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Class Service

  extended by 

      extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, IProvider, IProviderChangeListener
Direct Known Subclasses:
ActionFilterService, ContributionItemService, DiagramEventBrokerService, DragDropListenerService, EditorService, ElementSelectionService, GlobalActionHandlerService, IconService, MarkerNavigationService, ModelingAssistantService, ParserService, PropertiesService, StatusLineService, TransferAdapterService, ViewService

public abstract class Service
extends AbstractProvider
implements IProvider, IProviderChangeListener

A Service does some specific piece of work for clients by delegating the actual work done to one or more service providers. Client requests are made using IOperation s.

Modeling platform services should subclass this class.

Each service provider has a ProviderPriority that is declared in its extension descriptor. It is the ExecutionStrategy that determines how service provider priorities are used to select a provider to service each client request. For example, if the ExecutionStrategy.FIRST is used, the provider with the highest priority will give an answer to the request.

A Service may choose to have the following performance optimizations:

  • optimized, so that providers that provide for an operation are cached the first time they are retrieved and the cache used when an operation is executed. If the service is not optimized, all of the service providers may be considered each time an operation is executed.
  • optmistic, so that an optimized service always trusts the contents of its cache to contain providers that provide for the given operation. If the optimized service is not optimistic, it double-checks the contents of the cache to make sure that the cached providers still provide for the operation.

See Also:

Nested Class Summary
static class Service.ProviderDescriptor
          A descriptor for providers defined by a configuration element.
Field Summary
protected static java.lang.String INVALID_ELEMENT_MESSAGE_PATTERN
          A pattern for error messages indicating an invalid XML element.
Constructor Summary
protected Service ()
          Constructs a new service that is not optimized.
protected Service (boolean optimized)
          Constructs a new service that is (not) optimized as specified.
protected Service (boolean optimized, boolean optimistic)
          Constructs a new service that is (not) optimized as specified.
Method Summary
protected  void addProvider ( ProviderPriority priority, Service.ProviderDescriptor provider)
          Registers the provider as a provider for this service, with the specified priority.
protected  void clearCache ()
          Clears the service provider cache (if this service is optimized).
 void configureProviders ( IConfigurationElement[] elements)
          Registers the service providers described by the specified configuration elements with this service.
 void configureProviders (java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String extensionPointName)
          Registers the service providers described by the extensions of the specified namespace and extension point name with this service.
protected  java.util.Map createPriorityCache ()
          Creates a map for caching service providers keyed by the values returned in getCachingKey(IOperation).
protected  java.util.List execute ( ExecutionStrategy strategy, IOperation operation)
          Executes the operation based on the specified execution strategy.
protected  java.lang.Object executeUnique ( ExecutionStrategy strategy, IOperation operation)
          Executes the operation based on the specified execution strategy.
protected  java.util.List getAllProviders ()
          Retrieves a list of all providers of all priorities for this service.
protected  java.lang.Object getCachingKey ( IOperation operation)
          Gets the key used to cache service providers that provide for operation in the map created by createPriorityCache().
 java.lang.String getPriority ( IConfigurationElement element)
          Get the priority of the Provider's configuration element
protected  java.util.List getProviders ( ExecutionStrategy strategy, ProviderPriority priority, IOperation operation)
          Retrieves a list of providers of the specified priority that provide for the specified operation.
protected  boolean isOptimistic ()
          Answers whether or not this service uses optimistic caching.
protected  boolean isOptimized ()
          Answers whether or not this service is optimized by caching its service providers.
protected   Service.ProviderDescriptor newProviderDescriptor ( IConfigurationElement element)
          Creates a new provider descriptor for the specified configuration element.
 void providerChanged ( ProviderChangeEvent event)
          Handles an event indicating that a provider has changed.
protected  boolean provides ( ExecutionStrategy strategy, IOperation operation)
          Indicates whether or not this service can provide the functionality described by the specified operation using the given execution strategy.
 boolean provides ( IOperation operation)
          Indicates whether or not this service can provide the functionality described by the specified operation.
protected  void removeProvider ( Service.ProviderDescriptor provider)
          Removes the provider as a provider for this service.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service. AbstractProvider
addProviderChangeListener, fireProviderChange, removeProviderChangeListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service. IProvider
addProviderChangeListener, removeProviderChangeListener

Field Detail


protected static final java.lang.String INVALID_ELEMENT_MESSAGE_PATTERN
A pattern for error messages indicating an invalid XML element.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected Service()
Constructs a new service that is not optimized.


protected Service(boolean optimized)
Constructs a new service that is (not) optimized as specified.

If the service is optimized, the service providers that provide for an operation are cached the first time they are retrieved. When an operation is executed, this cache is used to find the service providers for the execution. If the service is not optimized, all of the service providers may be considered each time an operation is executed.

optimized - true if the new service is optimized, false otherwise.


protected Service(boolean optimized,
                  boolean optimistic)
Constructs a new service that is (not) optimized as specified.

If the service is optimized, the service providers that provide for an operation are cached the first time they are retrieved. When an operation is executed, this cache is used to find the service providers for the execution. If the service is not optimized, all of the service providers may be considered each time an operation is executed.

If the optimized service is optimistic, it always trusts the contents of its cache to contain providers that provide for the given operation. If the optimized service is not optimistic, it double-checks the contents of the cache to make sure that the cached providers still provide for the operation.

The value of optimistic is meaningless if optimized is false.

optimized - true if the new service is optimized, false otherwise.
optimistic - true if the new service uses optmistic caching, false otherwise.
Method Detail


protected java.util.Map createPriorityCache()
Creates a map for caching service providers keyed by the values returned in getCachingKey(IOperation).

the new map


protected java.lang.Object getCachingKey(
IOperation operation)
Gets the key used to cache service providers that provide for operation in the map created by createPriorityCache().

operation - IOperation for which the key will be retrieved
the key into the service providers cache


protected final boolean isOptimized()
Answers whether or not this service is optimized by caching its service providers.

If the service is optimized, the service providers that provide for an operation are cached the first time they are retrieved. When an operation is executed, this cache is used to find the service providers for the execution. If the service is not optimized, all of the service providers may be considered each time an operation is executed.

true if the new service is optimized, false otherwise.


protected final boolean isOptimistic()
Answers whether or not this service uses optimistic caching. This value is only meaningful if isOptimized()returns true.

If the optimized service is optimistic, it always trusts the contents of its cache to contain providers that provide for the given operation. If the optimized service is not optimistic, it double-checks the contents of the cache to make sure that the cached providers still provide for the operation.

true if the new service uses optmistic caching, false otherwise.


protected final void clearCache()
Clears the service provider cache (if this service is optimized).


protected final java.util.List getProviders(
ExecutionStrategy strategy,
ProviderPriority priority,
IOperation operation)
Retrieves a list of providers of the specified priority that provide for the specified operation.

If the service is optimized, the result will be cached the first time it is retrieved. If caching is not optimistic, the providers from the cache will be asked again if they still provide for the operation.

strategy - The strategy used by the service.
priority - The priority of providers to be retrieved.
operation - The operation that the provides must provide.
A list of providers that provide for the operation (from the cache, if appropriate).


protected final java.util.List getAllProviders()
Retrieves a list of all providers of all priorities for this service.

A list of all providers of all priorities.


protected final void addProvider(
ProviderPriority priority,
Service.ProviderDescriptor provider)
Registers the provider as a provider for this service, with the specified priority.

priority - The priority at which to add the provider.
provider - The provider to be added.


protected final void removeProvider(
Service.ProviderDescriptor provider)
Removes the provider as a provider for this service.

provider - The provider to be removed.


protected final java.util.List execute(
ExecutionStrategy strategy,
IOperation operation)
Executes the operation based on the specified execution strategy.

strategy - The execution strategy to use.
operation - The operation to be executed.
The list of results.


protected final java.lang.Object executeUnique(
ExecutionStrategy strategy,
IOperation operation)
Executes the operation based on the specified execution strategy. If the result is a single object, return it. Otherwise return null.

strategy - The execution strategy to use.
operation - The operation to be executed.
The unique result.


public final boolean provides(
IOperation operation)
Indicates whether or not this service can provide the functionality described by the specified operation.

This method does not consider the optimized state of the service. All of the providers registered with the service are consulted to determine if they provide for the operation.

Specified by:
provides in interface IProvider
operation - The operation that describes the requested functionality.
true if any of this service's providers provide the operation; false otherwise.


protected final boolean provides(
ExecutionStrategy strategy,
IOperation operation)
Indicates whether or not this service can provide the functionality described by the specified operation using the given execution strategy.

This method considers the optimized state of the service. If the service is optimized, it will consult only those providers that have been cached.

operation - The operation in question.
strategy - The strategy to be used.
true if any of this service's providers provide the operation; false otherwise.


public final void providerChanged(
ProviderChangeEvent event)
Handles an event indicating that a provider has changed.

Specified by:
providerChanged in interface IProviderChangeListener
event - The provider change event to be handled.


public final void configureProviders(java.lang.String namespace,
                                     java.lang.String extensionPointName)
Registers the service providers described by the extensions of the specified namespace and extension point name with this service.

namespace - the namespace for the given extension point (e.g. "org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core")
extensionPointName - the simple identifier of the extension point (e.g. "parserProviders")


public final void configureProviders(
IConfigurationElement[] elements)
Registers the service providers described by the specified configuration elements with this service.

elements - The configuration elements describing the providers.


public java.lang.String getPriority(
IConfigurationElement element)
Get the priority of the Provider's configuration element

element - The configuration elements describing the provider.
the priority of the specified configuration element


Service.ProviderDescriptor newProviderDescriptor(
IConfigurationElement element)
Creates a new provider descriptor for the specified configuration element.

element - The configuration element from which to create the descriptor.
A new provider descriptor.


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