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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5
Interface ISynchronizePageSite

public interface ISynchronizePageSite

A site which provides access to the context in which this page is being displayed. Instances of this interface serve a similar purpose to IWorkbenchSite instances but is provided as a separate objects to allow clients to access the different site types (view, editor, dialog) using a common interface. This interface also provides access to the part for the site because this is required by some UI components. Clients should not need to access the part.

Clients can determine the type of workbench site by doing instanceof checks on the object returned by getWorkbenchSite. Similar instanceof checks can be done with the part.

Clients are not intended to implement this interface


Method Summary
  IActionBars getActionBars ()
          Returns the action bars for this synchronize page site.
  IKeyBindingService getKeyBindingService ()
          Get the keybinding service for the site or null if one is not available.
  IDialogSettings getPageSettings ()
          Return a settings node that can be used by the page to save state.
  IWorkbenchPart getPart ()
          Return the workbench part for the page or null if a workbench part is not available (e.g. if the page is being shown in a dialog).
  ISelectionProvider getSelectionProvider ()
          Get the selection provider that gives access to the selection of the synchronize page associated with this page site.
  Shell getShell ()
          Returns the shell for this site.
  IWorkbenchSite getWorkbenchSite ()
          Return the workbench site for the page or null if a workbench site is not available (e.g. if the page is being shown in a dialog).
 boolean isModal ()
          Returns whether the site is associated with a page being shown in a modal dialog
 void setFocus ()
          Give the page focus.
 void setSelectionProvider ( ISelectionProvider provider)
          Sets the selection provider for this workbench site.

Method Detail


IWorkbenchSite getWorkbenchSite()
Return the workbench site for the page or null if a workbench site is not available (e.g. if the page is being shown in a dialog).

the workbench site for the page or null


IWorkbenchPart getPart()
Return the workbench part for the page or null if a workbench part is not available (e.g. if the page is being shown in a dialog).

the workbench part for the page or null


Shell getShell()
Returns the shell for this site.

the shell for this site


ISelectionProvider getSelectionProvider()
Get the selection provider that gives access to the selection of the synchronize page associated with this page site.

the selection provider for the page


void setSelectionProvider(
ISelectionProvider provider)
Sets the selection provider for this workbench site.

provider - the selection provider, or null to clear it


IKeyBindingService getKeyBindingService()
Get the keybinding service for the site or null if one is not available.

the keybinding service for the site or null if one is not available


void setFocus()
Give the page focus.


IDialogSettings getPageSettings()
Return a settings node that can be used by the page to save state. A null value is returned if the site does not allow for persisted settings.

a settings node or null


IActionBars getActionBars()
Returns the action bars for this synchronize page site.

the action bars


boolean isModal()
Returns whether the site is associated with a page being shown in a modal dialog

whether the site is associated with a page being shown in a modal dialog

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire