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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Package org.eclipse.ui.wizards.datatransfer

Provides the standard Import and Export wizards for moving resources into and out of the workspace.


Interface Summary
IImportStructureProvider Interface which can provide structure and content information for an element (for example, a file system element).

Class Summary
ExternalProjectImportWizard Standard workbench wizard for importing projects defined outside of the currently defined projects into Eclipse.
FileStoreStructureProvider FileStoreStructureProvider is the structure provider for IFileStore based file structures.
FileSystemExportWizard Standard workbench wizard for exporting resources from the workspace to the local file system.
FileSystemImportWizard Standard workbench wizard for importing resources from the local file system into the workspace.
FileSystemStructureProvider This class provides information regarding the structure and content of specified file system File objects.
ImportOperation An operation which does the actual work of copying objects from the local file system into the workspace.
PopulateRootOperation The PopulateFilesOperation is an operation used to populate a FileSystemElement one level deep rather than the whole way.
SelectFilesOperation Operation responsible for traversing a specified file system position recursively and building - a tree that represents the container structure - a collection containing all files meeting a specified extension criteria This is implemented as an Operation in order to provide an escape to the user (the Cancel button) if the operation drags on for too long
WizardExternalProjectImportPage Standard main page for a wizard that creates a project resource from whose location already contains a project.
ZipFileExportWizard Standard workbench wizard for exporting resources from the workspace to a zip file.
ZipFileImportWizard Standard workbench wizard for importing resources from a zip file into the workspace.
ZipFileStructureProvider This class provides information regarding the context structure and content of specified zip file entry objects.

Package org.eclipse.ui.wizards.datatransfer Description

Provides the standard Import and Export wizards for moving resources into and out of the workspace.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire