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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IContentAssistant

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ContentAssistant, SubjectControlContentAssistant

public interface IContentAssistant

An IContentAssistant provides support on interactive content completion. The content assistant is a ITextViewer add-on. Its purpose is to propose, display, and insert completions of the content of the text viewer's document at the viewer's cursor position. In addition to handle completions, a content assistant can also be requested to provide context information. Context information is shown in a tool tip like popup. As it is not always possible to determine the exact context at a given document offset, a content assistant displays the possible contexts and requests the user to choose the one whose information should be displayed.

A content assistant has a list of IContentAssistProcessor objects each of which is registered for a particular document content type. The content assistant uses the processors to react on the request of completing documents or presenting context information.

In order to provide backward compatibility for clients of IContentAssistant, extension interfaces are used to provide a means of evolution. The following extension interfaces exist:

  • IContentAssistantExtension since version 3.0 introducing the following functions:
    • handle documents with multiple partitions
    • insertion of common completion prefixes
  • IContentAssistantExtension2 since version 3.2 introducing the following functions:
    • repeated invocation (cycling) mode
    • completion listeners
    • a local status line for the completion popup
    • control over the behavior when no proposals are available
  • IContentAssistantExtension3 since version 3.2 introducing the following function:
    • a key-sequence to listen for in repeated invocation mode
  • IContentAssistantExtension4 since version 3.4 introducing the following function:
    • allows to get a handler for the given command identifier

The interface can be implemented by clients. By default, clients use ContentAssistant as the standard implementer of this interface.

See Also:
ITextViewer, IContentAssistProcessor

Field Summary
          Context info will be shown above the location it has been requested for without hiding the location.
          Context info will be shown below the location it has been requested for without hiding the location.
          The context info list will overlay the list of completion proposals.
          The completion proposal list will be removed before the context info list will be shown.
          The context info list will be presented without hiding or overlapping the completion proposal list.
Method Summary
  IContentAssistProcessor getContentAssistProcessor ( String contentType)
          Returns the content assist processor to be used for the given content type.
 void install ( ITextViewer textViewer)
          Installs content assist support on the given text viewer.
  String showContextInformation ()
          Shows context information for the content at the viewer's cursor position.
  String showPossibleCompletions ()
          Shows all possible completions of the content at the viewer's cursor position.
 void uninstall ()
          Uninstalls content assist support from the text viewer it has previously be installed on.

Field Detail


static final int PROPOSAL_OVERLAY
The context info list will overlay the list of completion proposals.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int PROPOSAL_REMOVE
The completion proposal list will be removed before the context info list will be shown.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int PROPOSAL_STACKED
The context info list will be presented without hiding or overlapping the completion proposal list.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CONTEXT_INFO_ABOVE
Context info will be shown above the location it has been requested for without hiding the location.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CONTEXT_INFO_BELOW
Context info will be shown below the location it has been requested for without hiding the location.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void install(
ITextViewer textViewer)
Installs content assist support on the given text viewer.

textViewer - the text viewer on which content assist will work


void uninstall()
Uninstalls content assist support from the text viewer it has previously be installed on.


String showPossibleCompletions()
Shows all possible completions of the content at the viewer's cursor position.

an optional error message if no proposals can be computed


String showContextInformation()
Shows context information for the content at the viewer's cursor position.

an optional error message if no context information can be computed


IContentAssistProcessor getContentAssistProcessor(
String contentType)
Returns the content assist processor to be used for the given content type.

contentType - the type of the content for which this content assistant is to be requested
an instance content assist processor or null if none exists for the specified content type

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire