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Eclipse Workbench User Guide
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Creating a CVS repository location

Prerequisite: A CVS server must already be configured on the host machine to create a valid repository location in the Workbench.

To create a new repository location:

  1. Open the CVS Repositories view by selecting Window > Show View > Other... > CVS > CVS Repositories . Alternatively, the CVS Repositories view is also shown in the CVS Repository Exploring perspective.
  2. On the toolbar, click on Add CVS Repository (or from the context menu of the CVS Repositories View, select New > Repository Location). The Add CVS Repository wizard opens.
  3. Enter the information required to identify and connect to the repository location:
    1. In the Host field, type the address of the host. (For example:
    2. In the Repository path field, type the path to the repository on the host (for example /home/repo, d:/repo.)
    3. In the User field, type the user name under which you want to connect to the repository.
    4. In the Password field, type the password for the above user name.
    5. From the Connection Type list, select the authentication protocol of the CVS server.  There are three connection methods that come with the Eclipse CVS client:
      • pserver - a CVS specific connection method.
      • extssh - an SSH 2.0 client included with Eclipse
      • pserverssh2 - provides a pserver connection over ssh2.
      • ext - the CVS ext connection method which uses an external tool such as SSH to connect to the repository. The tool used by ext is configured in the Team > CVS > EXT Connection Method preference page.
    6. If the host uses a custom port, enable Use Port and enter the port number.
  4. Optional: Select Validate Connection on Finish if you want to authenticate the specified user to the specified host when you close this wizard. (If you do not select this option, the user name will be authenticated later, when you try to access the contents of the repository.)
  5. Optional: Select Save Password if you want to save the password between sessions, so you do not have to enter the password again the next time you start Eclipse. To persist login credentials in a safe, encrypted form Secure Storage is used.
  6. Click Finish. The repository location is created.

Note: Prior to Eclipse 3.0, the extssh connection method only supported SSH 1.0. In 3.0 or later, this connection method was upgraded to support SSH 2.0 as well.

Tip: If you want to use the extssh connection method but want to keep your local workspace (sandbox) compatible with the CVS command line client, you can use the ext connection method and configure it to use extssh from inside Eclipse on the Team > CVS > Ext Connection Method preference page.

Related concepts
Team programming with CVS
CVS Repositories

Related tasks
Discarding a CVS repository location
Refreshing the CVS repositories view
Checking out a project from a CVS repository
Discovering branch and version tags
Changing the properties of a CVS Repository Location

Related references
CVS Repositories view
Secure Storage
Secure storage preference page

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire