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Solaris Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide
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label APIs, Label APIs
introduction to, Sensitivity Labels
Label Builder
Label Builder APIs
Label Builder APIs
label clipping, Label-Clipping APIs
code examples, Label Code Examples
list of, Label APIs
Trusted X Window System
Trusted X Window System
Trusted Extensions X Window System APIs
Trusted X Window System APIs
Trusted X Window System APIs
Label Builder APIs
for zone labels and zone paths, Labeled Zones
Label Builder
APIs, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
authorizations, Privileged Operations and Label Builder
Cancel button, Cancel Button
declarations, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
description of, Label Builder APIs
functionality, Label Builder Behavior
header files, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
label radio buttons, Radio Button Options
libraries, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
ModLabelData structure, ModLabelData Structure
online help, Online Help for Label Builder
privileged tasks, Privileged Operations and Label Builder
Reset button, Reset Button
tsol_lbuild_create() routine, tsol_lbuild_create() Routine
Update button, Label Builder Behavior
label clipping
API declaration
Working With the X11 Label-Clipping Interface
Label-Clipping APIs
translating with font list, Translating the Window Label With the Font List
label data types
label ranges, Label APIs
sensitivity labels, Label APIs
label_encodings file
API declarations, Label APIs
color names, Obtaining the Color Names of Labels
Label Builder, Label Builder Behavior
non-English, Translating the Window Label With the Font List
label ranges, Label Ranges
file systems
data structure, Label APIs
overview, Label APIs
label_to_str() routine
code example
Obtaining the Color Names of Labels
Obtaining Printer Banner Information
Translating the Window Label With the Font List
declaration, Working With the X11 Label-Clipping Interface
labeled zones, Labeled Zones
acquiring, Acquiring a Sensitivity Label
ADMIN_HIGH, Labels in the Global Zone
ADMIN_LOW, Labels in the Global Zone
API declarations, Label APIs
label clipping, Label-Clipping APIs
label_encodings file, Label APIs
labels, Label APIs
levels, Label APIs
network databases, Label APIs
ranges, Label APIs
zones, Label APIs
components of, Sensitivity Labels
definition of, Label Relationships
disjoint, Label Relationships
dominant, Label Relationships
downgrading guidelines, Privileged Operations and Labels
in global zone, Labels in the Global Zone
Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
Acquiring a Sensitivity Label
Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
privileged tasks, Privileged Operations and Labels
downgrading labels, Privileged Operations and Labels
upgrading labels, Privileged Operations and Labels
Types of Label APIs
Label APIs
Label Relationships
Determining the Relationship Between Two Labels
strictly dominant, Label Relationships
clearance, Clearance Labels
sensitivity, Sensitivity Labels
upgrading guidelines, Privileged Operations and Labels
user processes, Acquiring a Sensitivity Label
LBUILD_CHECK_AR operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_LOWER_BOUND operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_MODE_CLR value, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_MODE operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_MODE_SL value, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_SHOW operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_TITLE operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_UPPER_BOUND operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_USERFIELD operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_VALUE_CLR operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_VALUE_SL operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_VIEW_EXTERNAL value, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_VIEW_INTERNAL value, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_VIEW operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_WORK_CLR operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_WORK_SL operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_X operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
LBUILD_Y operation, Extended Label Builder Operations
libraries, Trusted X Window System APIs, Trusted Extensions X Window System APIs
libraries, compile
label APIs, Label APIs
Label Builder APIs, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
library routines
API declarations, System Calls and Library Routines in Trusted Extensions
bldominates(), Comparing Labels
blequal(), Comparing Labels
Comparing Labels
Comparing Labels
blmaximum(), Comparing Labels
blminimum(), Comparing Labels
blstrictdom(), Comparing Labels
getdevicerange(), Obtaining Label Ranges
getpathbylabel(), Accessing Labels in Zones
getplabel(), Accessing the Process Sensitivity Label
getuserrange(), Obtaining Label Ranges
getzoneidbylabel(), Accessing Labels in Zones
getzonelabelbyid(), Accessing Labels in Zones
getzonelabelbyname(), Accessing Labels in Zones
getzonerootbyid(), Accessing Labels in Zones
getzonerootbylabel(), Accessing Labels in Zones
getzonerootbyname(), Accessing Labels in Zones
is_system_labeled(), Detecting a Trusted Extensions System
Translating Between Labels and Strings
Readable Versions of Labels
Label Encodings File
Working With the X11 Label-Clipping Interface
m_label_alloc(), Allocating and Freeing Memory for Labels
m_label_dup(), Allocating and Freeing Memory for Labels
m_label_free(), Allocating and Freeing Memory for Labels
setflabel(), Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
str_to_label(), Translating Between Labels and Strings
tsol_getrhtype(), Obtaining the Remote Host Type
tsol_lbuild_create(), APIs for Label Builder GUIs
tsol_lbuild_destroy(), APIs for Label Builder GUIs
tsol_lbuild_get(), APIs for Label Builder GUIs
tsol_lbuild_set(), APIs for Label Builder GUIs
ucred_getlabel(), Accessing the Process Sensitivity Label
XQueryExtension(), Detecting a Trusted Extensions System
XTSOLgetClientAttributes(), Accessing Attributes
XTSOLgetPropAttributes(), Accessing Attributes
XTSOLgetPropLabel(), Accessing and Setting a Window Property Label
XTSOLgetPropUID(), Accessing and Setting a Window Property User ID
XTSOLgetResAttributes(), Accessing Attributes
XTSOLgetResLabel(), Accessing and Setting a Window Label
XTSOLgetResUID(), Accessing and Setting a Window User ID
XTSOLgetSSHeight(), Accessing and Setting the Screen Stripe Height
XTSOLgetWorkstationOwner(), Accessing and Setting a Workstation Owner ID
XTSOLIsWindowTrusted(), Working With the Trusted Path Window
XTSOLmakeTPWindow(), Working With the Trusted Path Window
XTSOLsetPolyInstInfo(), Setting Window Polyinstantiation Information
XTSOLsetPropLabel(), Accessing and Setting a Window Property Label
XTSOLsetPropUID(), Accessing and Setting a Window Property User ID
XTSOLsetResLabel(), Accessing and Setting a Window Label
XTSOLsetResUID(), Accessing and Setting a Window User ID
XTSOLsetSessionHI(), Setting the X Window Server Clearance and Minimum Label
XTSOLsetSessionLO(), Setting the X Window Server Clearance and Minimum Label
XTSOLsetSSHeight(), Accessing and Setting the Screen Stripe Height
XTSOLsetWorkstationOwner(), Accessing and Setting a Workstation Owner ID
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