Interface IEditorSite
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface IEditorSite
- extends
The primary interface between an editor part and the workbench.
The workbench exposes its implemention of editor part sites via this
interface, which is not intended to be implemented or extended by clients.
- This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
IEditorActionBarContributor getActionBarContributor()
- Returns the action bar contributor for this editor.
An action contributor is responsable for the creation of actions.
By design, this contributor is used for one or more editors of the same type.
Thus, the contributor returned by this method is not owned completely
by the editor - it is shared.
- the editor action bar contributor, or
null if none exists
IActionBars getActionBars()
- Returns the action bars for this part site. Editors of the same type (and
in the same window) share the same action bars. Contributions to the
action bars are done by the
IEditorActionBarContributor .
- the action bars
- 2.1
void registerContextMenu(
MenuManager menuManager,
ISelectionProvider selectionProvider,
boolean includeEditorInput)
Registers a pop-up menu with the default id for extension. The default id
is defined as the part id.
By default, context menus include object contributions based on the
editor input for the current editor. It is possible to override this
behaviour by calling this method with includeEditorInput
as false . This might be desirable for editors that
present a localized view of an editor input (e.g., a node in a model
For a detailed description of context menu registration see
IWorkbenchPartSite.registerContextMenu(MenuManager, ISelectionProvider)
menuManager - the menu manager; must not be null . -
selectionProvider - the selection provider; must not be null . -
includeEditorInput - Whether the editor input should be included when adding object
contributions to this context menu. -
- 3.1
See Also:
IWorkbenchPartSite.registerContextMenu(MenuManager, ISelectionProvider)
void registerContextMenu(
String menuId,
MenuManager menuManager,
ISelectionProvider selectionProvider,
boolean includeEditorInput)
Registers a pop-up menu with a particular id for extension. This method
should only be called if the target part has more than one context menu
to register.
By default, context menus include object contributions based on the
editor input for the current editor. It is possible to override this
behaviour by calling this method with includeEditorInput
as false . This might be desirable for editors that
present a localized view of an editor input (e.g., a node in a model
For a detailed description of context menu registration see
IWorkbenchPartSite.registerContextMenu(MenuManager, ISelectionProvider)
menuId - the menu id; must not be null . -
menuManager - the menu manager; must not be null . -
selectionProvider - the selection provider; must not be null . -
includeEditorInput - Whether the editor input should be included when adding object
contributions to this context menu. -
- 3.1
See Also:
IWorkbenchPartSite.registerContextMenu(MenuManager, ISelectionProvider)
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