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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use DragSourceEvent
org.eclipse.jface.util Provides useful building blocks used throughout JFace, including property change events, a listener list implementation, and runtime checked assertions. 
org.eclipse.swt.dnd SWT Drag and Drop support. 
org.eclipse.ui.navigator Provides the Common Navigator framework. 
org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources Provides reusable components for clients that need to expand on the capabilities provided by the reference Common Navigator Resources extension. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator Provides the standard Resource Navigator view which presents the tree of resources in the workspace. 

Uses of DragSourceEvent in org.eclipse.jface.util

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.util with parameters of type DragSourceEvent
 void DelegatingDragAdapter. dragFinished ( DragSourceEvent event)
          The drop has successfully completed.
 void DelegatingDragAdapter. dragSetData ( DragSourceEvent event)
          The drop data is requested.
 void DelegatingDragAdapter. dragStart ( DragSourceEvent event)
          A drag operation has started.

Uses of DragSourceEvent in org.eclipse.swt.dnd

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.dnd with parameters of type DragSourceEvent
 void DragSourceAdapter. dragFinished ( DragSourceEvent event)
          This implementation of dragFinished does nothing.
 void DragSourceListener. dragFinished ( DragSourceEvent event)
          The drop has successfully completed(mouse up over a valid target) or has been terminated (such as hitting the ESC key).
 void TreeDragSourceEffect. dragFinished ( DragSourceEvent event)
          This implementation of dragFinished disposes the image that was created in TreeDragSourceEffect.dragStart.
 void TableDragSourceEffect. dragFinished ( DragSourceEvent event)
          This implementation of dragFinished disposes the image that was created in TableDragSourceEffect.dragStart.
 void DragSourceAdapter. dragSetData ( DragSourceEvent event)
          This implementation of dragSetData does nothing.
 void DragSourceListener. dragSetData ( DragSourceEvent event)
          The data is required from the drag source.
 void DragSourceAdapter. dragStart ( DragSourceEvent event)
          This implementation of dragStart permits the drag operation to start.
 void DragSourceListener. dragStart ( DragSourceEvent event)
          The user has begun the actions required to drag the widget.
 void TreeDragSourceEffect. dragStart ( DragSourceEvent event)
          This implementation of dragStart will create a default image that will be used during the drag.
 void TableDragSourceEffect. dragStart ( DragSourceEvent event)
          This implementation of dragStart will create a default image that will be used during the drag.

Uses of DragSourceEvent in org.eclipse.ui.navigator

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.navigator with parameters of type DragSourceEvent
 void CommonDragAdapter. dragFinished ( DragSourceEvent event)
 void CommonDragAdapterAssistant. dragFinished ( DragSourceEvent anEvent, IStructuredSelection aSelection)
          Allows the drag assistant to do any necessary cleanup after the drop operation is done.
 void CommonDragAdapter. dragSetData ( DragSourceEvent event)
 void CommonDragAdapter. dragStart ( DragSourceEvent event)
 void CommonDragAdapterAssistant. dragStart ( DragSourceEvent anEvent, IStructuredSelection aSelection)
          Allows the drag assistant indicate it wants to participate in the drag operation.
abstract  boolean CommonDragAdapterAssistant. setDragData ( DragSourceEvent anEvent, IStructuredSelection aSelection)
          Set the value of the field using the given selection.

Uses of DragSourceEvent in org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources with parameters of type DragSourceEvent
 boolean ResourceDragAdapterAssistant. setDragData ( DragSourceEvent anEvent, IStructuredSelection aSelection)

Uses of DragSourceEvent in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator with parameters of type DragSourceEvent
 void NavigatorDragAdapter. dragFinished ( DragSourceEvent event)
          Deprecated. This implementation of DragSourceListener.dragFinished(DragSourceEvent) responds to a drag that has moved resources outside the Navigator by deleting the corresponding source resource.
 void NavigatorDragAdapter. dragSetData ( DragSourceEvent event)
          Deprecated. This implementation of DragSourceListener.dragSetData(DragSourceEvent) sets the drag event data based on the current selection in the Navigator.
 void NavigatorDragAdapter. dragStart ( DragSourceEvent event)
          Deprecated. This implementation of DragSourceListener.dragStart(DragSourceEvent) allows the drag to start if the current Navigator selection contains resources that can be dragged.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire