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Release 3.0

Interface ISystemFilterStartHere

public interface ISystemFilterStartHere

Method Summary
  ISystemFilterPoolManager createSystemFilterPoolManager ( ISystemProfile profile, Logger logger, ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider caller, String name, boolean allowNestedFilters)
          Factory to create a filter pool manager, when you do NOT want it to worry about saving and restoring the filter data to disk.
  ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManager createSystemFilterPoolReferenceManager ( ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider caller, ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider relatedPoolMgrProvider, String name)
          Create a SystemFilterPoolReferenceManager instance, when you do NOT want it to be saved and restored to its own file.

Method Detail


ISystemFilterPoolManager createSystemFilterPoolManager(
ISystemProfile profile,
Logger logger,
ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider caller,
String name,
                                                       boolean allowNestedFilters)
Factory to create a filter pool manager, when you do NOT want it to worry about saving and restoring the filter data to disk. Rather, you will save and restore yourself.

logger - A logging object into which to log errors as they happen in the framework
caller - Objects which instantiate this class should implement the SystemFilterPoolManagerProvider interface, and pass "this" for this parameter. Given any filter framework object, it is possible to retrieve the caller's object via the getProvider method call.
name - the name of the filter pool manager. Not currently used but you may find a use for it.
allowNestedFilters - true if filters inside filter pools in this manager are to allow nested filters. This is the default, but can be overridden at the individual filter pool level.


ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManager createSystemFilterPoolReferenceManager(
ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider caller,
ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider relatedPoolMgrProvider,
String name)
Create a SystemFilterPoolReferenceManager instance, when you do NOT want it to be saved and restored to its own file. Rather, you will save and restore it yourself.

caller - Objects which instantiate this class should implement the SystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider interface, and pass "this" for this parameter. Given any filter framework object, it is possible to retrieve the caller's object via the getProvider method call.
relatedPoolMgrProvider - The creator of the managers that own the master list of filter pools that this manager will contain references to.
name - the name of the filter pool reference manager. This is not currently used, but you may find a use for it.
org.eclipse.rse.core 3.0

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire