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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class EFS

  extended by 

public class EFS
extends Object

This class is the main entry point for clients of the Eclipse file system API. This class has factory methods for obtaining instances of file systems and file stores, and provides constants for option values and error codes.

org.eclipse.core.filesystem 1.0
This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.

Field Summary
static int APPEND
          Option flag constant (value 1 <<0) indicating a file opened for appending data to the end.
          Attribute constant (value 1 <<3) indicating that a file is an archive.
          Attribute constant (value 1 <<2) indicating that a file is a executable.
          Attribute constant (value 1 <<4) indicating that a file is hidden.
          Attribute constant (value 1 <<6) for a string attribute indicating the target file name of a symbolic link.
          Attribute constant (value 1 <<1) indicating that a file is read only.
          Attribute constant (value 1 <<5) indicating that a file is a symbolic link.
static int CACHE
          Option flag constant (value 1 <<12) indicating that a cached representation of a file should be returned.
          Status code constant (value 275) indicating this file system is not case sensitive and a file that differs only in case unexpectedly exists on the file system.
static int ERROR_DELETE
          Status code constant (value 273) indicating an error occurred while deleting from the file system.
static int ERROR_EXISTS
          Status code constant (value 268) indicating a store unexpectedly exists on the file system.
          Status code constant (value 566) indicating an error internal has occurred.
          Status code constant (value 270) indicating the file system location for a store could not be computed.
          Status code constant (value 269) indicating a store unexpectedly does not exist on the file system.
          Status code constant (value 277) indicating that the parent file in the file system is marked as read-only.
static int ERROR_READ
          Status code constant (value 271) indicating an error occurred while reading from the file system.
static int ERROR_READ_ONLY
          Status code constant (value 279) indicating that the file in the file system is marked as read-only.
static int ERROR_WRITE
          Status code constant (value 272) indicating an error occurred while writing to the file system.
          Status code constant (value 276) indicating a file exists in the file system but is not of the expected type (file instead of directory, or vice-versa).
static int NONE
          A constant known to be zero (0), used in operations which take bit flags to indicate that "no bits are set".
static int OVERWRITE
          Option flag constant (value 1 <<1) indicating that existing files may be overwritten.
static  String PI_FILE_SYSTEM
          The unique identifier constant (value "org.eclipse.core.filesystem") of the Core file system plug-in.
static  String PT_FILE_SYSTEMS
          The simple identifier constant (value "filesystems") of the extension point of the Core file system plug-in where plug-ins declare file system implementations.
static  String SCHEME_FILE
          Scheme constant (value "file") indicating the local file system scheme.
static  String SCHEME_NULL
          Scheme constant (value "null") indicating the null file system scheme.
          Option flag constant (value 1 <<10) indicating that a file's attributes should be updated.
          Option flag constant (value 1 <<11) indicating that a file's last modified time should be updated.
static int SHALLOW
          Option flag constant (value 1 <<2) indicating that an operation acts on a single file or directory, and not its parents or children.
Method Summary
static  IFileInfo createFileInfo ()
          Creates an empty file information object.
static  IFileSystem getFileSystem ( String scheme)
          Returns a file system corresponding to the given scheme.
static  IFileSystem getLocalFileSystem ()
          Returns the local file system.
static  IFileSystem getNullFileSystem ()
          Returns the null file system.
static  IFileStore getStore ( URI uri)
          Returns the file store corresponding to the provided URI.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final 
The unique identifier constant (value "org.eclipse.core.filesystem") of the Core file system plug-in.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final 
The simple identifier constant (value "filesystems") of the extension point of the Core file system plug-in where plug-ins declare file system implementations.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NONE
A constant known to be zero (0), used in operations which take bit flags to indicate that "no bits are set". This value is also used as a default value in cases where a file system attribute cannot be computed.

See Also:
IFileInfo.getLength(), IFileInfo.getLastModified(), Constant Field Values


public static final int APPEND
Option flag constant (value 1 <<0) indicating a file opened for appending data to the end.

See Also:
IFileStore.openOutputStream(int, IProgressMonitor), Constant Field Values


public static final int OVERWRITE
Option flag constant (value 1 <<1) indicating that existing files may be overwritten.

See Also:
IFileStore.copy(IFileStore, int, IProgressMonitor), IFileStore.move(IFileStore, int, IProgressMonitor), Constant Field Values


public static final int SHALLOW
Option flag constant (value 1 <<2) indicating that an operation acts on a single file or directory, and not its parents or children.

See Also:
IFileStore.copy(IFileStore, int, IProgressMonitor), IFileStore.mkdir(int, IProgressMonitor), Constant Field Values


public static final int SET_ATTRIBUTES
Option flag constant (value 1 <<10) indicating that a file's attributes should be updated.

See Also:
IFileStore.putInfo(IFileInfo, int, IProgressMonitor), Constant Field Values


public static final int SET_LAST_MODIFIED
Option flag constant (value 1 <<11) indicating that a file's last modified time should be updated.

See Also:
IFileStore.putInfo(IFileInfo, int, IProgressMonitor), Constant Field Values


public static final int CACHE
Option flag constant (value 1 <<12) indicating that a cached representation of a file should be returned.

See Also:
IFileStore.toLocalFile(int, IProgressMonitor), Constant Field Values


public static final int ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY
Attribute constant (value 1 <<1) indicating that a file is read only.

See Also:
IFileStore.fetchInfo(), IFileStore.putInfo(IFileInfo, int, IProgressMonitor), IFileInfo.getAttribute(int), IFileInfo.setAttribute(int, boolean), Constant Field Values


public static final int ATTRIBUTE_EXECUTABLE
Attribute constant (value 1 <<2) indicating that a file is a executable.

See Also:
IFileStore.fetchInfo(), IFileStore.putInfo(IFileInfo, int, IProgressMonitor), IFileInfo.getAttribute(int), IFileInfo.setAttribute(int, boolean), Constant Field Values


public static final int ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE
Attribute constant (value 1 <<3) indicating that a file is an archive.

See Also:
IFileStore.fetchInfo(), IFileStore.putInfo(IFileInfo, int, IProgressMonitor), IFileInfo.getAttribute(int), IFileInfo.setAttribute(int, boolean), Constant Field Values


public static final int ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN
Attribute constant (value 1 <<4) indicating that a file is hidden.

See Also:
IFileStore.fetchInfo(), IFileStore.putInfo(IFileInfo, int, IProgressMonitor), IFileInfo.getAttribute(int), IFileInfo.setAttribute(int, boolean), Constant Field Values


public static final int ATTRIBUTE_SYMLINK
Attribute constant (value 1 <<5) indicating that a file is a symbolic link.

If this attribute is true for a given IFileInfo instance, a String value may be associated with the attribute holding the symbolic link target. This link target can be retrieved with IFileInfo.getStringAttribute(int) with attribute type ATTRIBUTE_LINK_TARGET.

Symbolic links are handled transparently, as implemented by the underlying operating system. This means, that all other attributes of a IFileInfo apply to the link target instead of the link. Reading or writing a file, or changing attributes applies to the link target and not the link itself. In case a symbolic link points to another symbolic link, the chain of links is transparently followed and operations apply to the actual file or directory being referenced by the chain of symbolic links.

Broken symbolic links (which do not reference any valid file or directory) are being returned by IFileStore.childInfos(int, IProgressMonitor), but IFileInfo.exists() returns false for these. Operations like reading or writing on broken symbolic links throw a "file not found" exception.

org.eclipse.core.filesystem 1.1
See Also:
IFileStore.fetchInfo(), IFileStore.putInfo(IFileInfo, int, IProgressMonitor), IFileInfo.getAttribute(int), IFileInfo.setAttribute(int, boolean), Constant Field Values


public static final int ATTRIBUTE_LINK_TARGET
Attribute constant (value 1 <<6) for a string attribute indicating the target file name of a symbolic link.

Note that setting the link target attribute does not cause a symbolic link to be created, or changed to link to a different file. Rather, this attribute is set by file system implementations based on the current state of a link.

org.eclipse.core.filesystem 1.1
See Also:
IFileInfo.getStringAttribute(int), FileInfo.setStringAttribute(int, String), ATTRIBUTE_SYMLINK, Constant Field Values


public static final 
Scheme constant (value "file") indicating the local file system scheme.

See Also:
getLocalFileSystem(), Constant Field Values


public static final 
Scheme constant (value "null") indicating the null file system scheme.

See Also:
getNullFileSystem(), Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_EXISTS
Status code constant (value 268) indicating a store unexpectedly exists on the file system. Severity: error. Category: file system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_NOT_EXISTS
Status code constant (value 269) indicating a store unexpectedly does not exist on the file system. Severity: error. Category: file system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_NO_LOCATION
Status code constant (value 270) indicating the file system location for a store could not be computed. Severity: error. Category: file system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_READ
Status code constant (value 271) indicating an error occurred while reading from the file system. Severity: error. Category: file system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_WRITE
Status code constant (value 272) indicating an error occurred while writing to the file system. Severity: error. Category: file system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_DELETE
Status code constant (value 273) indicating an error occurred while deleting from the file system. Severity: error. Category: file system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_CASE_VARIANT_EXISTS
Status code constant (value 275) indicating this file system is not case sensitive and a file that differs only in case unexpectedly exists on the file system. Severity: error. Category: file system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_WRONG_TYPE
Status code constant (value 276) indicating a file exists in the file system but is not of the expected type (file instead of directory, or vice-versa). Severity: error. Category: file system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_PARENT_READ_ONLY
Status code constant (value 277) indicating that the parent file in the file system is marked as read-only. Severity: error. Category: file system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_READ_ONLY
Status code constant (value 279) indicating that the file in the file system is marked as read-only. Severity: error. Category: file system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_INTERNAL
Status code constant (value 566) indicating an error internal has occurred. Severity: error. Category: internal.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static 
IFileInfo createFileInfo()
Creates an empty file information object. The resulting information will represent a non-existent file with no name and no attributes set.

an empty file information object.
See Also:
IFileStore.putInfo(IFileInfo, int, IProgressMonitor)


public static 
IFileSystem getFileSystem(
String scheme)
Returns a file system corresponding to the given scheme.

scheme - The file system URI scheme
The corresponding file system for the given scheme
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • There is no registered file system for the given URI scheme.
  • There was a failure initializing the file system.


public static 
IFileSystem getLocalFileSystem()
Returns the local file system.

The local file system


public static 
IFileSystem getNullFileSystem()
Returns the null file system. The null file system can be used to represent a non-existent or unresolved file system. An example of a null file system is a file system whose location is relative to an undefined variable, or a system whose scheme is unknown.

Basic handle-based queries can be performed on the null file system, but all operations that actually require file system access will fail.

The null file system


public static 
IFileStore getStore(
URI uri)
Returns the file store corresponding to the provided URI.

uri - The URI of the file store to return
The file store
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • There is no registered file system for the given URI scheme.
  • The URI syntax was not in the appropriate form for that scheme.
  • There was a failure initializing the file system.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire