Working with fast views
If you have converted the Project Explorer to a fast view it will
appear in the shortcut bar as shown below.
To work with a fast view proceed as follows.
In the shortcut bar click on the Project Explorer fast view button.
Observe the Project Explorer view slides out from the shortcut bar.
You can use the Project Explorer fast view as you would normally.
To hide the fast view simply click off of it or click on the Minimize button on
the fast view's toolbar
Note: If you open a file from the Project Explorer
fast view, the fast view will automatically hide itself to allow you
to work with the file.
To convert a fast view that has been maximized back to a regular sized view,
select Restore from the context menu of the icon in the top
left corner of the view. To reposition a fast view, drag the fast view's title
bar (or close the fast view and then drag its button from the shortcut bar)
and drop it on the workbench like a normal view.
Fast views
Creating fast views
Opening views
Docking views
Maximizing a view or editor
Saving a user defined perspective
Resetting perspectives