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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IBinding
org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom The Java DOM/AST is the set of classes that model the source code of a Java program as a structured document. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.rewrite The Java DOM/AST rewrite is the set of classes that are used to make changes to an existing DOM/AST tree. 

Uses of IBinding in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom

Subinterfaces of IBinding in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom
 interface IAnnotationBinding
          Represents a resolved annotation.
 interface IMemberValuePairBinding
          Represents a resolved instance of an annotation's member value pair.
 interface IMethodBinding
          A method binding represents a method or constructor of a class or interface.
 interface IPackageBinding
          A package binding represents a named or unnamed package.
 interface ITypeBinding
          A type binding represents fully-resolved type.
 interface IVariableBinding
          A variable binding represents either a field of a class or interface, or a local variable declaration (including formal parameters, local variables, and exception variables).

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom that return IBinding
  IBinding[] ASTParser. createBindings ( IJavaElement[] elements, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates bindings for a batch of Java elements.
  IBinding[] ASTRequestor. createBindings ( String[] bindingKeys)
          Resolves bindings for the given binding keys.
  IBinding ImportDeclaration. resolveBinding ()
          Resolves and returns the binding for the package, type, field, or method named in this import declaration.
  IBinding MethodRef. resolveBinding ()
          Resolves and returns the binding for the entity referred to by this method reference.
  IBinding MemberRef. resolveBinding ()
          Resolves and returns the binding for the entity referred to by this member reference.
  IBinding Name. resolveBinding ()
          Resolves and returns the binding for the entity referred to by this name.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom with parameters of type IBinding
 void ASTRequestor. acceptBinding ( String bindingKey, IBinding binding)
          Accepts a binding corresponding to the binding key.
  ASTNode CompilationUnit. findDeclaringNode ( IBinding binding)
          Finds the corresponding AST node in the given compilation unit from which the given binding originated.
 boolean IBinding. isEqualTo ( IBinding binding)
          Returns whether this binding has the same key as that of the given binding.

Uses of IBinding in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.rewrite

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.rewrite with parameters of type IBinding
  String ImportRewrite. addStaticImport ( IBinding binding)
          Adds a new static import to the rewriter's record and returns a reference that can be used in the code.
  String ImportRewrite. addStaticImport ( IBinding binding, ImportRewrite.ImportRewriteContext context)
          Adds a new static import to the rewriter's record and returns a reference that can be used in the code.

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire