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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IDialogBlockedHandler

public interface IDialogBlockedHandler

The IDialogBlockedHandler is the handler used by JFace to provide extra information when a blocking has occured. There is one static instance of this class used by WizardDialog and ModalContext.

See Also:
IProgressMonitorWithBlocking.clearBlocked(), IProgressMonitorWithBlocking.setBlocked(IStatus), WizardDialog

Method Summary
 void clearBlocked ()
          The blockage has been cleared.
 void showBlocked ( IProgressMonitor blocking, IStatus blockingStatus, String blockedName)
          A blockage has occured.
 void showBlocked ( Shell parentShell, IProgressMonitor blocking, IStatus blockingStatus, String blockedName)
          A blockage has occured.

Method Detail


void clearBlocked()
The blockage has been cleared. Clear the extra information and resume.


void showBlocked(
Shell parentShell,
IProgressMonitor blocking,
IStatus blockingStatus,
String blockedName)
A blockage has occured. Show the blockage and forward any actions to blockingMonitor. NOTE: This will open any blocked notification immediately even if there is a modal shell open.

parentShell - The shell this is being sent from. If the parent shell is null the behavior will be the same as IDialogBlockedHandler#showBlocked(IProgressMonitor, IStatus, String)
blocking - The monitor to forward to. This is most important for calls to cancel().
blockingStatus - The status that describes the blockage
blockedName - The name of the locked operation.
See Also:
showBlocked(IProgressMonitor, IStatus, String)


void showBlocked(
IProgressMonitor blocking,
IStatus blockingStatus,
String blockedName)
A blockage has occured. Show the blockage when there is no longer any modal shells in the UI and forward any actions to blockingMonitor. NOTE: As no shell has been specified this method will not open any blocked notification until all other modal shells have been closed.

blocking - The monitor to forward to. This is most important for calls to cancel().
blockingStatus - The status that describes the blockage
blockedName - The name of the locked operation.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

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