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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class DetailsPart

  extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
IFormPart, IPartSelectionListener

public final class DetailsPart
extends Object
implements IFormPart, IPartSelectionListener

This managed form part handles the 'details' portion of the 'master/details' block. It has a page book that manages pages of details registered for the current selection.

By default, details part accepts any number of pages. If dynamic page provider is registered, this number may be excessive. To avoid running out of steam (by creating a large number of pages with widgets on each), maximum number of pages can be set to some reasonable value (e.g. 10). When this number is reached, old pages (those created first) will be removed and disposed as new ones are added. If the disposed pages are needed again after that, they will be created again.


Constructor Summary
DetailsPart ( IManagedForm mform, Composite parent, int style)
          Creates a new details part in the provided form by creating the page book.
DetailsPart ( IManagedForm mform, ScrolledPageBook pageBook)
          Creates a details part by wrapping the provided page book.
Method Summary
 void commit (boolean onSave)
          Commits the part by committing the current page.
 void dispose ()
          Disposes the part allowing it to release allocated resources.
  IDetailsPage getCurrentPage ()
          Returns the current page visible in the part.
 int getPageLimit ()
          Returns the maximum number of pages that should be maintained in this part.
 void initialize ( IManagedForm form)
          Initializes the part.
 boolean isDirty ()
          Tests if the currently visible page is dirty.
 boolean isStale ()
          Tests if the currently visible page is stale and needs refreshing.
 void refresh ()
          Refreshes the current page.
 void registerPage ( Object objectClass, IDetailsPage page)
          Registers the details page to be used for all the objects of the provided object class.
 void selectionChanged ( IFormPart part, ISelection selection)
          Called when the provided part has changed selection state.
 void setFocus ()
          Sets the focus to the currently visible page.
 boolean setFormInput ( Object input)
          Notifies the part that an object has been set as overall form's input.
 void setPageLimit (int pageLimit)
          Sets the page limit for this part.
 void setPageProvider ( IDetailsPageProvider provider)
          Sets the dynamic page provider.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DetailsPart(
IManagedForm mform,
ScrolledPageBook pageBook)
Creates a details part by wrapping the provided page book.

mform - the parent form
pageBook - the page book to wrap


public DetailsPart(
IManagedForm mform,
Composite parent,
                   int style)
Creates a new details part in the provided form by creating the page book.

mform - the parent form
parent - the composite to create the page book in
style - the style for the page book
Method Detail


public void registerPage(
Object objectClass,
IDetailsPage page)
Registers the details page to be used for all the objects of the provided object class.

objectClass - an object of type 'java.lang.Class' to be used as a key for the provided page
page - the page to show for objects of the provided object class


public void setPageProvider(
IDetailsPageProvider provider)
Sets the dynamic page provider. The dynamic provider can return different pages for objects of the same class based on their state.

provider - the provider to use


public void commit(boolean onSave)
Commits the part by committing the current page.

Specified by:
commit in interface IFormPart
onSave - true if commit is requested as a result of the 'save' action, false otherwise.


IDetailsPage getCurrentPage()
Returns the current page visible in the part.

the current page


public void dispose()
Description copied from interface: IFormPart
Disposes the part allowing it to release allocated resources.

Specified by:
dispose in interface IFormPart


public void initialize(
IManagedForm form)
Description copied from interface: IFormPart
Initializes the part.

Specified by:
initialize in interface IFormPart
form - the managed form that manages the part


public boolean isDirty()
Tests if the currently visible page is dirty.

Specified by:
isDirty in interface IFormPart
true if the page is dirty, false otherwise.


public boolean isStale()
Tests if the currently visible page is stale and needs refreshing.

Specified by:
isStale in interface IFormPart
true if the page is stale, false otherwise.


public void refresh()
Refreshes the current page.

Specified by:
refresh in interface IFormPart


public void setFocus()
Sets the focus to the currently visible page.

Specified by:
setFocus in interface IFormPart


public boolean setFormInput(
Object input)
Description copied from interface: IFormPart
Notifies the part that an object has been set as overall form's input. The part can elect to react by revealing or selecting the object, or do nothing if not applicable.

Specified by:
setFormInput in interface IFormPart
true if the part has selected and revealed the input object, false otherwise.


public void selectionChanged(
IFormPart part,
ISelection selection)
Description copied from interface: IPartSelectionListener
Called when the provided part has changed selection state.

Specified by:
selectionChanged in interface IPartSelectionListener
part - the selection source
selection - the new selection


public int getPageLimit()
Returns the maximum number of pages that should be maintained in this part. When an attempt is made to add more pages, old pages are removed and disposed based on the order of creation (the oldest pages are removed). The exception is made for the page that should otherwise be disposed but is currently active.

maximum number of pages for this part


public void setPageLimit(int pageLimit)
Sets the page limit for this part.

pageLimit - the maximum number of pages that should be maintained in this part.
See Also:

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire