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Release 3.0

Interface ISystemRemoteResource

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ISystemRemoteResource

This interface defines some common functionality required from all remote resources, irrespective of whether the remote system is an OS/400, Windows, Linux or Unix operating system. In particular, it allows users to create markers on remote resources, and to create both session and persistent properties for them. A session property is one that is stored only during the current workbench session, while a persistent property is one that is kept between sessions. Clients must not implement this interface.

See Also:

Method Summary
  ISystemRemoteMarker createMarker ( String type)
          Creates and returns the marker of the specified type on this resource.
 void deleteMarkers ( String type, boolean includeSubtypes)
          Deletes all markers on this resource of the given type, and optionally deletes such markers from its children.
 boolean exists ()
          Returns whether this resource exists on the remote server.
  ISystemRemoteMarker findMarker (long id)
          Returns the marker with the specified id on this resource, or null if there is no such marker.
  ISystemRemoteMarker[] findMarkers ( String type, boolean includeSubtypes)
          Returns all markers of the specified type on this resource, and optionally, on its children.
 boolean getLocalLastModifiedTime ()
          Returns the last modified time on the client.
  ISystemRemoteMarker getMarker (long id)
          Gets the marker with the given id.
  String getPersistentProperty ( QualifiedName key)
          Returns the value of the persistent property of this resource identified by the given key, or null if this resource has no such property.
 boolean getRemoteLastModifiedTime ()
          Returns the last modified time on the server.
  Object getSessionProperty ( QualifiedName key)
          Returns the value of the session property of this resource identified by the given key, or null if this resource has no such property.
 boolean isExistsLocally ()
          Returns whether a local copy of the file exists.
 boolean isSynchronized ()
          Returns whether the local copy, if there is one, is in sync with the remote copy.
 void setPersistentProperty ( QualifiedName key, String value)
          Sets the value of the persistent property of this resource identified by the given key.
 void setSessionProperty ( QualifiedName key, Object value)
          Sets the value of the session property of this resource identified by the given key.

Method Detail


ISystemRemoteMarker createMarker(
String type)
Creates and returns the marker of the specified type on this resource.

type - the marker type
the created marker


void deleteMarkers(
String type,
                   boolean includeSubtypes)
Deletes all markers on this resource of the given type, and optionally deletes such markers from its children. Deletion of markers with subtypes is also possible.

type - the marker type, or null to indicate all types.
includeSubtypes - whether or not to consider the subtypes of the given type


ISystemRemoteMarker findMarker(long id)
Returns the marker with the specified id on this resource, or null if there is no such marker.

id - the id of the marker to find
a marker if found, or null


ISystemRemoteMarker[] findMarkers(
String type,
                                  boolean includeSubtypes)
Returns all markers of the specified type on this resource, and optionally, on its children. Markers with subtypes of the given type can also be found optionally. Returns an empty array if there are no matching markers.

type - the marker type, or null to indicate all types.
includeSubtypes - whether or not to consider the subtypes of the given type
an array of markers, or an empty array if no markers are found


ISystemRemoteMarker getMarker(long id)
Gets the marker with the given id. The marker is not guaranteed to exist.

id - the marker id.


void setSessionProperty(
QualifiedName key,
Object value)
Sets the value of the session property of this resource identified by the given key. If the supplied value is null, the session property is removed from this resource.

Sessions properties are intended to be used as a caching mechanism by ISV plug-ins. They allow key-object associations to be stored with existing resources in the workspace. These key-value associations are maintained in memory (at all times), and the information is lost when a resource is deleted from the workspace, when the parent project is closed, or when the workspace is closed.

The qualifier part of the property name must be the unique identifier of the declaring plug-in (e.g. "com.example.plugin").

key - the qualified name of the property
value - the value of the session property, or null if the property is to be removed
See Also:


Object getSessionProperty(
QualifiedName key)
Returns the value of the session property of this resource identified by the given key, or null if this resource has no such property.

key - the qualified name of the property
the string value of the session property, or null if this resource has no such property
See Also:
setSessionProperty(org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName, java.lang.Object)


void setPersistentProperty(
QualifiedName key,
String value)
Sets the value of the persistent property of this resource identified by the given key. If the supplied value is null, the persistent property is removed from this resource. The change is made immediately on disk.

Persistent properties are intended to be used by plug-ins to store resource-specific information that should be persisted across platform sessions. The value of a persistent property is a string which should be short (i.e., under 2KB). Unlike session properties, persistent properties are stored on disk and maintained across workspace shutdown and restart.

The qualifier part of the property name must be the unique identifier of the declaring plug-in (e.g. "com.example.plugin").

key - the qualified name of the property
value - the string value of the property, or null if the property is to be removed
See Also:


String getPersistentProperty(
QualifiedName key)
Returns the value of the persistent property of this resource identified by the given key, or null if this resource has no such property.

key - the qualified name of the property
the string value of the property, or null if this resource has no such property
See Also:
setPersistentProperty(org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName, java.lang.String)


boolean exists()
Returns whether this resource exists on the remote server.

true if the resource exists, false otherwise


boolean isExistsLocally()
Returns whether a local copy of the file exists.


boolean getRemoteLastModifiedTime()
Returns the last modified time on the server.

the last modified time on the server


boolean getLocalLastModifiedTime()
Returns the last modified time on the client.

the last modified time on the client.


boolean isSynchronized()
Returns whether the local copy, if there is one, is in sync with the remote copy.

true if the local copy is in sync, false otherwise, or if the local copy does not exist.

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire