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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class ApplyRefactoringScriptAction

  extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
IActionDelegate, IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate

public final class ApplyRefactoringScriptAction
extends Object
implements IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate

Action to apply a refactoring script to the workspace.

This class may be instantiated; it is not intended to be subclassed.


Constructor Summary
ApplyRefactoringScriptAction ()
Method Summary
 void dispose ()
          Disposes this action delegate.
 void init ( IWorkbenchWindow window)
          Initializes this action delegate with the workbench window it will work in.
 void run ( IAction action)
          Performs this action.
 void selectionChanged ( IAction action, ISelection selection)
          Notifies this action delegate that the selection in the workbench has changed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ApplyRefactoringScriptAction()
Method Detail


public void dispose()
Disposes this action delegate. The implementor should unhook any references to itself so that garbage collection can occur.

Specified by:
dispose in interface IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate


public void init(
IWorkbenchWindow window)
Initializes this action delegate with the workbench window it will work in.

Specified by:
init in interface IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate
window - the window that provides the context for this delegate


public void run(
IAction action)
Performs this action.

This method is called by the proxy action when the action has been triggered. Implement this method to do the actual work.

Note: If the action delegate also implements IActionDelegate2, then this method is not invoked but instead the runWithEvent(IAction, Event) method is called.

Specified by:
run in interface IActionDelegate
action - the action proxy that handles the presentation portion of the action


public void selectionChanged(
IAction action,
ISelection selection)
Notifies this action delegate that the selection in the workbench has changed.

Implementers can use this opportunity to change the availability of the action or to modify other presentation properties.

When the selection changes, the action enablement state is updated based on the criteria specified in the plugin.xml file. Then the delegate is notified of the selection change regardless of whether the enablement criteria in the plugin.xml file is met.

Specified by:
selectionChanged in interface IActionDelegate
action - the action proxy that handles presentation portion of the action
selection - the current selection, or null if there is no selection.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire