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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5


Provides the ability to add participants to help search and is responsible for creating search indices.


Interface Summary
ISearchEngine A search engine that is a participant in the help search.
ISearchEngine2 An extension of the search engine interface that provides for opening of the results.
ISearchEngineResult A search result created by the help search engine.
ISearchEngineResult2 An extension of the search result interface that allows engines to define engine result icon for each search result.
ISearchEngineResultCollector A collector for the search hits (asynchronously) returned by the help search participants.
ISearchIndex Represents a Lucene index for one locale.
ISearchScope The generic search scope object.
XMLSearchParticipant.IParsedXMLContent Class that implements this interface is used to store data obtained during the parsing phase.

Class Summary
HelpIndexBuilder Builds a help search index for a plug-in by looking for the extensions in the provided manifest file.
LuceneSearchParticipant Participant in the help search.
XMLSearchParticipant An abstract search participants for adding XML documents to the Lucene search index.

Package Description

Provides the ability to add participants to help search and is responsible for creating search indices.

Package Specification

This package contains the API for adding content to the help search functionality and is responsible for indexing all contents of the help system. To add content, a plug-in must extend the LuceneSearchParticipant abstract class and point to it using the extension point.

The package also provides an abstract class that extends LuceneSearchParticipant called XMLSearchParticipant which adds functionality for parsing XML documents.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire