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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IFileEditorInput
org.eclipse.ui.editors.text Provides a standard text editor and concrete document providers based IFileBuffer and others directly handling IFile and IStorage as editor input. 
org.eclipse.ui.part Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 

Uses of IFileEditorInput in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text

Fields in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text declared as IFileEditorInput
protected   IFileEditorInput FileDocumentProvider.FileSynchronizer. fFileEditorInput
          The file editor input.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text with parameters of type IFileEditorInput
protected  void FileDocumentProvider.SafeChange. execute ( IFileEditorInput input)
          Execute the change.
protected  void FileDocumentProvider. handleElementContentChanged ( IFileEditorInput fileEditorInput)
          Updates the element info to a change of the file content and sends out appropriate notifications.
protected  void FileDocumentProvider. handleElementDeleted ( IFileEditorInput fileEditorInput)
          Sends out the notification that the file serving as document input has been deleted.
protected  void FileDocumentProvider. handleElementMoved ( IFileEditorInput fileEditorInput, IPath path)
          Sends out the notification that the file serving as document input has been moved.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text with parameters of type IFileEditorInput
FileDocumentProvider.FileSynchronizer ( IFileEditorInput fileEditorInput)
          Creates a new file synchronizer.
FileDocumentProvider.SafeChange ( IFileEditorInput input)
          Creates a new safe runnable for the given input.

Uses of IFileEditorInput in org.eclipse.ui.part

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.part that implement IFileEditorInput
 class FileEditorInput
          Adapter for making a file resource a suitable input for an editor.
 class FileInPlaceEditorInput
          Adapter for making a file resource a suitable input for an in-place editor.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire