValue(); // the prerequisite plug-in id
elements[0].getAttribute(Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE); // the prerequisite plug-in version
IPluginDescriptor for information on the relationship between plug-in
descriptors and bundles.
This interface must only be used by plug-ins
which explicitly require the org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility plug-in.
public interface IPluginPrerequisite
A prerequisite entry declared by a plug-in. The declaration causes
classes defined by the prerequisite plug-in to be visible
to the plug-in that declared the dependency.
See Also:
- This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
Method Summary
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current State
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
BundleDescription prereq = spec.getSupplier();
Deprecated. Given a manifest element equivalent of a plug-in
prerequisite (see the class comment), this method is replaced by:
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current State
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
Version reqMinVersion = spec.getVersionRange().getMinimum();
Deprecated. Given a manifest element equivalent of a plug-in
prerequisite (see the class comment), this method is replaced by:
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current State
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
VersionRange versionRange = spec.getVersionRange();
if (versionRange == null || versionRange.getMinimum() == null)
return false;
Version minimum = versionRange.getMinimum();
Version maximum = versionRange.getMaximum() == null ? Version.maxVersion : versionRange.getMaximum();
if (!minimum.isInclusive() || maximum.isInclusive())
return false;
else if (minimum.getMajorComponent() == maximum.getMajorComponent() - 1)
return true;
return false;
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current State
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
VersionRange versionRange = spec.getVersionRange();
if (versionRange == null || versionRange.getMinimum() == null)
return false;
Version minimum = versionRange.getMinimum();
Version maximum = versionRange.getMaximum() == null ? Version.maxVersion : versionRange.getMaximum();
if (!minimum.isInclusive() || maximum.isInclusive())
return false;
else if (minimum.getMajorComponent() == maximum.getMajorComponent() - 1)
return false;
else if (minimum.getMajorComponent() != maximum.getMajorComponent())
return false;
else if (minimum.getMinorComponent() == maximum.getMinorComponent() - 1)
return true;
return false;
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current State
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
VersionRange versionRange = spec.getVersionRange();
if (versionRange == null || versionRange.getMinimum() == null)
return false;
Version minimum = versionRange.getMinimum();
Version maximum = versionRange.getMaximum() == null ? Version.maxVersion : versionRange.getMaximum();
if (!minimum.isInclusive() || maximum.isInclusive())
return false;
else if (minimum.getMajorComponent() == maximum.getMajorComponent() - 1)
return false;
else if (minimum.getMajorComponent() != maximum.getMajorComponent())
return false;
else if (minimum.getMinorComponent() == maximum.getMinorComponent() - 1)
return true;
return false;
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current State
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
VersionRange versionRange = spec.getVersionRange();
if (versionRange == null || versionRange.getMinimum() == null)
return false;
Version minimum = versionRange.getMinimum();
Version maximum = versionRange.getMaximum() == null ? Version.maxVersion : versionRange.getMaximum();
if (maximum.equals(Version.maxVersion))
return true;
return false;
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current State
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
VersionRange versionRange = spec.getVersionRange();
if (versionRange == null || versionRange.getMinimum() == null)
return false;
Version minimum = versionRange.getMinimum();
Version maximum = versionRange.getMaximum() == null ? Version.maxVersion : versionRange.getMaximum();
if (minimum.equals(maximum))
return true;
return false;
Deprecated. Given a manifest element equivalent of a plug-in
prerequisite (see the class comment), this method is replaced by:
PluginVersionIdentifier getResolvedVersionIdentifier()
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
BundleDescription prereq = spec.getSupplier();
- Returns the actual version identifier that is used
at runtime to resolve this prerequisite dependency,
or null, if the dependency is not resolved.
- the plug-in version identifier, or null
String getUniqueIdentifier()
Deprecated. Given a manifest element equivalent of a plug-in
prerequisite (see the class comment), this method is replaced by:
- Returns the plug-in identifier of the prerequisite plug-in.
- the plug-in identifier
PluginVersionIdentifier getVersionIdentifier()
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
Version reqMinVersion = spec.getVersionRange().getMinimum();
- Returns the version identifier of the prerequisite plug-in,
null if none.
- the plug-in version identifier, or
null if
none was specified
boolean isExported()
Deprecated. Given a manifest element equivalent of a plug-in
prerequisite (see the class comment), this method is replaced by:
- Indicates whether this prerequisite plug-in is further exposed to any
plug-ins that declare a dependency on this plug-in. This allows
for chaining of dependencies. For example, if plug-in A depends
on plug-in B which depends on plug-in C, the classes from C
are typically visible to B, but not to A. A can get around this
if either B explicitly exports its dependency on C, or
A explicitly declares C as a prerequisite in addition to B.
true if this prerequisite plug-in is exposed,
false otherwise
boolean isMatchedAsGreaterOrEqual()
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
VersionRange versionRange = spec.getVersionRange();
if (versionRange == null || versionRange.getMinimum() == null)
return false;
Version minimum = versionRange.getMinimum();
Version maximum = versionRange.getMaximum() == null ? Version.maxVersion : versionRange.getMaximum();
if (maximum.equals(Version.maxVersion))
return true;
return false;
- Indicates that this plug-in prerequisite can be resolved
against a configured plug-in with an identifier that is
greater than or equal to it.
true if greater or equal match is allowed,
false otherwise. -
- 2.0
boolean isMatchedAsCompatible()
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
VersionRange versionRange = spec.getVersionRange();
if (versionRange == null || versionRange.getMinimum() == null)
return false;
Version minimum = versionRange.getMinimum();
Version maximum = versionRange.getMaximum() == null ? Version.maxVersion : versionRange.getMaximum();
if (!minimum.isInclusive() || maximum.isInclusive())
return false;
else if (minimum.getMajorComponent() == maximum.getMajorComponent() - 1)
return true;
return false;
- Indicates that this plug-in prerequisite can be resolved
against a configured plug-in with a compatible identifier.
true if compatible match is allowed,
false if exact match is required.
boolean isMatchedAsEquivalent()
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
VersionRange versionRange = spec.getVersionRange();
if (versionRange == null || versionRange.getMinimum() == null)
return false;
Version minimum = versionRange.getMinimum();
Version maximum = versionRange.getMaximum() == null ? Version.maxVersion : versionRange.getMaximum();
if (!minimum.isInclusive() || maximum.isInclusive())
return false;
else if (minimum.getMajorComponent() == maximum.getMajorComponent() - 1)
return false;
else if (minimum.getMajorComponent() != maximum.getMajorComponent())
return false;
else if (minimum.getMinorComponent() == maximum.getMinorComponent() - 1)
return true;
return false;
- Indicates that this plug-in prerequisite can only be resolved
against a configured plug-in with an equivalent plug-in
true if only equivalent identifier match
satisfies this dependency, false otherwise. -
- 2.0
boolean isMatchedAsPerfect()
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
VersionRange versionRange = spec.getVersionRange();
if (versionRange == null || versionRange.getMinimum() == null)
return false;
Version minimum = versionRange.getMinimum();
Version maximum = versionRange.getMaximum() == null ? Version.maxVersion : versionRange.getMaximum();
if (minimum.equals(maximum))
return true;
return false;
- Indicates that this plug-in prerequisite can only be resolved
against a configured plug-in with a plug-in identifier that
is perfectly equal.
true if only perfectly equal
identifier match satisfies this dependency,
false otherwise. -
- 2.0
boolean isMatchedAsExact()
Deprecated. Callers of this method should interrogate the current
of the platform. For example,
State state = Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState();
BundleDescription bundle = state.getBundle("my plug-in id", my plug-in version);
BundleSpecification spec = bundle.getRequiredBundle("required plug-in id");
VersionRange versionRange = spec.getVersionRange();
if (versionRange == null || versionRange.getMinimum() == null)
return false;
Version minimum = versionRange.getMinimum();
Version maximum = versionRange.getMaximum() == null ? Version.maxVersion : versionRange.getMaximum();
if (!minimum.isInclusive() || maximum.isInclusive())
return false;
else if (minimum.getMajorComponent() == maximum.getMajorComponent() - 1)
return false;
else if (minimum.getMajorComponent() != maximum.getMajorComponent())
return false;
else if (minimum.getMinorComponent() == maximum.getMinorComponent() - 1)
return true;
return false;
- Indicates that this plug-in prerequisite can only be resolved
against a configured plug-in with exactly the same plug-in
true if only exact identifier match
satisfies this dependency, false if compatible
plug-in will satisfy this dependency.
boolean isOptional()
Deprecated. Given a manifest element equivalent of a plug-in
prerequisite (see the class comment), this method is replaced by:
- Indicates whether this plug-in prerequisite is optional. If a required (i.e., non-optional)
prerequisite is missing, this plugin is disabled.
true if this prerequisite is optional, false otherwise
Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.
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