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Eclipse Draw2d

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Connection
org.eclipse.draw2d Primary package containing general interfaces and implementation classes. 

Uses of Connection in org.eclipse.draw2d

Classes in org.eclipse.draw2d that implement Connection
 class PolylineConnection
          An implementation of Connection based on Polyline.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d that return Connection
protected   Connection RelativeBendpoint. getConnection ()
          Returns the Connection this Bendpoint is associated with.
protected   Connection ConnectionLocator. getConnection ()
          Returns connection associated with ConnectionLocator.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d with parameters of type Connection
 java.lang.Object ShortestPathConnectionRouter. getConstraint ( Connection connection)
          Gets the constraint for the given Connection.
 void ShortestPathConnectionRouter. invalidate ( Connection connection)
 void ShortestPathConnectionRouter. remove ( Connection connection)
 void ShortestPathConnectionRouter. route ( Connection conn)
 void ShortestPathConnectionRouter. setConstraint ( Connection connection, java.lang.Object constraint)
 boolean ShortestPathConnectionRouter. containsConnection ( Connection conn)
          Returns true if the given connection is routed by this router, false otherwise
 void RoutingListener. invalidate ( Connection connection)
          Called when the connection has been invalidated.
 void RoutingListener. postRoute ( Connection connection)
          Called after normal routing has completed.
 void RoutingListener. remove ( Connection connection)
          Called when a connection has been removed from its router.
 boolean RoutingListener. route ( Connection connection)
          Called prior to routing occurring.
 void RoutingListener. setConstraint ( Connection connection, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Called when the connection's routing constraint has been set or initialized.
 void RoutingListener.Stub. invalidate ( Connection connection)
 void RoutingListener.Stub. postRoute ( Connection connection)
 void RoutingListener.Stub. remove ( Connection connection)
 boolean RoutingListener.Stub. route ( Connection connection)
 void RoutingListener.Stub. setConstraint ( Connection connection, java.lang.Object constraint)
 void RoutingAnimator. invalidate ( Connection conn)
          Hooks invalidate for animation purposes.
 void RoutingAnimator. postRoute ( Connection connection)
          Hooks post routing for animation purposes.
 void RoutingAnimator. remove ( Connection connection)
          This callback is unused.
 boolean RoutingAnimator. route ( Connection conn)
          Hooks route to intercept routing during animation playback.
 void RoutingAnimator. setConstraint ( Connection connection, java.lang.Object constraint)
          This callback is unused.
 void RelativeBendpoint. setConnection ( Connection conn)
          Sets the Connection this bendpoint should be associated with.
 void ManhattanConnectionRouter. invalidate ( Connection connection)
protected   Ray ManhattanConnectionRouter. getEndDirection ( Connection conn)
protected  int ManhattanConnectionRouter. getRowNear ( Connection connection, int r, int n, int x)
protected   Ray ManhattanConnectionRouter. getStartDirection ( Connection conn)
protected  void ManhattanConnectionRouter. processPositions ( Ray start, Ray end, java.util.List positions, boolean horizontal, Connection conn)
 void ManhattanConnectionRouter. remove ( Connection connection)
protected  void ManhattanConnectionRouter. removeReservedLines ( Connection connection)
protected  void ManhattanConnectionRouter. reserveColumn ( Connection connection, java.lang.Integer column)
protected  void ManhattanConnectionRouter. reserveRow ( Connection connection, java.lang.Integer row)
 void ManhattanConnectionRouter. route ( Connection conn)
 java.lang.Object ConnectionRouter. getConstraint ( Connection connection)
          Returns the constraint for the Connection.
 void ConnectionRouter. invalidate ( Connection connection)
          Invalidates the given Connection.
 void ConnectionRouter. route ( Connection connection)
          Routes the Connection.
 void ConnectionRouter. remove ( Connection connection)
          Removes the Connection from this router.
 void ConnectionRouter. setConstraint ( Connection connection, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Maps the given constraint to the given Connection.
 void ConnectionRouter.NullConnectionRouter. route ( Connection conn)
          Routes the given Connection directly between the source and target anchors.
protected  void ConnectionLocator. setConnection ( Connection connection)
          Sets the Connection to be associated with this ConnectionLocator.
 java.lang.Object BendpointConnectionRouter. getConstraint ( Connection connection)
          Gets the constraint for the given Connection.
 void BendpointConnectionRouter. remove ( Connection connection)
          Removes the given connection from the map of constraints.
 void BendpointConnectionRouter. route ( Connection conn)
          Routes the Connection.
 void BendpointConnectionRouter. setConstraint ( Connection connection, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Sets the constraint for the given Connection.
 java.lang.Object AutomaticRouter. getConstraint ( Connection connection)
 void AutomaticRouter. invalidate ( Connection conn)
 void AutomaticRouter. remove ( Connection conn)
 void AutomaticRouter. route ( Connection conn)
          Routes the given connection.
 void AutomaticRouter. setConstraint ( Connection connection, java.lang.Object constraint)
          An AutomaticRouter needs no constraints for the connections it routes.
protected  void AutomaticRouter. setEndPoints ( Connection conn)
          Sets the start and end points for the given connection.
 java.lang.Object AbstractRouter. getConstraint ( Connection connection)
          Returns the constraint for the given Connection.
protected   Point AbstractRouter. getEndPoint ( Connection connection)
          A convenience method for obtaining a connection's endpoint.
protected   Point AbstractRouter. getStartPoint ( Connection conn)
          A convenience method for obtaining a connection's start point.
 void AbstractRouter. invalidate ( Connection connection)
          Causes the router to discard any cached information about the given Connection.
 void AbstractRouter. remove ( Connection connection)
          Removes the given Connection from this routers list of Connections it is responsible for.
 void AbstractRouter. setConstraint ( Connection connection, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Sets the constraint for the given Connection.

Constructors in org.eclipse.draw2d with parameters of type Connection
RelativeBendpoint ( Connection conn)
          Constructs a new RelativeBendpoint and associates it with the given Connection.
MidpointLocator ( Connection c, int i)
          Constructs a MidpointLocator with associated Connection c and index i.
ConnectionLocator ( Connection connection)
          Constructs a ConnectionLocator with the passed connection and ConnectionLocator.MIDDLE alignment.
ConnectionLocator ( Connection connection, int align)
          Constructs a ConnectionLocator with the passed Connection and alignment.
ConnectionEndpointLocator ( Connection c, boolean isEnd)
          Constructs a ConnectionEndpointLocator using the given Connection.
BendpointLocator ( Connection c, int i)
          Creates a BendpointLocator associated with passed Connection c and index i.
ArrowLocator ( Connection connection, int location)
          Constructs an ArrowLocator associated with passed connection and tip location (either ConnectionLocator.SOURCE or ConnectionLocator.TARGET).

Eclipse Draw2d

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire