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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IFormPart
org.eclipse.ui.forms Forms-based controls for use in views, editors, and wizards. 

Uses of IFormPart in org.eclipse.ui.forms

Subinterfaces of IFormPart in org.eclipse.ui.forms
 interface IDetailsPage
          This interface should be implemented by clients providing pages to handle object types in DetailsPart.

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.forms that implement IFormPart
 class AbstractFormPart
          AbstractFormPart implements IFormPart interface and can be used as a convenient base class for concrete form parts.
 class DetailsPart
          This managed form part handles the 'details' portion of the 'master/details' block.
 class SectionPart
          Section part implements IFormPart interface based on the Section widget.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.forms that return IFormPart
  IFormPart[] ManagedForm. getParts ()
  IFormPart[] IManagedForm. getParts ()
          Returns all the parts currently managed by this form.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.forms with parameters of type IFormPart
 void ManagedForm. addPart ( IFormPart part)
 void IManagedForm. addPart ( IFormPart part)
          Adds the new part to the form.
 void ManagedForm. fireSelectionChanged ( IFormPart part, ISelection selection)
          A part can use this method to notify other parts that implement IPartSelectionListener about selection changes.
 void IManagedForm. fireSelectionChanged ( IFormPart part, ISelection selection)
          A part can use this method to notify other parts that implement IPartSelectionListener about selection changes.
 void ManagedForm. removePart ( IFormPart part)
 void IManagedForm. removePart ( IFormPart part)
          Removes the part from the form.
 void IPartSelectionListener. selectionChanged ( IFormPart part, ISelection selection)
          Called when the provided part has changed selection state.
 void DetailsPart. selectionChanged ( IFormPart part, ISelection selection)

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire