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Class ViewService

  extended by 

      extended by 

          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, IProvider, IProviderChangeListener, IViewProvider

public final class ViewService
extends Service
implements IViewProvider

A service for manipulating the notational models

Nested Class Summary
protected static class ViewService.ProviderDescriptor
          A descriptor for ISemanticProvider defined by a configuration element.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service. Service
Constructor Summary
protected ViewService ()
          creates an instance
Method Summary
static  Diagram createDiagram (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject context, java.lang.String kind, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
          Creates a diagram with the given context and kind
  Diagram createDiagram ( IAdaptable semanticAdapter, java.lang.String diagramKindType, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
          create an Diagram element.
static  Diagram createDiagram (java.lang.String kind, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
          Creates a diagram with a kind
  Edge createEdge ( IAdaptable semanticAdapter, View containerView, java.lang.String semanticHint, int index, boolean persisted, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
          create an Edge element.
  View createEdge ( IAdaptable semanticAdapter, View containerView, java.lang.String semanticHint, int index, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
static  Edge createEdge ( View source, View target, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject, java.lang.String type, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
          Creates an edge for a given eObject and with a given type and connects it between a given source and a given target
static  Edge createEdge ( View source, View target, java.lang.String type, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
          Creates an edge with a given type and connects it between the given source and target
  Node createNode ( IAdaptable semanticAdapter, View containerView, java.lang.String semanticHint, int index, boolean persisted, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
          creates a Node
  Node createNode ( IAdaptable semanticElement, View containerView, java.lang.String semanticHint, int index, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
          creates a persisted Node
static  Node createNode ( View container, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject, java.lang.String type, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
          Creates a node for a given eObject and with a given type and inserts it into a given container
static  Node createNode ( View container, java.lang.String type, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
          Creates a node for a with a given type and inserts it thegiven container
protected  java.util.Map createPriorityCache ()
          Creates a map for caching service providers keyed by the values returned in Service.getCachingKey(IOperation).
  View createView (java.lang.Class viewKind, IAdaptable semanticAdapter, View containerView, java.lang.String semanticHint, int index, boolean persisted, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
          A convenience method to create a view with the given parameters
protected  java.lang.Object getCachingKey ( IOperation operation)
          Gets the key used to cache service providers that provide for operation in the map created by Service.createPriorityCache().
static  ViewService getInstance ()
          Retrieves the singleton instance of the notation service.
protected   Service.ProviderDescriptor newProviderDescriptor ( IConfigurationElement element)
          Creates a new provider descriptor for the specified configuration element.
 boolean provides (java.lang.Class viewKind, IAdaptable semanticAdapter, View containerView, java.lang.String semanticHint, int index, boolean persisted, PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
          A convenience method to determine whether there is a provider that can create a view with the given parameters
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service. Service
addProvider, clearCache, configureProviders, configureProviders, execute, executeUnique, getAllProviders, getPriority, getProviders, isOptimistic, isOptimized, providerChanged, provides, provides, removeProvider
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service. AbstractProvider
addProviderChangeListener, fireProviderChange, removeProviderChangeListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service. IProvider
addProviderChangeListener, provides, removeProviderChangeListener

Constructor Detail


protected ViewService()
creates an instance

Method Detail


public static 
ViewService getInstance()
Retrieves the singleton instance of the notation service.

The notation service singleton.


Service.ProviderDescriptor newProviderDescriptor(
IConfigurationElement element)
Description copied from class: Service
Creates a new provider descriptor for the specified configuration element.

newProviderDescriptor in class Service
element - The configuration element from which to create the descriptor.
A new provider descriptor.
See Also:


protected java.util.Map createPriorityCache()
Description copied from class: Service
Creates a map for caching service providers keyed by the values returned in Service.getCachingKey(IOperation).

createPriorityCache in class Service
the new map
See Also:


protected java.lang.Object getCachingKey(
IOperation operation)
Description copied from class: Service
Gets the key used to cache service providers that provide for operation in the map created by Service.createPriorityCache().

getCachingKey in class Service
operation - IOperation for which the key will be retrieved
the key into the service providers cache
See Also:


public final boolean provides(java.lang.Class viewKind,
IAdaptable semanticAdapter,
View containerView,
                              java.lang.String semanticHint,
                              int index,
                              boolean persisted,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
A convenience method to determine whether there is a provider that can create a view with the given parameters

viewKind -
semanticAdapter - adapts to either Integer or IReference
containerView -
semanticHint -
index -
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.


public final 
View createView(java.lang.Class viewKind,
IAdaptable semanticAdapter,
View containerView,
                             java.lang.String semanticHint,
                             int index,
                             boolean persisted,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
A convenience method to create a view with the given parameters

viewKind -
semanticAdapter - adapts to IReference
containerView -
semanticHint -
index -
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.


public final 
Diagram createDiagram(
IAdaptable semanticAdapter,
                                   java.lang.String diagramKindType,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
Description copied from interface: IViewProvider
create an Diagram element.

Specified by:
createDiagram in interface IViewProvider
diagramKindType - indicates the diagram type
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.
the created Diagram


public static 
Diagram createDiagram(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject context,
                                    java.lang.String kind,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
Creates a diagram with the given context and kind

context - The diagram element context
kind - diagram kind, check ViewType for predefined values
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.
A newly created Diagram


public static 
Diagram createDiagram(java.lang.String kind,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
Creates a diagram with a kind

kind - diagram kind, check ViewType for predefined values
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.
A newly created Diagram


public static 
Node createNode(
View container,
                              org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject,
                              java.lang.String type,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
Creates a node for a given eObject and with a given type and inserts it into a given container

container - The node view container
eObject - The node view object context
type - The node view type, check ViewType for predefined values
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.
A newly created Node


public static 
Node createNode(
View container,
                              java.lang.String type,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
Creates a node for a with a given type and inserts it thegiven container

container - The node view container
type - The node view type, check ViewType for predefined values
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.
A newly created Node


public static 
Edge createEdge(
View source,
View target,
                              org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject,
                              java.lang.String type,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
Creates an edge for a given eObject and with a given type and connects it between a given source and a given target

source - The edge's source view
target - The edge's target view
eObject - The edge view object context
type - The edge view type, check ViewType for predefined values
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.
A newly created Edge


public static 
Edge createEdge(
View source,
View target,
                              java.lang.String type,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
Creates an edge with a given type and connects it between the given source and target

source - The edge's source view
target - The edge's target view
type - The edge view type, check ViewType for predefined values
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.
A newly created Edge


public final 
Edge createEdge(
IAdaptable semanticAdapter,
View containerView,
                             java.lang.String semanticHint,
                             int index,
                             boolean persisted,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
Description copied from interface: IViewProvider
create an Edge element.

Specified by:
createEdge in interface IViewProvider
containerView - the container view that will contain the created view.
index - position in the container view's list of children views.
persisted - indicates if the created edge will be persisted or not
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.
the created Edge


public final 
View createEdge(
IAdaptable semanticAdapter,
View containerView,
                             java.lang.String semanticHint,
                             int index,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
semanticAdapter -
containerView -
semanticHint -
index -
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.


public final 
Node createNode(
IAdaptable semanticElement,
View containerView,
                             java.lang.String semanticHint,
                             int index,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
creates a persisted Node

semanticElement -
containerView -
semanticHint -
index -
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.
the created node


Node createNode(
IAdaptable semanticAdapter,
View containerView,
                       java.lang.String semanticHint,
                       int index,
                       boolean persisted,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
creates a Node

Specified by:
createNode in interface IViewProvider
semanticElement -
containerView -
semanticHint -
persisted -
index -
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.
the created node


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